Install Civil Engineering

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Civil Engineering) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Civil Engineering from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Civil Engineering Version v2.1.0

created by CanVox on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Version v2.1.0 - Recommended

BuildCraft by SpaceToad, Krapht, SirSengir, Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
This mod adds slopes and a custom variety of vanilla-inspired blocks to the game! They may look like ordinary frames or wooden blocks in their base form, but they can actually be covered with nearly any block in the game. The frame will inherit the cover block's texture and most of it's other properties including flammability, explosion resistance, and more.
CodeChickenCore by chicken_bones
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion, at its core, is a 'tech' mod - it's a mod of what ifs. For example, what if you could turn water into ice or snow with a machine? Or how about a machine that could combine lava and water however you choose? What if there were a wool that didn't burn? Or, what if you could set up advanced yet extremely compact production chains that didn't require redstone engines or complex pipe routing? If any of that interests you, then you may want to check this out.
EnderIO by CrazyPants
EnderIO provides a unique alternative to Buildcraft, Thermal Expansion, and IC2 for item processing and energy routing. The premier feature of EnderIO is its bundled cables. These allow you to run energy, fluid, and items through the same line instead of having to place separate lines for each one.
ExtraUtils by RWTema
A few months ago I started tinkering with Minecraft modding as a way to better learn java. I had no serious intentions of ever making a proper mod so I basically threw in every silly and stupid idea that came to me. Most didn't work or were impractical for a real server but there were a few that I felt had potential and even some that I heard other users wishing they had. So I've decided to take the best ideas, polish it up and release it to the community and see if anyone else likes it.
Floodlights by Keridos
Did you ever want to light up a large area without placing a bazillion torches? Then this mod is what you are looking for.
Forge Multipart CBE by Chicken Bones, MrTJP, covers1624
An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
Jar modification Mods
Rest of Mods not yet seperated out
liteloader by Mumfrey
LiteLoader is a lightweight mod bootstrap designed to provide very basic loader functionality for mods which don't need to modify game mechanics. It is designed to run alongside Minecraft Forge and Forge Mod Loader (FML) and LiteLoader mods will virtually never conflict with Forge mods.
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by Tonius
NEI Integration is two things-- a playground to try out new types of Not Enough Items recipe handlers, and a place to put NEI handlers if I somehow can't get them into the mods they were made for. The mod aims to stimulate other mod developers to add NEI handlers to their own mods, and to help them make their own handlers easier by providing examples.
Not Enough Items by chicken_bones
NEI is a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It arose around the same time as Craft Guide when Alexandria and a few others on the IRC suggested that I merge both Too Many Items and Recipe Book to remove their greatest flaws, ironically too many items, or in the case of recipe book, too many recipies. Too Many Items was great, but the one thing it lacked was an easy way to search and sort your items. When you had a mod like Red Power coming along with 10000 items both TMI and Recipe Book were racking up the pages. Even if you don't want to use NEI for cheating in items, you will likely feel right at home with the Recipe component of the mod.
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Have you ever wished minecarts and rails had received a bit more attention during development? Well that ends now! Gone are all those broken bits and in their place are a ton of new tools to build your massive rail system. If you ever cared about rails, you wont ever look back!
UE Mekanism by Aidancbrady
Mekanism brings 5 new sets of tools and armor, a new types of tools and weapons, more explosives, magic items, weather and time control, powerful machines, a new kind of bow and arrow, lightning rods, and a few other features into Minecraft. Even better, it's open source.
UE Mekanism Generators by Aidancbrady
Component of Mekanism
UE Mekanism Tools by Aidancbrady
Component of Mekanism
VoxelMap by MamiyaOtaru
VoxelMap is a minimap and worldmap mod that makes a great effort to be accurate to the colors you see in the world (and your resource pack). Display your surroundings, or view the entire (explored) world. It has useful functionality like per-dimension waypoints, mob icons, teleport to waypoint (if the player has permission), and nether mapping. Optional chunk grid and biome overlay (with biome labels in full screen mode)
Waila by ProfMobius, TehNut
I have the pleasure to introduce to you Waila (What Am I Looking At). Waila is an extension for NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is from. Since the tooltip contains the mod name, you can also easly parse items per mods.
But that's not all ! Leveraging an extended NEI HUD, it is also capable of showing the name of blocks and mods ingame, right on top of your screen.
And if this is not enough, it comes with a few integrated modules to show internal information of some specific blocks. For now, BC tanks have been implemented (shows the content, capacity and amount of fluid) and IC2 machines (shows the In/out voltage).
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
A client-side add-on for Waila or Hwyla that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at.
Worcester Configs

Latest Update

Civil Engineering was updated to version v2.1.0