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Hi, guys 2.0 test version is here! Look to changelog for more info.
Serverpack ISNT UPDATED YET!!!!
whats the server ip?
Hi everyone, after Community update to other modpacks then I prepare even one for TCOM. If you have another idea please write it. Thanks Al.
Anyone else having all these de-buffs I feel like throwing up half the time while playing cuz I can't play with the nausea effect
If you dont want nausea, just turn it off in config.
Hello, I have played your modpack and I like it. I read your description and i think if you added some type of biome mod it would make the feel more realistic, also, you should add some tech mods, in my opinion. (It's okay if you don't to though.)
Hi, in next update I'll add one biome generator, which make wold without grass, water and leaves. I had one but was damaged and cause crash.
Hi, guys!
Today I upload server pack. In this pack is minecraft MCPC+ (Cauldron) and plugins which I use. Mods too. If you try it pls give me note if work or not, maybe send me crash-reports. Read README for more info.
Have a nice day
Nope, flans is still there, but you can't see it through minecraft console (Show only flans core)
why did you get rid of flans
Hi, guys again me. Today I finished my little video/trailer for this modpack. If you wanna see it thereis link: . Hope you will enjoy it and I'll be rly gald if you send me some feedback. Have a nice day Al.
Thanks guys we reach more than 1k downloads. I rly dont expect this but is amazing. Hope you will enjoy this mp and share it. Oficial server will come to beta, becouse first map i almost done. Unfonetly survive mod is rly hard to establish. See ya Al.
Hi, guy I already have server (CZ yet, but we can speak english) and we need help with building cities, villages etc... If you want to help me (need creative one) write me email to [email protected] and i can give you address where we have provisional server, hope dont lag for others countries, maybe if we have lets of players we move to bigger ENG/GER hosting.
Really looking forward to the server Do we know when it will open?
heads up. there is a misspelling on the first sentence of english "destroied" i have yet to play the mudpack so i am going to install it.
Thanks to find mistake, I'm not born at GB or US than dont expect my english be pro. Mistake is now, I hope, corrected.
server? i think it would be a very good idea!
Yeah, but take it long than i expect, because don't exist intelligent world gen, which i need. I must make even new maps etc... In schematic libs we now have 25 types of buildings. If someone want to help, send me a map with your building (ruined, old, etc...) and I'll try to import it to project, also if you have idea for new mods or plugins go ahead and post it, everything could help me with update this mod.
Sounds cool its sort of like a game that I love called this war of mine LOL anyways im gonna give it a try. please don't expect me to review it because I might not. sorry just not a reviewer but if I remember ill try. keep making the mudpack please.
Hi, odst 1337. Yes it makes on the motive of awesome game "This War of Mine" (played over 30h), as I said before this modpack is only help to complete server, which include special maps with ruined city (Now working on city 640x640 +- 200 buildings). When I complete this pack I will give it to test and hope someone could write feedback or maybe some new ideas. Anyway thanks for comment.
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Hello, my name is Ryan. I am a member of EJS Gameserver. I am contacting you on behalf of your awesome modpack creations! EJS Gameserver provides FREE, fast, and reliable modpack file hosting (any version 1.5.2 and up) as well as strong main gameservers (1.7.10 only) for each and every one of your appointed modpacks! There are no bandwidth restrictions on your download links, and our servers are always safe and secure. Also, upon request, we provide a forum page to chat with your players easily! For more information on how you can become a member of our services, please contact me Via Skype (RTatez). We have 24/7 support for all times to answer any questions you may come across. Thank you for growing the gaming community! ~
Hi, thanks for you feedback I hope you will enjoy this modpack. Maybe I'll use your offer, but now I'm working on specific server, where will be ruined city and whole world abandoned (only hostile biomes like tundra or desert) and hard to survive (Cold, heat etc..). Now I try to make a specific faction server. If i complete it may I'll share it. One more time thanks for reply it nice to see someone appreciate my work. Gratefully Aladalar.