Install VCraft - Server Compatible

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (VCraft - Server Compatible) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select VCraft - Server Compatible from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

VCraft - Server Compatible Version 2.2

created by RyuAkai_Vizora on Minecraft 1.20.1


Version 2.2


We’re happy to unveil the latest changes from the VCraft Modpack, and Server!
There are new Features, fixes, and improvements, and even while we haven’t been able to resolve as much as we would have liked to, we hope you like this Update!

====== Updated Mods ======
- Chat Heads
- Cherished Worlds
- Compact Help Commands
- Dynamic Lights
- ImmediatelyFast
- Simple Voice Chat

====== Known Server Bugs ======
- Lobby PvP is not working
- Voice Chat is not working
- Custom Icons are not properly displayed in several Menus
- Chat Customization Features & Player Glows are not fully functioning yet
- Lands Survival Crates are currently being adjusted, do not use them
- Lands Survival Bosses not spawning

====== Server Changelog ======
- Server-Performance Improvements
- General system updates and clean-up
- Fixed an Error preventing bedrock players from connecting to the server
- Fixed packet listener related issues
- Fixed some Icons, we'll be working on the remaining one's in the coming weeks
- Updated a couple of our systems responsible for loading skins on the Server
- Adjusted several placeholders on the Server
- Adjusted several displayed entities
- Added internal compatibility with our new databases
- Added compatibility with newer Minecraft Versions (Java + Bedrock)

====== Upcoming Server Changes ======
- Our current custom bosses plugin will be removed and replaced (This means, we'll be designing everything from scratch!)
- Lands Survival Crates will receive new Items and Effects
- Lands Survival Crates will receive a Milestone System, providing you with additional rewards!
- We'll try to fix the voice-chat with the upcoming update!

====== Client Changelog ======
- Fixed voice chat settings screen
- Adjusted command suggestions
- Updated Mod Libraries

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Version 2.1


This Week there are mainly Server-Side Changes, but we also bring some exciting changes, and improvements for the Modpack!
The most exciting change for our Server is probably the revamp of our Lands Survival Mode with new Features, Adjustments, Bug Fixes, and much more.
Unfortunately, this also got us a few new bugs, but we'll be getting on those during the Week!
(PS: Please do not use the Crates in Lands Survival, they might not be working properly at the moment!)

====== Known Server Bugs ======
- Lobby PvP is not working
- Voice Chat is not working
- Custom Icons are not properly displayed in several Menus
- Chat Customization Features & Player Glows are not fully functioning yet (But the Chat in general works again and has been reworked as well!)
- Lands Survival Crates are currently being adjusted, do not use them!
- Lands Survival Bosses are currently not spawning

====== Client Changelog ======
- Mandala GUI Resource Pack has been added
- MobVote Resource Pack has been added
- Vizora Interactive Resource Pack has been updated

====== Server Changelog ======
- Added Channels to the Chat (You can now Chat with people from other Servers!)
- Added a new Welcome Message
- The amount of V-Coins you receive on killing mobs has been adjusted
- The Guild and Town Category has been moved forward in the Land Categories
- Taxes for your Land can now only be attempted each 18 hours
- The Upkeep costs per chunk has been decreased to 120 V-Coins
- The Upkeep costs will now be charged starting from the 3rd day after claiming instead of 2
- You will be reminded at least 12 hours before having to pay the Upkeep costs instead of 1
- Lands Member will now be reminded each 2 hours if they shouldn't have enough V-Coins for taxes
- The costs of teleporting to an unowned public land has been reduced from 300 to 150 V-Coins
- The costs of teleporting to an rented land has been reduced from 150 to 30 V-Coins
- The costs of renaming your land has been reduced from 2000 to 1500 V-Coins
- The base costs of claiming a chunk has been reduced from 3000 to 1500 V-Coins
- You can now claim your first 6 Chunks for yourself for free instead of 1! (This means you can finally build your mansion without having to worry of anything but the upkeep costs)
- If you should decide to unclaim your chunk, you'll now be refunded 30% of the costs!
- The costs of creating a camp has been reduced from 1500 to 500 V-Coins
- The Cooldown for renaming your land has been increased from 15 to 45 minutes
- If a Land-Owners is considered inactive, the land will now be transfered to another lands member with the highest role (If no member left, the land will be deleted)
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 10 Minutes of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 2 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 30 Minutes of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 3 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 1 hour of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 7 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 6 hours of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 14 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 12 hours of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 30 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 1 day of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 60 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 3 days of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 90 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 7 days of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 180 days of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 14 days of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 1 year of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 30 days of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 2 years of inactivity
- If a Land-Owner is having at least 60 days of Playtime, their Land will be transfered after 4 years of inactivity
- If a Land-Member is having at least 5 Minutes of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 1 day
- If a Land-Member is having at least 15 Minutes of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 2 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 30 Minutes of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 3 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 1 hour of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 5 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 3 hours of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 7 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 6 hours of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 14 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 1 day of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 30 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 3 days of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 60 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 7 days of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 180 days
- If a Land-Member is having at least 14 days of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 1 year
- If a Land-Member is having at least 30 days of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 2 years
- If a Land-Member is having at least 60 days of Playtime, they'll become untrusted after 4 years
- If a player attacks another player, they'll be attackable by other players regardless of lands settings for an amount of 5 seconds
- Lands of Level 3 (Village) or higher will now be able to select Buffs for their whole region
- The Cooldown to rename your Kingdom has been increased from 15 Minutes to 1 day
- The Tenant role has been added for Lands
- The minimum for war declaration required members has been reduced from 4 to 3 members
- Improved Performance for Server Images
- Improved Performance on Chunk Generation
- Fixed Chat Formatting (There will be more adjustments over time)
- Fixed NPCs not showing up in Lands Survival
- Fixed an item exploit

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Version 2.0


We're excited to jump right to version 2.0 by going to Minecraft Version 1.20.1!
This Update brings a couple of changes including new animations, enhanced performance, and various fixes on our Server and Client!

