Install The Sky Challenge

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Sky Challenge) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Sky Challenge from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Sky Challenge Version 1.1.10

created by Thomdare on Minecraft 1.7.10
Here are a list of necessary permissions (If you are a mod creator of one of these mods and are unhappy about the labeling or permissions please leave a note) (If you want your mod in here leave a note (YOU must completely allow me)).

Archimedes Ships - BalkondeurAlpha
Applied Energetics - AlgorithmX2
Extra Utilities - RWTema
Bibliocraft - Nuchaz -
Buildcraft - asiekierka -
Carpenters Blocks - Mineshopper
Code Chicken Core/NEI/Ender Storage/Chicken Chunks - chicken_bones -
CoFHCore/Thermal Expansion - King Lemming -
MineFactory Reloaded/Nether Ores/PowerCrystalCore - skyboy026
Ender IO - CrazyPants -
Enchanted Portals 3 - Alz454
Ex Nihilo - Eramus_Crowley
Galacticraft/micdoodlecore - micdoodle8, radfast and fishtaco567
IronChest - cpw
JABBA/Waila - ProfMobius -
Lucky Blocks - Alex Socha -
Open Blocks/Open Mods Library - Mikeemoo
Optifine is unavalible as far as I know but you should install it for better performance (Standard or Light is reccomended)
Tinkers Construct - mDiyo - Project Leader, Maintainer & alexbegt - Developer, Updating
Enviromine - TimbuckTato - Co-Founder, Models & Textures Funwayguy - Co-Founder, Lead Programmer GenDeathrow - Assistant Programmer. thislooksfun - Assistant Programmer.
Wildycraft - Nolpfij
Security Craft - Geforce
Quest Book - Thomdare
Battletowers - Atomicstryker -
Infernal Mobs - Atomicstryker -
Project Red - MrTJP -
Mystcraft - XComputerwiz -
Explosives ++ - Minerguy31 -
Better Records - Stumblinbear -