Install The Imperium of Magic

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Imperium of Magic) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Imperium of Magic from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Imperium of Magic Version 1.2.0

created by LemADEC on Minecraft 1.10.2 using Technic Solder

Version 1.2.0 - Recommended

AbyssalBlocks by Shinoow
Lucky Block spin-off filled with AbyssalCraft rewards/punishments
AbyssalCraft by Shinoow
In the world of Minecraft you have 3 dimensions, the Overworld, the Nether and the End. The Overworld is the place where you live, the Nether is the hellish place where you get materials used later, and the End is where you fight the Ender Dragon. One thing in particular that isn't defined in Minecraft is a world of the dead (you could essentially call the Nether a world of the dead, as that world contains a large amount of dead things among the other burning entities), the Underworld, the Abyss, and that's where this mod kicks in, by opening the gates of a world composed of death, a place where the absence of life has let a darkness take over what might've been a peaceful place.
AbyssalCraft Integration by Shinoow
This mod is a previous part of AbyssalCraft split into a separate mod. What it does is handle integrations between AbyssalCraft and other mods.
AEther legacy by 115kino, Kingboo177, Lachney
Aether Legacy is a port of Aether I that allows people to play the original experience on newer versions of Minecraft with multiplayer support.
AkashicTome by Vazkii
Akashic Tome is a mod based on Morph-o-Tool. The only item it adds is the Akashic Tome, crafted with a Book and a Bookshelf. The basic concept (and code) is the same, but they are functionally different.
Aqua Creepers! by MrCompost
adds a brand new hostile water mob to the game - the Aqua Creeper! Whilst for the most part it behaves as a regular creeper would if it were a fish, this terrifying creature has some fiendish tricks up it's wet, scaly sleeves.
Aquaculture by Shadowclaimer, JeanGlassmaker, lclc98, mssodin28, RebelKeithy
Welcome to Aquaculture! An expansion of Minecraft's fishing system. For those that know me, you know I'm the creator of Metallurgy, another expansion mod that greatly enhanced the mining system in Minecraft. Well Aquaculture is my attempt to do the same for the bland fishing system.
Astral Sorcery by HellFirePvP, wiiv
A magic mod focused around harnessing the powers of starlight and the constellations. Explore and discover the world and the sky above you; focus starlight to your will, strengthening yourself or enhancing the world around you.
AutoRegLib by Vazkii
This is a simple library for Vazkii's mods. It automates annoying parts of modding, like registering items, blocks, or models. It also features a packet system and a bunch of random shared utils.
Bad wither no cookie by droidicus, Kreezxil
Silence these nasty world wide broadcast sounds
Baubles by azanor
Baubles is a small addon mod and api that is intended to be used by other mods to add additional inventory slots to a character.
Baubles Stuff by zazpro
This mod adds some Baubles Stuff and a lot of upgrades for it!
Here you can find modular baubles. One bauble and a lot of upgrades for it, that works at the same time.
Better Builder's Wands by Portablejim
An attempt to make a nicer-to-use builder's wand
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BiblioCraft adds a bunch of cosmetic blocks with cool features.
Big Doors by jaquadro
Big Doors is an ADDON for MalisisDoors
Bird's Foods by no_space
A simple, straightforward mod adding over 250 new items, all of which are edible and all of which are craftable through vanilla means.
Blood Arsenal by Arcaratus
Blood Arsenal is an addon to Blood Magic by WayofTime. The mod currently adds in many useful items such as mundane tools, more bound tools, sigils, rituals, and decor blocks just to name a few.
BloodMagic by WayofTime
Blood Magic is an arcane art that is practiced by mages who attempt to gather a vast amount of power through utilizing a forbidden material: blood. Even though it does grant a huge amount of power, every single action that is performed with this volatile magic can prove deadly. You have been warned.
Bloodmoon by Lumein
This mod adds a lunar event called "Bloodmoon", every night there is a chance of 5% (configurable) that a bloodmoon will rise. During the following night monsters will spawn faster and closer to the player. The spawn limit of monsters will also be higher.
Bookshelf by Darkhax
Bookshelf is a core/library mod, which adds new features and tools into the game for other content creators to work with. The primary focus of this project is to make use of the combined strength of the modded community to create wonderful tools that everyone can use.
Botania by Vazkii
Botania is a tech mod in essence. The theme is natural magic. By which the very base of the mod, as the title would give you the idea of, is flora. Of course, it's not limited to that. Most of the info on Botania can be found inside the game, in the Lexica Botania, the mod's "documentation book". You can craft it pretty easily with a book and any type of sapling.
Chameleon by jaquadro
Chameleon is a shared code library for Minecraft 1.8 and later. Although it does not currently provide rendering hooks to restore the 1.7 render pipeline, it does provide a more comprehensive RenderBlocks replacement that is also suited for TESR rendering.
