Install Warfare In Asylum 4

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Warfare In Asylum 4) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Warfare In Asylum 4 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Warfare In Asylum 4 Version 1.11

created by L_Ingwor on Minecraft 1.18.2

Mod List Thanks to all the amazing mod creators out there, you work is whats keeping Minecraft alive!

  1. 3d Skin Layers
  2. AE 2 Things
  3. AI Improvements
  4. Akashic Tome
  5. Alex's Delight
  6. Alex's Mobs
  7. Alex's Mobs EXTRA Music
  8. Alternate Current
  9. Anchor
  10. Annotated DI (Forge)
  11. AntiGhost
  12. Apotheosis
  13. AppleSkin
  14. Applied Botanics Addon
  15. Applied Energistics 2
  16. Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals
  17. Applied Mekanistics
  18. Aquaculture 2
  19. Aquamirae (Forge)
  20. Architect's Palette
  21. Architectury API (Fabric/Forge)
  22. Armor Toughness Bar
  23. Ars Creo
  24. Ars Instrumentum
  25. Ars Nouveau
  26. Ars Scalaes
  27. Art of Forging: A Tetra Addon
  28. Artifacts
  29. AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs
  30. AttributeFix
  31. AutoRegLib
  32. Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
  33. Balm
  34. Bee Fix
  35. Better Advancements
  36. Better Third Person
  37. Biomes O' Plenty
  38. Blood Magic
  39. Blood Smeltery
  40. Blue Flame Burning
  41. Blueprint
  42. Boatload
  43. Bookshelf
  44. Boss Music Mod
  45. Botania
  46. Botanical Machinery
  47. BrassAmber BattleTowers
  48. Brewin' And Chewin'
  49. Building Gadgets
  50. Buzzier Bees
  51. Caelus API (Forge)
  52. Catalogue
  53. Chat Heads
  54. Chipped
  55. ChoiceTheorem's Overhauled Village
  56. Citadel
  57. Client Crafting
  58. Client Tweaks
  59. Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge)
  60. Clumps
  61. CoFH Core
  62. Collective
  63. Colossal Chests
  64. Colytra (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)
  65. Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)
  66. Common Capabilities
  67. Compat O' Plenty
  68. ConnectedTexturesMod
  69. Connectivity Forge/Fabric
  70. ContentTweaker
  71. Controlling
  72. Cooking for Blockheads
  73. Corail Tombstone
  74. CoroUtil
  75. Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  76. CraftPresence
  77. CraftTweaker
  78. CraftTweaker Sixik Utils FTB Quest
  79. Crafting Tweaks
  80. Create
  81. Create Central Kitchen
  82. Create Confectionery
  83. Create Crafts & Additions
  84. Create Deco
  85. Create Stuff & Additions
  86. CreateTweaker
  87. Cristel Lib
  88. Crying Portals
  89. Curios API (Forge)
  90. Cyclic
  91. Cyclops Core
  92. Dark Mode Everywhere
  93. Dark Paintings
  94. Decoration Delight: Refurbished
  95. Decorative Blocks
  96. Default Options
  97. Delightful
  98. Ding (Forge)
  99. Dungeon Crawl
  100. Dusk Forge/Fabric
  101. Easy Magic Forge & Fabric
  102. Easy Shulker Boxes Forge & Fabric
  103. Ecologics
  104. Enchantment Descriptions
  105. Ensorcellation
  106. Equipment Compare Forge
  107. Every Compat (Wood Good)
  108. ExpandAbility
  109. Extra Utilities Reborn
  110. Ferrite Core
  111. FTB Backups 2
  112. FTB Library (Forge)
  113. FTB Quests (Forge)
  114. FTB Teams
  115. Farmer's Delight
  116. Farmer's Respite
  117. Farsight Forge
  118. Fast Leaf Decay
  119. FastFurnace
  120. FastSuite
  121. FastWorkbench
  122. Feature NBT Deadlock Be Gone
  123. Fireplace Lib (Forge)
  124. Fix Experience Bug (now with FABRIC and FORGE versions)
  125. FlickerFix
  126. Flopper
  127. Flux Networks
  128. Followers Teleport Too
  129. Followers Teleport Too
  130. ForgeEndertech
  131. Forgiving Void
  132. GeckoLib
  133. Grabby Mobs
  134. Guard Villagers
  135. HT's TreeChop
  136. HammerLib
  137. Hexerei
  138. Honey Expansion (Add-on for Farmer's Delight)
  139. Hunter's Return
  140. Ice And Fire Tweaker
  141. Ice and Fire
  142. Iceberg Forge
  143. Immersive Engineering
