All the mods in this modpack belong to their rightful creators. No edits to the .jars or .zips are allowed. Please do not redistribute this pack anywhere else.
If a mod creator does not wish to have their mod included in this, please contact [email protected] and your mod will be removed.
Minecraft Forge:
"The user of Minecraft Forge is allowed to redistribute Minecraft Forge in
partially, in totallity, or included in a distribution. When distributing
binaries or class files, the user must provide means to obtain the sources of
the distributed version of Minecraft Forge at no costs. This includes the
files as well as any dependency that the code may rely on, including patches to
minecraft original sources.
Modification of Minecraft Forge as well as dependencies, including patches to
minecraft original sources, has to remain under the terms of the present
The right to distribute Minecraft Forge does not extend to the right to distribute
MCP data files included within Minecraft Forge. These are the property of the MCP
project and should be removed from any customized distribution of Minecraft Forge
or permission sought separately from the MCP team."
Armor Status HUD - bspkrs Core - Direction HUD - Status Effect HUD (made by bspkrs):
"These mods are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike non-commercial License. They are allowed to be used in mod packs as long as I receive credit and the URL of this forum thread is provided. No links. Do not post these mods on other sites."
AutoSwitch - The Bombzen API (made by thebombzen):
"My mods are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.
This means you may do all these things for free without even asking me:
Share the mods for free
Use my mods in a mod pack. You can use them for published packs, or private packs. You don't even need to ask me."
Back Tools - Hats - iChunUtil - MobDismemberment (made by iChun)
"You are allowed to include the mods in any mod pack, as long as you provide the necessary credit. My name and a link to this blog:"
Better Horse Hud (made by falling_dutchman):
"Better Horse Hud is an open source Minecraft mod released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. What this means is that the source of this mod is publicly available and you have certain rights with respective to the code. Feel free to read up more on Open Source Software and what the GPL give you in terms of your rights to software released under that license, but the short version for you folks here is:
you have the right to have access the source code of the mod,
you have the right to be able to edit/use parts (or all) of the source code provided that you provide proper credit to the original authour(s),
you have the right to distribute the source code and/or compiled versions of the source code
you have the right to use this mod in Lets Plays/YouTube videos however you see fit (monetization, for fun, etc) as long as you provide credit to the original authour(s)(a link back to this thread for example)"
BetterSprinting (made by chylex):
"You are allowed to:
Use the mod, create videos and screenshots
Share the mod by reffering to this topic or the official website (
Decompile and modify the mod for personal use
Add the mod into a modpack after you send me a private message with modpack name & mod list (private modpacks below 20 players don't need to)
You are forbidden to:
Reupload the mod or a modification of it
Claim the mod or any part of it as yours
Profit on the mod in any way"
Better Title Screen (made by Girafi):
"Feel free to use Better Title Screen in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack:"
Chat Bubbles - Better Clouds - Voxel Map (made by MamiyaOtaru):
"This mod may be included in modpacks, if:
I am credited (please include a link to this page:
you do not make money from the modpack. No charging for it or putting it behind an ad link (like"
CJB API - More Info (made by CJB)
CodeChickenCore - NotEnoughItems (made by chicken_bones):
"You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine:"
ControlPack (made by infinitiesloop)
Custom Collection - Wawla (made by Darkhax):
"If you would like to distribute this mod in a mod pack you may do so as long as the pack meets the three following requirements. If the following criteria are met you can publish your pack without advanced permission from myself.
-The pack is not distributed behind an ad site such as adfly or adfoc and is not being sold or used to generate profit.
-The pack site or page includes a public list to all of the mods within the pack as well as credit to the mod authors and links to their respective page(s).
-The pack has permission to use every mod contained within the pack."
Custom Main Menu (made by Lumien):
"Please notify me when you use this mod in a modpack, you don't have to wait for an answer just send me the name of your pack."
Damage Indicators (made by rich1051414):
"Distribution unmodified versions of this mod in modpacks is allowed, as long as full credit goes to rich1051414, and is expressed in the credits with a link back to this forum post:"
Dynamic Lights - Update Checker (made by AtomicStryker):
"There must be credit and a link to the mod's thread on minecraft forums or this website:
The modpack may not be used to directly generate revenue of any kind (eg adfly). I do however consider monetized "Let's Play" type youtube videos which feature my mods within fair use."
Extension Fixer - InGameModConfigs (made by Lunatrius):
"You can freely include any of the mods in your mod pack if the modpack is free (public or private). Mentioning me as the author is appreciated but not required."
HoloInventory (made by dries007):
"All modpacks can distribute this mod on one condition: You use the official versions."
Inventory Tweaks (made by Kobata):
"Inventory Tweaks, being under the MIT License, is frequently used in modpacks. Feel free to redistribute it! My only request is to provide a link to either this thread ( or the mod's website."
