Install Ultra Modded-Survival

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Ultra Modded-Survival) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Ultra Modded-Survival from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Ultra Modded-Survival Version 1.2.1

created by endermedia on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Version 1.2.1 - Recommended
AE2 Stuff by bdew
This mods adds various bits and machines to Applied Energistics 2.
Animation API by thehippomaster21
Have you searched for hours and hours, looking for a way to properly animate your entities? Well look no further! The AnimationAPI is a mini-library that allows modders to (more) easily animate their entities.
Another One Bites the Dust by ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
A Mod About energy, and matter and getting stuff done! Probably.
Archimedes' Ships Plus by darkevilmac
The goal of this mod is quite simply to continue development on Archimede's Ships and add some new features.
Aroma Backup by Aroma1997
-Scheduled Backups
-Backups by executing a command
-Backups on world load/unload
-Delete old backups
Aroma Core by Aroma1997
A library that Aroma1997's mods use.
Ars Magica 2 by Mithion
A look into what Minecraft could become when you add a splash of magic...Ars Magica is a mod about casting powerful spells, fighting bosses, and having fun with magic! It features a unique spell creation system where you can create any spell you can imagine!
Baubles by Azanor
Baubles is a small addon mod and api that is intended to be used by other mods to add additional inventory slots to a character.
BdLib by BDew
A core dependency for BDew's mods.
Better Loading Screen by AlexIIL
BetterFps by Guichaguri
BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that changes how Minecraft calculates sine & cosine, giving a performance boost.
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
An awesome cosmetic mod that adds better ways to store books and more.
BiblioWoods BoP by Nuchaz
Adds in BiblioCraft wood types for Biomes O' Plenty.
BiblioWoods Forestry by Nuchaz
Adds in BiblioCraft woods for Forestry.
BiblioWoods Natura by Nuchaz
Adds in BiblioCraft wood types for Natura.
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Modular multi block reactors that are semi realistic and have integration with other tech mods? Yes please.
Billund (Port) by Way2muchnoise/dan200
A port of dan200's original lego mod now for 1.7.10
Biomes O' Plenty by Forstride, TheAdubbz, Glitchfiend
A collection of beautiful and exotic biomes!
bspkrsCore by bspkrs, ZenCoder
A dependency mod for all of bspkrs' other mods, including TreeCapitator.
BuildCraft by CovertJaguar, SpaceToad
If you haven't heard of BuildCraft then you haven't been playing Minecraft very long.
BuildCraft Compat by asiekierka
Compatibility add-on for BuildCraft.
Chicken Chunks by ChickenBones
This mod adds a block called a chunkloader, when placed it will keep chunks around it loaded even if no players are nearby or even online. So now your plants can grow and your automatic quarries can run, even when you're not around.
Chocolate Quest by Chocolatin
Adds awesome dungeons to the game along with new mobs, weapons, and armor!
CodeChickenCore by ChickenBones
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
The dependency for all Team CoFH mods, with custom ore generation, flat bedrock, and much more!
Compact Solars by cpw
This mod expands upon the implementation of solar panels in IC2, with the addition of 3 new solar "arrays" (panels): Low Voltage Solar Array, Medium Voltage Solar Array, and High Voltage Solar Array. It gives an alternative to the Advanced Solar Panels mod, but compact solars does not give buffers to the panels.
ComputerCraft by dan200
Adds programmable computers to Minecraft.
Coro Util by Corosus
Util mod for all of Corosus's mods.
Custom Main Menu [OLD DONT USE] by Lumien
This mod allows you to modify the main menu using a json file, you can modify the content / position of pretty much everything the vanilla menu contains. In addition you can also add new stuff to your menu like a slideshow, web links or completely new sub menus.
Damage Indicators by rich1051414
An RPG UI and damage amount mod for Minecraft, see mobs' and players' health!
Death Counter by iChun
This mod adds a way for the server to calculate the number of deaths a player has (since its installation).
Default KeyConfig by Bkay09
This mod allows modpack creators to ship a customized default key configuration without the need of including an options.txt file in their modpack. The benefit is that user-made changes to their options will not be overriden by modpack updates anymore. It also supports the addition or change of default mappings without resetting keys the user has already run the game with.