ChameleonCreepers by Vel0cityX
Creepers were actually intimidating in Alpha when the grass was, like them, that familiar vivid green, but ever since biomes were introduced, their color remained the same.
They are easy to spot and therefore very easy to avoid. This mod aims to fix that by changing their colors depending on their surroundings.
Chickens by SetyCz, GenDeathrow, LordCazsius
Chickens lay eggs. Sometimes drop feather. You can throw eggs. That's it. SO BOOORING! Minecraft is a magical place so why not to add a little bit of magic? Chicken laying gunpowder... bonemeal... snowballs... YEAH! And what if you try to crossbreed them? Iron? Gold? DIAMODS? Just try it!
Chisel 2 by TheCricket26, Drullkus, AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
CodeChickenCore by chicken_bones
Base common code for all chickenbones mods.
CodeChickenLib by chicken_bones
CompatLayer by McJty
Compatibility layer to help make mods compatible between 1.10 and 1.11
ConnectedTexturesMod (ctm) by tterrag1098, Drullkus, Minecreatr
Allows resource packs to add connected textures, emissive rendering, and much more.
Controlling by jaredlll08
Adds a search bar to the Key-Bindings menu
CraftTweaker by StanH, jaredlll08, SnowShock35
CraftTweaker - Customized Minetweaker3 is a continuation of Minetweaker3 by StanH.
MineTweaker allows you to customize your modpack or server with a simple scripting language. With a few instructions, you can add or remove recipes, change mod recipes, alter names, change furnace recipes, the ore dictionary, tooltips and many other things.
Creeper Confetti by SR2610
Custom Main Menu by lumien231
This mod allows you to modify the main menu using a json file, you can modify the content / position of pretty much everything the vanilla menu contains. In addition you can also add new stuff to your menu like a slideshow, web links or completely new sub menus.
Cyclops Core by kroeser
Daedalus' Labyrinth by abecderic
Explore the many rooms and corridors of Daedalus' labyrinth.
Diet Hoppers by RWTema
Tightens the selection box of the hopper to allow you to access visible blocks behind them.
Doomlike Dungeons by BlackJar72
his was inspired by Oblige, a random level generator for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and similar games, and attempt to put similar, Doomlike content into Minecraft
Druidry by FeyberryJam ,RamonaSkye
Druidry is a simple nature based mod that adds more early game variety, with a touch of magic. There are new things to explore and see, with extra world gen and some new monsters. You can decorate with the new blocks and items, there's more flowers and trees then before. There are new ways to take care of your animals, they'll even heal a little after being fed. You can get by with a lot less mining and killing then before. We've tried to make the mod immersive and pleasant. You can do many early game tasks more easily but we've also worked to strike a balance so nothing will be just handed to you. That said, a starting guide to Druidry is now just handed to you! If you have Not Enough Items installed and the in-game book with you, you should be able to get pretty far on your own without spoiling anything exciting.
Dungeons2 by gottsch
Adds procedurally generated, customizable dungeons to your world.
Electroblob's Wizardry by electroblob
Adds an RPG-style system of magic spells to Minecraft with the aim of being as playable as possible. No crazy constructs, no perk trees, no complex recipes - simply find spell books, cast spells, and master the arcane!
EnchantingPlus by Freyjadono
This mod completely removes the random aspects of the enchantment table and allows you to pick what enchantments YOU want on your items! This mod also has support for non vanilla enchantments!
EvilCraft by kroeser
EvilCraft is a magic/technical mod that is based on somewhat evil things. One day you've discovered a book with the discoveries of an odd being. He discovered an ancient source of evil and uses these powers in various technological advancements to initiate a second age of evilness.
Exotic Birds by Pavocado
Adds a variety of different birds into your game.
FoamFix by asie
FoamFix is a mod designed to reduce the memory usage of post-1.7.10 modded Minecraft using simple, targeted optimizations. As of 0.6.1, observations show that Java heap usage (measured using VisualVM on the main menu) can drop by as much as 50%
Forge Mod Loader by Forge Team
Standard Mod Loader for Minecraft modification.
Forgelin by Arkan
Kotlin stdlib/reflect libraries and supporting FML Language Adapter for creating Kotlin-based mods for Minecraft Forge.
Gravestone by NightKosh
This mod adds a gravestone to the game, which "spawns" at player/villager/dog/cat death.
Also this mod generates cemeteries in some villages, and the "Wither's catacombs".
Guide-API by TehNut, Tombenpotter
Allows modders to easily create in-game documentation.
Hardcore Wither by thor12022
The more Withers you fight, the harder the fight gets, and the sweeter the rewards.
HelpFixer by matthewprenger
Some modded commands incorrectly implement a certain piece of code. This piece of code is used for sorting the list of commands alphabetically in the /help command. This incorrect code actually causes the /help command to break with an error that is vague and confusing.