You can check out a Summary of the Changes, and known Bugs in our Article on the Vizora Interactive Website:

Added Mods:
- AppleSkin
- Better F3
- Chat Heads
- Crosshair Bobbing
- Entity Culling
- FPS Reducer
- ImmediatelyFast
- Sound Physics Remastered
- Tiny Item Animations
- Zoom

Updated Mods:
- 3D Skin Layers
- Better Animation Collection
- Cherish Worlds
- Cloth Config API
- Compact Help Command
- Crafting Tweaks
- Default Settings
- Equipment Compare
- FancyMenu
- Inventory HUD
- Item Highlighter
- Legendary Tooltip
- Mouse Tweaks
- Not Enough Crashes
- Shulker Box Tooltip
- VoiceChat
- (Mod Libraries)

Removed Mods:
- Durability Tooltip (Will be added back once it supports our version!)
- Optifine (Will be added back once it supports our version completely!)
- Dynamic Surroundings (Discontinued Project)
- Stackrefill

Server Changelog:
- Added a client version check for improved compatibility.
- Enhanced server security with additional barriers, including firewall and VPN checks.
- Introduced a delay when switching customizational settings to prevent server stress.
- Added Villager randomization features during village generation.
- Implemented automatic server restart within 30 minutes in case of a crash. (Will be active with the next Update)
- Internal server API changes for faster connection times.
- Network level will no longer display on the exp bar when entering Survival.
- Tablist formatting is resolved when entering a new server.
- Clicking on clickable holograms now works properly.
- Fixed missing permission checks for several menu options.
- NPCs no longer have issues with glowing after re-joining the server.
- Glows are now visible from a greater distance.
- Particle effects vanish when the player changes the server.
- Improved code and frameworks for King of the Hill.
- Addressed various performance issues.
- Improved Quest Tracking.
- Fixed knockback issues with certain Lobby Items.
- Fixed a bug that might provide offline players with crate keys.
- Synchronized issues have been resolved.
- Fixed some color codes not displaying on NPCs.
- Resolved some entity sounds playing randomly.

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Version 1.1


Updated Mods:
- Collective
- Compact Help Command
- Equipment Compare
- Iceberg
- Legendary Tooltips

======In this Patch======
- Fixed the Vnet Entertainment URL
- Fixed ServerGamePacketListenerImplMixin not being applied correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "show comparison tooltips" keybind to be missing from the controls menu.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause the comparison tooltip to "stick" after closing out of the inventory.
- Fixed a bug that caused resource-pack defined item models with custom scaling to render improperly with custom item renderer.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom item renderer 3D models to have incorrect rotations.
- Added new option to display 3D item previews inside of tooltips.
- Added new option to "compact" tooltips, which removes the "When held in main hand" and similar text, resulting in smaller tooltips for equipped items.
- Fixed a bug that caused tooltip shine animation to play at a faster speed when playing at high FPS.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused title separators to appear at the wrong location.

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Version 1.0


Updated Mods:
- Not a Mod, but we've upgraded to Forge 43.2.2
- Better Animations Collection
- ShulkerBoxTooltip
- Puzzles Lib
- Not Enough Crashes
- Legendary Tooltips
- Konkrete
- Iceberg
- Collective
- Catalogue
- Blue's Dynamic Lights

- Simple Voice Chat
- Cherished Worlds

- Plasmo Voice
- CraftPresence

======In this Patch======
- Added access to the hoveredSlot in the CommonScreens helper class
- Added new option to display 3D item previews inside of tooltips
- Added new option to "compact" tooltips, which removes the "When held in main hand" and similar text, resulting in smaller tooltips for equipped items
- Added Exp4j library
- Mod authors can now provide a header background for their mods
- Moved all Service Provider Interfaces to their decentralized classes to prevent issues with early class loading when all SPIs are loaded simultaneously (this is not effective yet as the main CoreServices and ClientCoreServices currently remain for backwards compatibility)
- Added and fixed Chinese translations
- Now identifies mods that applied mixins to a crash stack trace, which means that more mods will be identified as a potential cause for a crash
- Fixed java.util.ConcurrentModificationException during launch or resource reload
- Fixed preview color customization affecting banner items and blocks
- Fixed a bug that caused tooltip shine animation to play at a faster speed when playing at high FPS
- Fixed a bug with custom item renderer causing items rendered with alpha to be upside down and with incorrect lighting
- Fixed Collective not using the minimum world height correctly
- Fixed issue with Optifine and particles

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Version S1.0


Snapshot/Test Version of the Modpack - Checking if everything is working as intended.

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Latest Update

VCraft - Server Compatible was updated to version 2.2