Install Tosers Spacecraft

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tosers Spacecraft) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tosers Spacecraft from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tosers Spacecraft Version 1.72

created by ToserBan on Minecraft 1.12.2

Milestones in this pack: 1.survive tough as nails. Go for portable temperatur regulator as soon as possible 2.Mastering of the betweenlands. You need octine ingots now for the end portal. 3.Kill the ender dragon. You need biotite for the galacticraft compressors to begin space travel 4.Advance to the moon. Build the builder from rftools. 5.Advance to Jupiter 6.Mastering Abyssalcraft. You will need high tier material from abyssalcraft to build the tier 5 rocket. 7.Advance to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Craft "Franks bloodaxe", the best Axe ingame and "Notung", the best sword. 8.Advance to Pluto. Craft the ender armor from ender io.

Playing old worlds with newer modpack version: If you started a world with an older version of Tosers Spacecraft and you plan to update to Tosers Spacecraft 1.66, do the following. First save your world for safety´s sake. Then update the modpack and start your world. To be able to play the new quests, update your questbook, by typing the following with admin authorization ingame: /bq_admin default load. To reset all quests type: /bq_admin reset all.

Do that, to see the new quests and many quest changes, which i added since 1.65.

Should be played only with tosers soundpack, which is included, because most of the quests play special sound from this soundpack. Can be played with optifine, but you have to download and install optifine by your own because of they do not allow to include optifine in modpacks. Time to complete all quests: about 130 hours.

Latest Update

Tosers Spacecraft was updated to version 1.72