HelpFixer changes the /help command to go around the offending code and sort the commands by a method that will work. HelpFixer also logs offending commands to the server log, allowing you to figure out who was causing the problem.
Hwyla by TehNut
Here's What You're Looking At is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly in-game. It is also a fork of Waila.
Immersive Craft by McJty
Add a more immersive way to handle, craft and store objects in Minecraft
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize, Mr_Hazard
Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with all assets created by Damien Hazard.
Immersive Petroleum by Flaxbeard
Adds oil and oil processing to Immersive Engineering
Imperium Config by LemADEC
InfernalMobs by AtomicStryker
This mod randomly imbues spawning Living Things in the World with Diablo-style random Enchantments, making them much harder and much more rewarding to kill.
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod allows you to easily manage your inventory, in both single player and multiplayer. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time!
It automatically replaces your tools as they break, and item stacks once emptied
It sorts your inventory and your chests in a single click/keystroke
It provides lots of powerful shortcuts to move items around
It allows you to customize entirely the way your inventory is sorted, thanks to clever configuration files
Warning: The mod can be blocked by certain servers using plugins such as NoCheatPlus.
Iron Backpacks by gr8pefish
Iron Backpacks deals with portable storage and item manipulation through tiered backpacks and a system of modular upgrades.
Iron Chests by progwml6
Iron Chests mod has chests for the various metals in vanilla minecraft with varying sizes!
JourneyMap by techbrew
JourneyMap is a client+server mod for Forge which maps your Minecraft world in real-time as you explore. You can view the map in a web browser or in-game as a Minimap or full-screen.
Just Enough Buttons by universaI
Small client-side mod with no dependencies (JEI is recommended), which adds some utility buttons to the inventory screen.
Just Enough Items (JEI) by mezz
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft 1.8.9, built from the ground up for stability and performance.
JustEnoughResources by Way2muchnoise
This is the successor of NotEnoughResources.
KleeSlabs by BlayTheNinth
This mod allows you to break only one half of a double slab. The half that is broken depends on which half you're looking at.
LevelUp by Remalis
When I found out that the experience and leveling coming in 1.8 would not have a use until later, I was pretty disappointed. And now it seems like vanilla skills won't be coming until 1.10. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and make the Level Up! mod.
LibrarianLib by yrsegal
LibLib makes it easy or simple to do modding
LLibrary by iLexiconn
LLibrary contains the most contemporary and advanced modding tools which are essential for any modder looking for an easier experience and a new standard of content.
Malisis Core by Ordinastie/Malisis
Core Mod For Malsisis Doors
Malisis Doors by Ordinastie/Malisis
This mod adds new animations for doors, trap doors and fence gates.
It adds new several doors like glass doors, jail doors, laboratory doors, factory doors and garage doors that all have different and original animations.
You can also entirely build your doors with a machine that lets you chose the way it looks and the way it moves.