ItemPhysic (made by CreativeMD):
"You are free to use this mod in a modpack after you have send me a pm"
Journey Map (made by techbrew):
"Let me know with a PM, tweet, email, postcard, donation, gift basket, sticky note, help desk ticket, singing telegram, or whatever you prefer. I like hearing from you, and it helps me to know how JourneyMap is being enjoyed."
LaunchGUI (made by TehNut):
"Do What The Fudge You Want To Public License"
Link Info - Protocol4 (made by Killjoy1221)
LiteLoader (made by Mumfrey):
"You are free to redistribute unmodified LiteLoader binaries in any mod pack or compilation, including on third-party distribution platforms such as Feed The Beast provided that the distribution remains free, eg. no links or similar."
More Player Models (made by Noppes):
"Licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC. If you want to use it for a modpack, include a link to this thread:"
Mouse Tweaks (made by YaLTeR97):
"Feel free to include my mod in modpacks and, if you want, inform me (for example by PM) about that (it's always nice to know the thing I made is useful to people)."
Mumble Link (made by SnipingCoward)
NotEnoughKeys (made by Mr_okushama):
"Yes, yes, a thousand times YES, you can use this in your public/private modpack, just don't forget to let me know you've done it with a comment/tweet and don't fall behind on version updates :)"
"Yeah of course you have permission. Permissions are silly. Do what you like - however, if you've got a HUGE mod pack, we'd really appreciate a heads-up first so we can keep an eye on the servers."
OptiFine (made by sp614x)
PlayerAPI (made by Divisor)
Resource Loader (made by Lumien):
"You can use this mod in any modpack without asking first"
SaturationDisplay (made by Eum3)
SoundFilters (made by Tmtravlr):
"You can use this mod in any mod pack. Just make sure you list me as the author."
Squeedometer - WailaHarvestability (made by squeek502):
"You are welcome to add this mod to any modpack you'd like."
Version Checker (made by Dynious):
"This mod is licensed under the LGPL. This means it's completely open for (almost) any use. You can add it to any modpack you like and I'l try not to create drama, so it stays this way."
Waila (made by ProfMobius):
"Waila (and all my mods) is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. It has been for a while. This license means that you can do whatever you want with it (more or less).
Just do the usual link back to this thread or my blog and everything is cool:"
Yampst (made by bilde2910):
"YAMPST tracker mods are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. This basically means you can do what you want with it - you can bundle it with your mod pack, you can distribute it anywhere, and we won't complain. You can choose whatever license you want for your mod pack, as long as it is fine with the developers of the other mods in the pack."
Zoom Mod (made by ga2mer):
"You may use mod in modpacks without my permission."
If a mod creator does not wish to have their mod included in this, please contact [email protected] and your mod will be removed.
Minecraft Forge:
"The user of Minecraft Forge is allowed to redistribute Minecraft Forge in
partially, in totallity, or included in a distribution. When distributing
binaries or class files, the user must provide means to obtain the sources of
the distributed version of Minecraft Forge at no costs. This includes the
files as well as any dependency that the code may rely on, including patches to
minecraft original sources.
Modification of Minecraft Forge as well as dependencies, including patches to
minecraft original sources, has to remain under the terms of the present
The right to distribute Minecraft Forge does not extend to the right to distribute
MCP data files included within Minecraft Forge. These are the property of the MCP
project and should be removed from any customized distribution of Minecraft Forge
or permission sought separately from the MCP team."
Armor Status HUD - bspkrs Core - Direction HUD - Status Effect HUD (made by bspkrs):
"These mods are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike non-commercial License. They are allowed to be used in mod packs as long as I receive credit and the URL of this forum thread is provided. No links. Do not post these mods on other sites."
AutoSwitch - The Bombzen API (made by thebombzen):
"My mods are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.
This means you may do all these things for free without even asking me:
Share the mods for free
Use my mods in a mod pack. You can use them for published packs, or private packs. You don't even need to ask me."
Back Tools - Hats - iChunUtil - MobDismemberment (made by iChun)
"You are allowed to include the mods in any mod pack, as long as you provide the necessary credit. My name and a link to this blog:"
Better Horse Hud (made by falling_dutchman):
"Better Horse Hud is an open source Minecraft mod released under version 3 of the GNU General Public License. What this means is that the source of this mod is publicly available and you have certain rights with respective to the code. Feel free to read up more on Open Source Software and what the GPL give you in terms of your rights to software released under that license, but the short version for you folks here is:
you have the right to have access the source code of the mod,
you have the right to be able to edit/use parts (or all) of the source code provided that you provide proper credit to the original authour(s),
you have the right to distribute the source code and/or compiled versions of the source code
you have the right to use this mod in Lets Plays/YouTube videos however you see fit (monetization, for fun, etc) as long as you provide credit to the original authour(s)(a link back to this thread for example)"
BetterSprinting (made by chylex):
"You are allowed to:
Use the mod, create videos and screenshots
Share the mod by reffering to this topic or the official website (
Decompile and modify the mod for personal use
Add the mod into a modpack after you send me a private message with modpack name & mod list (private modpacks below 20 players don't need to)
You are forbidden to:
Reupload the mod or a modification of it
Claim the mod or any part of it as yours
Profit on the mod in any way"
Better Title Screen (made by Girafi):
"Feel free to use Better Title Screen in any kind of modpack, as long as you link back to this page and don’t make any money of the modpack:"
Chat Bubbles - Better Clouds - Voxel Map (made by MamiyaOtaru):
"This mod may be included in modpacks, if:
I am credited (please include a link to this page:
you do not make money from the modpack. No charging for it or putting it behind an ad link (like"
CJB API - More Info (made by CJB)
CodeChickenCore - NotEnoughItems (made by chicken_bones):
"You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine:"
ControlPack (made by infinitiesloop)
Custom Collection - Wawla (made by Darkhax):
"If you would like to distribute this mod in a mod pack you may do so as long as the pack meets the three following requirements. If the following criteria are met you can publish your pack without advanced permission from myself.
