Install RailwayCraft Modpack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (RailwayCraft Modpack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select RailwayCraft Modpack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

RailwayCraft Modpack Version 5.2

created by 02skaplan on Minecraft 1.7.10
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Is there any way to make a private server for this mod pack? The way we used to be able to with old Java Minecraft with Hamachi if anyone remembers those days?
Geovoni1916 1 year ago
I love this modpack but I would love to see the FlexinCities economy mod in here.
wilhelmthegreat650 2 years ago
This modpack isn't working anymore. The definite cause was JEI or NEI and CodeChicken mods not working with the errors.
TheRealLsarowar 3 years ago
i cant find it
Ocelotko 4 years ago
how to instal it
Ocelotko 4 years ago
I've always had problems getting on servers, so I've been stuck in the lonely place called 'Singleplayer' so I think I'll give RWC a shot, wish me luck.
Jared408 5 years ago
can someone tell me the server address?
yozie18 5 years ago
Posted by AlwaysRM_ 5 years ago
One of the best modpacks, I've ever played. Very fine work with the server !
Kornelbog 6 years ago
It´s very good modpack. Please add modern tram a modern metro
D3ve 6 years ago
umm custom npc is not for the right verson
Mattanatior97 6 years ago
All of a sudden it now doesn't load. the top loading bar gets stuck on Initializing Minecraft Engine (3/7) And the bottom one says Rendering Setup - Render Global instance (4/9) Please help
Dr_Krentist 7 years ago
It is a great modpack with a nice server, there are a few problems tho: Server might sometimes be a bit laggy, and server may crash. As response to some other comments below: Always create a backup before updating. Sometimes you need patience.
Cocrafters 8 years ago
I need help getting on the server cause whenever i try to use the modpack is doesn't work
joel11121178 8 years ago
all of my worlds i had before the update NOW HAVE FREAKING BERRY BLOCKS INSTEAD OF EVERYTHING I BUILT how can i fix this please help !?!
railroadpreserver2000 8 years ago
for a server i played on for just getting on cause its fucking laggy as shit. I get banned for asking them what server hosting it is top of that its laggy as fuck, saying i should read the rules mods highly abusive don't play plz its really shit i been a server owner for fucking 3+ years made 2 modpack and left the whole modpack thing but to come on here just to play instantly fucking get banned xD AVOID SERVER MODS AND OWNER DOES NOT KNOW ENGLISH OR HAVE PROPER MANAGEMENT SET UP.
newasky 8 years ago
how do i connect to the server
sharkboy2010 8 years ago
This is about the only good TrainCraft server that does indeed work. I have some suggestions: Lamps + Traffic Lights (Adds railroad X-ings, though I've heard that it isn't server-compatible), Steve's Carts 2.
mac4207 9 years ago
I cant download - {"status":401,"error":"Request Unauthorized"}
Prototyperus 9 years ago
add Rei's Minimap
marshal1414 9 years ago
xareos is way better, it shows mobs, hostilemobs, transportation, ect
Posted by VirtualNoise 8 years ago
the modpack is great, but the server owner is something else. he was reported for cyber bullying a few times including recently by me. his way of punishment is insta ban if you simply sneeze on the wrong block. avoid if you value your minecraft career
neronakoma 9 years ago

Latest Update

RailwayCraft Modpack was updated to version 5.2