Default World Generator by fireball1725
The Default World Generator mod is a mod designed for Minecraft ModPack makers who want to have a specific world generator selected by default. The user is still able to change it if they desire, but it will change it from "default" to what ever you specify in the config file.
DivineRPG by DivineRPG Team
A massive RPG mod for Minecraft that adds 8 new dimensions, 115+ new mobs and bosses, unique tools, blocks, and armor, and more....
Dr. Cyano's Lootable Bodies by Dr. Cyano
This mod protects your items from despawning when you die by storing them on a dead body that you can later loot to get your stuff back. Your dead body is unharmed by fire, explosions, and falling, with configurations options to make your lootable bodies completely invulnerable (or more vulnerable, if you so choose). Simply right-click on a dead body to access its inventory. Use a shovel to dispose of your body after you looted it (3 hits with a shovel will remove the body).
Dragon Mounts by BarracudaATA
This is a mod that allows you to hatch previously useless dragon eggs. Once fostered and tamed, they'll be your faithful companion in all situations and, of course, can be used for a ride!
Ender IO by CrazyPants
A mod developed by CrazyPants which adds compact liquid conduits, energy conduits and redstone conduits, power generation, machinery, remote area access (enderIO), transceivers and more.
Ender Storage by ChickenBones
EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causing them to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All EnderStorage makes use of the magic of colors to link storage with its little piece of The END. Any EnderStorage with the same color code share inventory (even across dimensions). Currently there are two types of storage, EnderChest and EnderPouch.
EnderCore by tterag1098
Core mod required by Ender IO, Ender Zoo, and more.
Enhanced Portals by KzariusRex
Enhanced Portals brings a richer experience than the vanilla obsidian frames. Transport players, mobs, animals, items, fluids, even energy to anywhere, whether it be 10,000m away, in the Nether, the Twilight Forest, or any other dimension. Link them together on a network or use them to dial other portals. Use them on your server as thresholds to other worlds or biomes. You can even design complex creations to help with other projects, like a spawner room or minecart system. The portals you design don't even need to be in the shape of a rectangle, make them any shape you want to, as long as it's a closed, flat area.
Equivalent Exchange 3 by Pahimar
This mod allows you to transmute tons of materials into other materials. It adds a lot of what is classified by many as "endgame content", to make you feel more godlike in your sandbox world. If this offends your Minecrafting sensibilities, this may not be the mod for you.
Extra Cells by Leonelf
Extra Cells is an addon mod for the popular Applied Energistics mod, created by Leonelf. Applied Energistics adds a complex storage network system to the game, allowing players to store items, automate crafting processes and much more. The Extra Cells mods seeks to supplement Applied Energistics in areas where it is still lacking a few useful features, such as fluid storage, considerably larger storage drives and backup batteries as a form of uninterruptable power supply.
Extra TiC by Glassmaker
ExtraTiC is Mod add-on to bridge Tinkers' Construct and other mods including Natura, Mekanism, Biomes O' Plenty, and more.
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Just a bunch of fairly useful things.
Factorization by neptunepink
This mod adds minimalist parts for expanding vanilla redstone automation, along with many other things.
FastCraft by Player
This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player, enabled by default. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled. Fastcraft is optional and can be deleted if it has issues.
Flan's Mod by jamioflan
Love Guns, Grenades, Planes and Other Tools of War? This is the mod for you.
Flat Signs by Myrathi
In short: you can use a normal sign (item) and place it on the underside of blocks or, if you sneak-click on the floor, it'll be flat like a doormat (as opposed to normal clicking and it being a sign-on-a-stick). Signs face in such a way so that you can read it from the direction you placed it.
Forestry by SirSengir, Covert_Jaguar, MysteriousAges, mezz
Forestry deals with farming, renewable energy production as well as the breeding of trees, bees and butterflies in Minecraft.
Forge by LexManos, cpw
Minecraft mod loader.
Forge Multipart by LexManos
An API for micro blocks used in mods such as Project Red, can also be used standalone for decorative improvements.
