Install The Dogs Craft

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Dogs Craft) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Dogs Craft from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Dogs Craft Version 1.0.1

created by Whatupdog2 on Minecraft 1.4.7
People that granted me permission to put the mod in Thank you guys!

Minecraft Forge by LexManos
Lexmanos said: Read this

Link to Mod!

Dimensional Doors by stevenrs11
stevenrs11 said: granted, have fun, try to keep it updated

Steve Carts by VSWE
VSWE said
If you want to include Steve's Carts 2 alpha in a mod pack, public or private, you need to follow a few steps.
1. Give me credit for the mod.
2. Have permission from all mod authors whose mods are in the pack.
3. Don't earn money on the pack.
(Steve Cart Wiki)

More Fireworks by dewfalse
dewfalse said:
Dear TheDog330
I'm author of MoreFireworks MOD
The MOD is Modpack OK.

Not enough items by chicken_bones
chicken_bones said: You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine.
Heres the link!

Rei`s Minimap by ReiFNSK
ReiFNSK said:
It is allowed to include this mini-map in your mod pack basically.
Please make a link to this topic and display the name of the ReiFNSK however.
Heres the link!

Jammy Furniture Mod by Jammy
Jammy Said:
Mod Packs
If you wish to create a mod pack containing my Mod then you may do so, however you must;
1. Always link back to the main forum thread on
2. Always link back to the main website (
3. Never make money from my Mod.
4. Always private message The Owner of the usage of the mod, even if the mod pack is not finished.
5. Always private message The Owner once you have compiled and released your mod pack.

TrainCraft by Traincraft
Traincraft said:
For legal implications please read the four paragraphs above.
( I did read it!)

Forestry by SirSengir
SirSengir said:
Mod Packs: You are free to add Forestry to your modpack and redistribute it, as long as the modpack is strictly non-profit and none of the other mods are included against their license. Yes, this even applies to packs made by people I don't like. Don't expect me to play tech support for your modpack though. (Applies to and later.)

Mutant Creatures by thehippomaster21
thehippomaster21 Said: Yes, as long as people using your modpack still download my mod from my download link.

Build Craft by SirSengir
SirSengir said:
The main restriction is that sources must be accessible. If you are only redistributing the unmodified binaries, or class files, adding a link to is enough – sources can be retrieved from there. Otherwise, make sure that you clearly understand the implications, and asks questions in the forum if needed.

Thernam Expansion by KingLemmingCoFH
KingLemmingCoFH said:
This is the Internet. Even if you don't like us (we still like you, really) for some reason, we can't (and wouldn't) stop you and maintain any semblance of a moral high ground, so have fun. Permission granted. This was made to be played, after all.

Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
AlgorithmX2 said:
Yes, I've officially opened up all my restrictions on this. If someone asks you if you have permission, send them here, or if you really insist send me a PM on

Better Furnaces By TheFrogMC
TheFrogMC said: And yes, you are allowed to use my mod in all modpacks you like as long as you provide me with a link to it (Yes i did provide a link to the mod owner) That guy is awesome :)