In addition you have mixed blocks that takes two different blocks and mixes them together so that one side looks like one block and blends to the second block on the other side.

Finally, vanishing frames can be deguised as almost any other block and disappear when recieving redstone current.
Mantle API/Lib by progwml6, bonusboni
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights. Descriptive book code and common inventories are found here.
For: Tinkers
MobTotems by CorwinJ
Players can make totems for different effects as well as make and breed buffalo
ModUtilsLib by gottsch
This is a library of code.
MouseTweaks by YaLTeR
Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel. Everything can be enabled and disabled in the configuration file or in Forge's mod options menu.
Mowzie's Mobs by BobMowzie
Mowzie's Mobs adds a variety of fictional creatures to Minecraft, priding itself in unique AI, environmental and atmospherical appropriateness, and standard-setting animations.
Mystical Agriculture by BlakeBr0
Natural Pledge by yrsegal
Natural Pledge opens up a more player-oriented side of Botania, giving the player tools to fight and tools to build
Nature's Compass by Chaosyr
Allows you to search for a biome's location anywhere in the world and view information about it.
Nether Core by RenEvo
This mod aims at making the Nether a more fun and interesting place so that you might actually want to setup a base there.
OMLib by Keridos, Poenjabiesous
Library for Open Modular * Mods
Open Modular Passive Defense (ompd) by Keridos, Poenjabiesous
Adds hard blocks, walls and fences.
Overlord by The_Fireplace
Raise armies of skeletons to defend your base, or go to war with other players!
ProjectE by sinkillerj
A complete rewrite of EE2 (Equivalent Exchange 2) for modern Minecraft versions. Transmutation tables, collectors, condensers, flying rings, and all the other trinkets you love are here.

The ProjectE mod now uses EE2 textures per community vote and permission from x3n0ph0b3. If you prefer the classic ProjectE textures by Magic Banana they can be found here:
Quark by Vazkii
Quark is a fully modular mod with the objective of improving the vanilla gameplay experience. In other words, I would call it "what I would add if I was hired at mojang - the mod". Modules can be turned off and all features can be turned off individually. Some even have more in-depth configs.
RealBench by Prototik
RealBench - Minecraft Forge mod, which makes vanilla workbenches more usable out-of-box
ReAuth by TechnicianLP
Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session is invalid
Reliquary v1.3 by P3pp3rF1y , Yulife
Reliquary is a collection of magical items and blocks that may be challenging to get, but make player's life easier in many different areas
Credit goes to X3n0ph0b3 and TheMike for coming up with ideas and creating/maintaining this mod until 1.7.10
Reptile Mod by crackedEgg
Adds some cool reptiles into the game.
Resourceloader by lumien231
This mod is meant to be used together with my other mods Custom Main Menu and Custom Backgrounds but it can be used with any other mod that can take resource locations for config options.

It allows users to add their own resources to minecraft. While this would be possible using resource packs these resource packs would be visible in the resource pack window (Which the resources added by this mod aren't) and you can also just add resources to a simple folder which is easier then repackaging the resource pack every time.
RoguelikeDungeons by Greymerk
Roguelike Dungeons is a mod that generates large underground dungeon structures which have a procedurally generated layout and loot
Ruins And Constructs by TrollPlaysMC
Structures to spruce up your world!
Runes of Wizardry - Classic Dusts Pack by Xilef11
Classic (Runic dusts mod) dusts and runes with Runes of Wizardry
Runes-of-Wizardry by Xilef11
Dusts, Runes, and more Dusts...
ShetiPhianCore by ShetiPhian, Fruzstrated
This is the core classes all my mods use. It must be installed or my mods will crash.