  144. Immersive Petroleum
  145. Immersive Posts
  146. Incendium
  147. Initial Inventory
  148. InsaneLib
  149. Integrated API
  150. Integrated Crafting
  151. Integrated Dungeons and Structures
  152. Integrated Dynamics
  153. Integrated Stronghold
  154. Integrated Terminals
  155. Integrated Tunnels
  156. Inventory Sorter
  157. Iron Chests
  158. It Shall Not Tick (ISNT)
  159. It's the little things
  160. Item Filters
  161. JEI Integration
  162. JEI Tweaker
  163. Just Enough Effect Descriptions (JEED)
  164. Just Enough Immersive Multiblocks
  165. Just Enough Items (JEI)
  166. Just Enough Resources (JER)
  167. Just Zoom Forge
  168. KleeSlabs
  169. Konkrete Forge
  170. Krypton Reforged
  171. Large Ore Deposits
  172. Lazy DFU
  173. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Forge)
  174. LibX
  175. Lightspeed - Launch optimizations
  176. Local Looks
  177. Macaw's Bridges
  178. Macaw's Bridges - Abnormals
  179. Macaw's Doors
  180. Macaw's Fences and Walls
  181. Macaw's Windows
  182. Magnesium/Rubidium Dynamic Lights
  183. Mana and Artifice
  184. Mantle
  185. Measurements
  186. MekFix
  187. Mekanism
  188. Mekanism Additions
  189. Mekanism Tools
  190. Mimic Mod
  191. MiniMePets
  192. Mod Name Tooltip
  193. Modern Fix
  194. Modonomicon
  195. Moonlight Lib
  196. More Dragon Eggs
  197. More Mekanism Processing
  198. More Overlays Updated
  199. More Villagers
  200. Mouse Tweaks
  201. Mutil
  202. MythicBotany
  203. Nature's Compass
  204. Nether Skeletons
  205. Nether's Delight
  206. NetherPortalFix
  207. No Villager Death Messages
  208. NoMoWanderer
  209. Not Enough Animations
  210. Not Enough Crashes (Forge)
  211. Nullscape
  212. Obscure API (Forge)
  213. Obscuria's Essentials
  214. Obscuria's Tooltips
  215. Open Loader
  216. OpenBlocks Elevator
  217. Overloaded Armor Bar
  218. PackMenu
  219. Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops
  220. Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core
  221. Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended
  222. Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees
  223. Patchouli
  224. Pehkui
  225. Piglin Proliferation
  226. Placebo
  227. Pollen Polymorph
  228. Progressive Bosses
  229. Puzzles Lib Forge & Fabric
  230. Quark
  231. Quark Oddities
  232. ReAuth
  233. Reliquary Reincarnations
  234. Revamped Phantoms
  235. Rotten Creatures
  236. Rubidium
  237. Rubidium Extra
  238. Savage & Ravage
  239. Shutup Experimental Settings!
  240. Simple Storage Network
  241. Smarter Farmers (farmers replant)
  242. Snad
  243. Solar Flux Reborn
  244. Sophisticated Backpacks
  245. Sophisticated Core
  246. Structory
  247. Structure Gel API
  248. SuperMartijn642's Config Lib
  249. SuperMartijn642's Core Lib
  250. Supplementaries
  251. SwingThroughGrass
  252. TerraBlender (Forge)
  253. Terralith
  254. Tetra
  255. Tetranomicon
  256. Textbook
  257. The Conjurer
  258. The One Probe
  259. The Spider Creeper
  260. The Twilight Forest
  261. The Weirding Gadget
  262. The Wild Backport
  263. Thermal Cultivation
  264. Thermal Dynamics
  265. Thermal Expansion
  266. Thermal Foundation
  267. Thermal Innovation
  268. Thermal Integration
  269. Thermal Locomotion
  270. Tinkers Construct
  271. Tinkers' Integrations and Tweaks
  272. Tips
  273. Toast Control
  274. Too Many Glyphs
  275. Torchmaster
  276. Trash Cans
  277. Trumpet Skeleton - Re-Calcified
  278. Twigs
  279. Universal Bone Meal Forge & Fabric
  280. Unvoted & Shelved
  281. Uppers
  282. Waystones
  283. Wither Skeleton Tweaks
  284. Xaero's Minimap
  285. Xaero's World Map
  286. YUNG's API (Forge)
  287. YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge)
  288. YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Forge)
  289. YUNG's Bridges (Forge)
  290. YUNG's Extras (Forge)
  291. Zombie Awareness

Latest Update

Warfare In Asylum 4 was updated to version 1.11