Install Duskfell: Modern Warfare

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Duskfell: Modern Warfare) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Duskfell: Modern Warfare from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Duskfell: Modern Warfare Version VersA.01

created by sire4111 on Minecraft 1.7.10
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You should try adding Vic's Modern Warfare (VMW)
Jahbraz 3 years ago
What's the new modpack...? It says check to check the description but i can't find anything...
JacobTortillini1 5 years ago
I've been trying to play on this server for half a year can you guys please fix the server
Kyle13131 6 years ago
Could you please put the server files up? I really need them cause a friend and I are trying to play together, thanks you
James_Firefox 6 years ago
Where could i get the server files?
ItzTK 6 years ago
Where is the discord link? If it's just not here, then can you reply to me with a discord invite link?
JacobTortillini1 6 years ago
Posted by sire4111 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
I really do wish that the server would be able to get some more players. The modpack is great with the amount of progression involved. The factions aspect make it fun as well.
UltraHyperDuck 6 years ago
how can I join the server
ItzDatGuyReece 6 years ago
Copy paste this into the "Server Adress" section;
Posted by UltraHyperDuck 6 years ago
tried re installing, restarting my laptop, and increasing memory for mods
Kyle13131 6 years ago
can someone please help me out
Kyle13131 6 years ago
whenever i try going on the server my game crashes and it takes me out
Kyle13131 6 years ago
The servers are down, and the error says simply connection refused, this is 4/15/18 at 7:35 EST
NorthernKiller 6 years ago
Can you add optifine. Would help with usage of mcheli vehicles.
MR.DOTBOB 6 years ago
could you update the gun mod you have right now? i still love the pack, and I've had so much fun,but in the latest version of Zan's Modern Warfare, when you aim there's a blur in the background, and there are a couple more guns. if you cannot do this because of the version, it's OK. i hope you have a lot of success, and I give good luck to you and your modpack! ty
tetennoguy2 6 years ago
I personally, think Flans is a better weapon mod, but that's just me
JdDestroyer 6 years ago
Love this pack. Think Train Craft would be a great mod to add?
MR.DOTBOB 7 years ago
I agree, train craft would be a great mod to add.
Posted by _Javert_ 7 years ago
Great pack. Just add RR pls
SkyVenatorYT 7 years ago
AWESOME, sick pack and awesome built in server. JOIN us
hardcoreslayer 7 years ago
Could you add MCEdit
MR.DOTBOB 7 years ago
Hey! Maybe you can add tinkers construct and optifine?
Coletje1611 7 years ago

Latest Update

Duskfell: Modern Warfare was updated to version VersA.01