Install Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2 Version

created by Mattrock607 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2 updated to version 1.7

Major update time! Yay!

- ADDED Animals Plus, which will fill the world with lots of new animals. Don't worry, we're disabling crickets
- ADDED Bagginses, giving us bags to carry around with us for sub-inventories
- ADDED OpenFM mod, allowing you to listen to internet radio in-game. Station must be MP3-based with a PLS extension (use the .pls url inside the radio to make it work)
- ADDED StorageDrawers mod, which adds more storage options into the game
- ADDED Wolf Armor mod, allowing your dogs to wear various types of armor and also carry stuff
- Added new skins for NPCs so we can complete the Temple of Boom dungeon
- Added over 20 new songs to Custom NPCs, for use in dungeons and questing areas. Special thanks to our good friend Liam Bradbury for writing and producing these excellent tunes!
- Added all new mod items to progression system
- Fixed furnace/ Lil Derpy bug in progression system
- Several small tweaks to vehicle performance and fuel consumption
- Fixed some performance issues with world anchors
- Fixed minor ID conflict between two mods that caused items to not work properly
- Tuned up performance across the board
- Added Herobrine back into the game
- Creepers should now drop money like other mobs do
- Fixed drops for all other mobs

- Miners should now be ignored while sleeping
- Crickets disabled worldwide; they won't ruin crops anymore
- Fixed a bunch of typos in DMV quests

PHEW! What a big mess of work! Bon appetit and happy mining gang
Mattrock607 posted a changelog update for Waywardcraft v1.7.10.2 7 years ago


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Latest Update

Update fixes crafting recipes for various Flan's Mod stuff, most notably vehicle and airplane parts. See the changelog for details (as always)!