Galacticraft by Micdoodle8
Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship. It features the abilities to:
Create and customize your very own spaceship!
Explore new planets and moons!
Space Races - Create Teams, Flags, with Stats!
Electrical and Oxygen System!
SMP Support - Explore with your friends!
New mobs!
Lots of new items and blocks!
Gravity Gun by iChun
This mod adds the Gravity Gun from Half Life 2 to Minecraft.
Hat Stand by iChun
This is an addon to the Hats Mod. This mod adds a single block item, a Hat Stand.
Hats by iChun
This mod adds an Aesthetic feature onto players, namely Hats!
HelpFixer by MatthewPrenger
Fixes the /help command for modded Minecraft in single player and on servers.
iChunUtil by iChun
A majority of iChun's mods require this mod as a base. This includes Gravity Gun, Portal Gun, Trail Mix, Torched, Attachable Grinders, Mob Amputation, Mob Dismemberment, etc
IndustrialCraft² by sfPlayer1, Aroma1997, Chocohead, estebess
One of the most famous mods ever made for Minecraft.
InfiniBows by Myrathi
This coremod removes the need for a single arrow in the inventory when using an "Infinity I" enchanted bow. Now it really is magically infinite!
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod allows you to easily manage your inventory, in both single player and multiplayer. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time!
Iron Chests by cpw, ProgWML6, Alexbegt
A mod that adds better storage solutions to Minecraft, used to be part of IC2.
IvToolkit by Ivorius
Framework mostly used in Ivorius's mods.
Jerry's Tree by KnightmareFury & Hoob
A small Recurrent Complex addon I (Amaxter) did so Jerry's Tree would spawn in new worlds at the start. The structure was built by KnightmareFury.
JurassiCraft by JurassiCraft Team
An amazing dinosaur mod for Minecraft, genetically clone your own prehistoric beasts!
LiteLoader by Mumfrey
Lightweight modloader for Minecraft.
LLibrary by iLexiconn
The modding library that claims to be lightweight.
Magic Bees by MysteriousAges, keletu66666
Magic Bees is an addon for Forestry that adds several new bee species with a magical theme. Breeding them will help you brew potions, or give you extra ways to make resources for other magic-themed mods such as Thaumcraft.
Mantle by mDiyo, ProgWML6, bonusboni
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights. Descriptive book code and common inventories are found here.
McJtyLib by McJty
This is a companion mod required by all mods from McJty.
MineFactory Reloaded by PowerCrystals/skyboy026
MineMenu by dmillerw
Hey you! Yes, you with the face. Do you play with a lot of mods? I’m talkin’ a buttload of mods?

Well, then you’ve probably encountered a fair amount of key binding conflicts and have been overwhelmed with the hassles of finding which key best suits the mod functions.
Mob Amputation by iChun
Inspired by the Mob Dismemberment mod.
Mob Dismemberment by iChun
Don’t you think that mobs like zombies and skeletons, being what they are, should be easily dismembered and gibbed?

Think no more! With this mod some mobs gib whenever they die!

Works on:

Zombie Pigmen (with blood!)
Zombies (with blood!)
Modular Powersuits by MachineMuse
Modular Powersuits is a Minecraft mod based around the idea of an inventor who tinkers with high-tech electronics and makes a suit of powered armor chock-full of useful gadgets and features. Inspired by heroes like Iron Man, Megaman, and Samus Aran, as well as by the high-tech armor in mods like EE2 and IC2.
Morph by iChun
“Acquire” most living mobs by killing them (a morph). This includes other players, silverfish, mobs from Twilight Forest, Mo’ Creatures, Ore Spawn, and more!
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel.
MovingWorld by darkevilmac
Allows people to create mods that have flying structures, an example of the mod in use is archimedes ships plus. It also contains code for making your block function while in an entity state.
MrTJPCore by MrTJP
A collection of various utilities that make my life easier when it comes to making different mods.
Mystcraft by XCompWiz
Inspired by the Myst games this mod lets you create your own ages/worlds.
Natura by mDiyo, ProgWML6, Alexbegt
Natura is a mod that aims to spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few small additions, hunger no longer has to be about hunting animals early game. The mod is mostly intuitive; everything should be sensible or explained in-game.