Silent's Gems by SilentChaos512
Customizable tools! Colorful building blocks! Handy gadgets!
Silent's Gems: Extra Parts by SilentChaos512
Adds additional materials for constructing Silent's Gems tools.
SilentLib by SilentChaos512
Library to make building mods easier. Allows 1.12 mods to run on 1.11/1.10. Guide book system included.
Snad by TheRoBrit
Finally, sand that actually makes sugarcane grow faster.
Soul Shards: The Old Ways by SgtPunishment
Soul Shards is a simple mod that allows you to store the souls of creatures inside gems for use in a Soul Cage to summon more of them later.
SquareBuckets by Stucuk
StepUp by NotTooManyItems
StepUp allows you to walk up one block height without jumping.
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Put your most frequently used items within convenient reach. Storage Drawers borrows ideas from Jabba and Bibliocraft, resulting in a highly functional, compact, and aesthetic storage solution that is meant to complement rather than replace those mods.
SuperCraftingFrame by EdgarAllen
Super Crafting Frame is a simple mod that helps with repetitive crafting tasks during early game. Place it, set a recipe, and right-click it to craft the item from your inventory or an attached chest, barrel, etc.
SwingThroughGrass (stg) by exidex
Eliminate those kind of situations when "I wanted to hit the mob, not the grass".
TamModized by Tamaized
This is a library of shared code used by all of my mods.
It's pretty useless on its own.
Terraqueous by ShetiPhian
This mod adds loads of things including;

Fruit, Trees, Pergolas, Flowers, Pots, Clouds, Tools, and More
Thaumcraft by azanor
Thaumaturgy... which giveth certain order to make strange works, of the sense to be perceived and of men greatly to be wondered at." - Mathematicall Praeface to Euclid's Elements (1570), John Dee

Thaumaturgy is the capability of a magician to work miracles. A practitioner of thaumaturgy is a thaumaturge, thaumaturgist or miracle worker.

This is what this mod is all about - drawing magic from physical objects in the form of Essentia and reshaping it to perform miracles.
Thaumic JEI by Buuz135
A JEI addon for thaumcraft 6
The Lost Cities by McJty
TorchMaster by xalcon
Adds a special torch which prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius
Totemic by Project Manager: ljfa Former Author: pokefenn
This is a mod about Totem Poles, nature and Native American culture.

The main focus lies on Totem Poles. They can give passive boons to players nearby, but more importantly, they are the central piece of Ceremonies: Dancing around a Totem Pole and playing music from various instruments to invoke strong effects and manipulate the world.
UBC Ore Registrar by marwat208
Registers Ores with Underground Biomes Construct
Underground Biomes Constructs by Zeno410
This is a mod to the Underground Biomes mod, adding walls and stairs for all the stone types, and buttons for all stone types except bricks
Vampirism by maxanier
Vampires are fast, strong and blood-thirsty entities, which do not like the sun, but don't fear the night, and the best thing is: You can become one!
Village Names by AstroTibs
Generate names for villages and villagers, as well as for other vanilla structures.
VoidCraft by Tamaized
This mod requires TamModized to load. TamModized is a library mod of shared code for all of my other mods to function.
WAILA Harvestability by squeek502
A client-side add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at.
Waystones by BlayTheNinth
Teleport back to activated waystones.
WorldEdit Forge by sk89q
WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game Minecraft map editor. Through a combination of commands and "brushes," you can sculpt your world or simply perform numerous terraforming tasks.
WTF Expedition by WhiskyTangoFox
WTFs Expedition is a port/recode of several of my previous mods, combined with some new features. It is a single mod made up of a collection of modules, however the different modules can be enabled or disabled, to fine tune how you use it. While the different parts can be used independently, working together they are designed to encourage and enhance an exploration based survival playstyle
WTF Expedition by WhiskyTangoFox
WTFs Expedition is a port/recode of several of my previous mods, combined with some new features. It is a single mod made up of a collection of modules, however the different modules can be enabled or disabled, to fine tune how you use it. While the different parts can be used independently, working together they are designed to encourage and enhance an exploration based survival playstyle

Latest Update

This modpack has been reinvented for 1.12 to create FSG Spectracraft.