-The pack is not distributed behind an ad site such as adfly or adfoc and is not being sold or used to generate profit.
-The pack site or page includes a public list to all of the mods within the pack as well as credit to the mod authors and links to their respective page(s).
-The pack has permission to use every mod contained within the pack."
Custom Main Menu (made by Lumien):
"Please notify me when you use this mod in a modpack, you don't have to wait for an answer just send me the name of your pack."
Damage Indicators (made by rich1051414):
"Distribution unmodified versions of this mod in modpacks is allowed, as long as full credit goes to rich1051414, and is expressed in the credits with a link back to this forum post:"
Dynamic Lights - Update Checker (made by AtomicStryker):
"There must be credit and a link to the mod's thread on minecraft forums or this website:
The modpack may not be used to directly generate revenue of any kind (eg adfly). I do however consider monetized "Let's Play" type youtube videos which feature my mods within fair use."
Extension Fixer - InGameModConfigs (made by Lunatrius):
"You can freely include any of the mods in your mod pack if the modpack is free (public or private). Mentioning me as the author is appreciated but not required."
HoloInventory (made by dries007):
"All modpacks can distribute this mod on one condition: You use the official versions."
Inventory Tweaks (made by Kobata):
"Inventory Tweaks, being under the MIT License, is frequently used in modpacks. Feel free to redistribute it! My only request is to provide a link to either this thread ( or the mod's website."
ItemPhysic (made by CreativeMD):
"You are free to use this mod in a modpack after you have send me a pm"
Journey Map (made by techbrew):
"Let me know with a PM, tweet, email, postcard, donation, gift basket, sticky note, help desk ticket, singing telegram, or whatever you prefer. I like hearing from you, and it helps me to know how JourneyMap is being enjoyed."
LaunchGUI (made by TehNut):
"Do What The Fudge You Want To Public License"
Link Info - Protocol4 (made by Killjoy1221)
LiteLoader (made by Mumfrey):
"You are free to redistribute unmodified LiteLoader binaries in any mod pack or compilation, including on third-party distribution platforms such as Feed The Beast provided that the distribution remains free, eg. no links or similar."
More Player Models (made by Noppes):
"Licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC. If you want to use it for a modpack, include a link to this thread:"
Mouse Tweaks (made by YaLTeR97):
"Feel free to include my mod in modpacks and, if you want, inform me (for example by PM) about that (it's always nice to know the thing I made is useful to people)."
Mumble Link (made by SnipingCoward)
NotEnoughKeys (made by Mr_okushama):
"Yes, yes, a thousand times YES, you can use this in your public/private modpack, just don't forget to let me know you've done it with a comment/tweet and don't fall behind on version updates :)"
"Yeah of course you have permission. Permissions are silly. Do what you like - however, if you've got a HUGE mod pack, we'd really appreciate a heads-up first so we can keep an eye on the servers."
OptiFine (made by sp614x)
PlayerAPI (made by Divisor)
Resource Loader (made by Lumien):
"You can use this mod in any modpack without asking first"
SaturationDisplay (made by Eum3)
SoundFilters (made by Tmtravlr):
"You can use this mod in any mod pack. Just make sure you list me as the author."
Squeedometer - WailaHarvestability (made by squeek502):
"You are welcome to add this mod to any modpack you'd like."
Version Checker (made by Dynious):
"This mod is licensed under the LGPL. This means it's completely open for (almost) any use. You can add it to any modpack you like and I'l try not to create drama, so it stays this way."
Waila (made by ProfMobius):
"Waila (and all my mods) is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. It has been for a while. This license means that you can do whatever you want with it (more or less).
Just do the usual link back to this thread or my blog and everything is cool:"
Yampst (made by bilde2910):
"YAMPST tracker mods are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3. This basically means you can do what you want with it - you can bundle it with your mod pack, you can distribute it anywhere, and we won't complain. You can choose whatever license you want for your mod pack, as long as it is fine with the developers of the other mods in the pack."
Zoom Mod (made by ga2mer):
"You may use mod in modpacks without my permission."