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by tonius11
A playground to try out new types of Not Enough Items recipe handlers, and a place to put necessary NEI handlers.
Nether Ores by PowerCrystals/skyboy026
Ores in the Nether! Coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, tin, copper, emerald, silver, lead, uranium, and nikolite. Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.
Nevermine 2: Advent of Ascension by Xolova
A massive RPG mod for Minecraft from the creator of Divine RPG, intends to blend in with the vanilla game better than its predecessor balance-wise.
NoMoreRecipeConflict by stimmedcow, GotoLink
Eliminates recipe conflicts once and for all from Minecraft.
Not Enough Items by ChickenBones, mitchej123
NEI is a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It arose around the same time as Craft Guide when Alexandria and a few others on the IRC suggested that I merge both Too Many Items and Recipe Book to remove their greatest flaws, ironically too many items, or in the case of recipe book, too many recipies. Too Many Items was great, but the one thing it lacked was an easy way to search and sort your items. When you had a mod like Red Power coming along with 10000 items both TMI and Recipe Book were racking up the pages. Even if you don't want to use NEI for cheating in items, you will likely feel right at home with the Recipe component of the mod.
Numina by MachineMuse
A dependency for Modular Powersuits.
ObsidiPlates by Myrathi
New pressure plates made from blocks of obsidian (that only work when players step on them) or mossy cobble (that only work when NPCs step on them). You can craft one of these over a block of wool to make silent versions (that don't make clicking sounds). You can craft any of those four variants in the middle of alternating nether quartz and glowstone dust to make shrouded (see-through) versions. Smelting a silent or hidden plate will return a noisy, visible one.
OpenBlocks by OpenMods Team
OpenBlocks introduces a range of random ideas into minecraft. There is no theme. Some of it is rather silly!
OpenModsLib by OpenMods Team
Required libraries for all the Open Mods.
OptiFine by sp614x
OptiFine is a Minecraft optimization mod. It allows Minecraft to run faster and look better with full support for HD textures and many configuration options.
OreSpawn by TheyCallMeDanger
With Girlfriends, Kraken, Mobzilla, Zoo Cages, Ray Guns, tons of new ores, new plants, and 5 new Dimensions, OreSpawn has a little bit for everyone. Well, a lot, for everyone. Whatever you like about Minecraft, you'll probably find a lot more of it here. But we've done more than just add new things. It's all integrated and calculated to bring a new and vibrant life to the game. Take a stroll through the mod. You'll see what we mean. It's not just a game any more. It's a whole new living breathing world. And yet, we've balanced it to keep the delightful simplicity of the game intact.
Player API by Divisor
Player API gives third party mods managed access to the main player class.
Portal Gun by iChun
This mod adds the portalgun, as well as several other portal-related aspects, to Minecraft!
Project Red by MrTJP & ChickenBones
ProjectRed is a Forge mod for Minecraft, co-developed and maintained by MrTJP and Chickenbones. It brings vastly improved redstone control via compact wiring and integrated logic gates. It written inside the ForgeMultipart API.
QMX Files by QMXTech
Dependency coremods for QMXTech's mods.
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Railcraft started off as a simple minecart mod, but it has since become much more than that. It features a fully fleshed out tech tree, with great effort gone into providing a balanced gameplay.
Recurrent Complex by Ivorius
Interesting generated structures placed throughout the world!
Redstone Arsenal by Team CoFH
Tools and weapons that run on Redstone Flux - the standard power of CoFH - with lots of unique abilities!
RenderPlayerAPI by Divisor
Render Player API gives third party mods managed access to the player render classes.
Resource Loader by Lumien
This mod allows users to easily add their own resources to Minecraft.
RFTools by McJty
This mod adds a number of machines and items that are useful in an RF (Redflux) based environment.
Shatter by iChun
This mod adds a new death animation. Mobs die, their bodies wrecked, and souls shattered, they just seem to fade away. Weee~~~
Soul Shards: The Old Ways by TheSgtPunishment
Soul Shards: The Old Ways is bringing the mod full circle with the re-implementation of the Soul Forge and Corrupted Essence, Unlike the original concept, this mod allows you to customize pretty much anything you can think of within the mod.
Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
Steve's Carts 2 introduces a modular system where you can build a huge amount of carts(hundreds of millions) by combining the parts you want. And yes, it's now for multiplayer.
Sync by iChun
This mod provides clones, or as we like to call it, “shells”. These shells are basically a new individual, with their own inventory, experience level, and even gamemode.
Tabby Chat by RocketMan10404/Killjoy1221
TelePads by senpaisubaraki
This mod adds 2 items to the game : TelePads and a Register of TelePadLocations. TelePads can be used to teleport to any of your registered TelePads.
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge, thaumaturgist or miracle worker. This is what this mod is all about - drawing magic from physical objects in the form of Essentia and reshaping it to perform miracles.
Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix, Nekosune
Tinkerer is a spiritual successor to Vazkii's Elemental Tinkerer mod, this is a mod about tinkering with thaumic creations. It;s an addon to azanor;s Thaumcraft 4. The intention is to add new, and useful items you can create, using the knowledge you've acquired from the vanilla thaumcraft researches. Researches that come from this mod are prefixed as [TT] for easy labelling.
The Twilight Forest by Benimatic, williewillus, Drullkus, Tamaized, AtomicBlom
Imagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees as far as they eye can see. Breathtaking vistas and amazing discoveries await you around every corner. But beware! Not all denizens of the forest respond to your intrusion lightly.
Thermal Dynamics by Team CoFH
Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - transportation for Redstone Flux, Fluids, and Items!
Thermal Expansion by Team CoFH
Machines, Devices, Tools, a system of energy that sets standards, Fluids, and things you can throw!
Thermal Foundation by TeamCoFH
Expanding Minecraft Thermally! This mod is required for Thermal Expansion and gives modpack makers a way to add resources to their worlds without needing to install all of the tech and other goodies that come with TE.
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to all tool and tool part tooltips.
Tinkers Construct by mDiyo, boni, KnightMiner
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.
Translocators by ChickenBones
Translocators is a mod that allows you to transfer items and liquids between nearby inventories with a heavily configureable amount of control in a way that feels natural to Minecraft. It was developed in 36 hours during the ModJam modding contest and managed to take first prize.
TreeCapitator by bspkrs, DaftPVF, ZenCoder
This mod allows you to chop down an entire tree (leaves and all) by harvesting one of its logs. Based on Terraria tree-cutting style.
Tropicraft by TropiCraft Team
Come sail away...
Ultra Modded Survival Configs by Amaxter
Configs to allow the Ultra Modded Survival pack to function properly.
Ultra Modded Survival Resources by Amaxter
Resources for the Ultra Modded Survival loading screen and main menu.
VoxelCam by Thatapplefreak
If you love taking pictures, are a Redditor, or are just downloading every mod you see in this forum, then you will absolutely love VoxelCam. VoxelCam was created to scratch my personal itch of Minecraft not having a way of doing anything to screenshots ingame and saving them to a buried folder. It fixes these issues by giving the user an easy way to handle screenshots ingame.
VoxelLib by The VoxelModPack Team
VoxelLib is a library containing common functionality used by a number of other mods in the modpack such as the common configuration interface VoxelOptions, the VoxelPacket subsystem and various other minor APIs which would otherwise need to be duplicated in each mod.
VoxelMap by MamiyaOtaru
An amazing minimap HUD mod for Minecraft.
Waila Harvestability by squeek502
A client-side add-on for Waila or Hwyla that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at.
Weather, Storms & Tornadoes by Coros
Localized Weather Mod (for 1.7.10) - this can also be used for storing Tornado mod for MC 1.6.4 and earlier.
What Am I Looking At? by Professor Mobius
Waila is an extension for NEI. It will show in the tooltip what mod an item is from. Since the tooltip contains the mod name, you can also easly parse items per mods.
Witchery by Emoniph, zDeadNow
Welcome to Witchery, a mod for Minecraft that allows players to explore the magical art of witchcraft and though it, to learn to control the natural magic present in the world (and sometimes other dimensions).
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