Install The Aristo-Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Aristo-Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Aristo-Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Aristo-Pack Version 3.0.1

created by ClockwerkKaiser on Minecraft 1.7.10
This modpack is hidden and will not show up in the modpack index.


Version 3.0.1


- Big Doors

- Better Loading Screen (Forge implemented a similar feature)

- Applied Energistics
- Extra Utilities
- Immersive Engineering
- Immersive Integration
- Ships Mod

- Hopefully fixed the "crash on death" bug. It was caused by a Potion Effect ID Conflict. There still maybe be potion id conflicts (which are being tested and fixed ASAP), but you should no longer crash from them.
- Disabled the "Soul Fray" debuff from auto-applying upon respawn.
- Disabled Thermal Expansin Copper, Silver, Lead, and Nickel Generation (I prefer Immersive Engineering's Ores and Ore-Gen. Don't worry! It's all oreDictionary compatible!)
- Added more Lucky block drops. More to come.

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Version 3.0.0


MASSIVE UPDATE! This WILL break your already existing worlds!

We are calling this "The 'Balance' Update". While no "kitchen-sink" style pack can ever be truly balanced, I wanted to mix things up a bit by removing/re-balancing a lot of the common OP exploits used in previous versions.

Certain mods has been removed or replaced with similar mods. Worlds are now slightly deadlier. Lucky Blocks are risker. Progressions is a tiny bit more difficult... and over a long period of time... your world will increase in difficulty. Mobs will become stronger and more durable... slowly.

- Aroma1997Core
- AromaBackup
- Better Loading Screen
- Better Records
- Boilerplate
- Custom Main Menu
- DarkCore
- Default KeyConfig
- Difficult Life
- Ding
- DummyCore
- EiraMoticons
- Equivalent Exchange 3
- Guide-API
- Immersive Engineering
- Immersive Integration
- LomLib
- Model Citizens
- Mowzies Mobs
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Portal Gun
- Resource Loader
- RF Tools
- Roguelike Dungeons
- Simple Condensers
- Simply Sit
- Steamcraft 2
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Biomes O Plenty Pack
- Tardis Mod
- Thaumic Bases
- What Is Its EMC
- Xaero's Minimap
- Xeno's Reliquary

- Adventurers backpack
- Artifacts
- Buildcraft
- Cheese mod
- Chisel Facades
- Chococraft
- Cosmetic Armor
- Craft Heraldry
- Extra food
- Fluid Cows
- Fossils and archeaology
- Galacticraft
- Malisis advert
- Metallurgy
- Project E
- Realistic World Gen
- Roadblocks
- Statues
- TheKappaExperience


Other Changes:
- New main menu screen!
- Biomes O Plenty Biomes are now MUCH larger.
- Many new custom Lucky Block drops. Both good and bad.
- Difficulty of servers/world will automatically but very slowly increase over time. (months)

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Version 2.0.10


Built an ME System, and realized certain interactions cause a soft-crash. Rolled AE2 back a bit, and updated NEI, CodeChickenCore, and Chicken Chunks

- Chicken Chunks
- CodeChickenCore
- Not Enough Items

Downgraded (temporarily)
- Applied Energistics 2

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Version 2.0.9


I made a booboo when I updated Mekanism. I didn't realize it broke Applied Energistics recipes. This update should fix that. Sorry!

- Applied Energistics
- Extra Cells

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Version 2.0.8


- Thaumic Energistics (Caused startup errors for a good number of people)

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Version 2.0.7


- MalisisAdvert

- MalisisCore
- MalisisDoors
- Mekanism (Base, Generators, and Tools)

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Version 2.0.6


This update does not alter your existing worlds at all. However, if you want to use the realistic world generation, you will need to create a new world. This is optional.

- Realistic World Generation

- The Kappa Experience

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Version 2.0.5


This change may mess up existing Mekanism setups as it includes the newest version of the mod. Many new features have been added.

- Botania
- Iguana Tweaks
- Mekanism
- Project E
- Tinkers Construct
- Witchery

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Version 2.0.4


- Morph

- Lowered Chocobo Feather Drop Chance (Again)
- Disabled to Ars Magica 2 "Shrink" skill for compatibility with the Morph mod.
- Disabled a few login messages from various mods to reduce chat spam.
- Various Dinosaurs now have feathers!
- Morph requires each individual player to kill the Wither to gain Morph abilities (such as flight).
- Lowered the chance for a Blood Moon to 3%.

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Version 2.0.3


- Emotes (As it doens't work very well with some of the other mods)

- ComputerCraft
- Peripherals++

- The Kappa Experience

- Made infernal mobs much more rare.
- Rasied the height of the Chocobo name tags.
- Removed Chocopedias from the dungeon loot list.
- Slighty lowered the random feather drop chance from living tamed Chocobos.

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Version 2.0.2


- JourneyMap (Permissions denied to all non-FTB packs)

- Mapwriter
- Cheese Mod
- Extra Food
- Adverture Backpack
- IvToolkit
- Ye Gamol Chattels
- Fossile and Archeology

- The Kappa Experience

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Version 2.0.1


- Removed a few "Unique Artifacts" effects to prevent lag and world destruction.
- Reduced the spawnrate of Botania flowers by half.
- Reduced the spawnrate of Gysahl greens by half.
- Reduced the spawnrate of Liquid cows by half.
- Overhauled oregen. Ores will only spawn at certain levels. Additionally, "Fantasy Ores" will only spawn in the Twilight Forest. The End also has it's own ores.

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Version 2.0


The Aristo-Pack Redux!

Warning: This new version is NOT compatible with worlds created in previous versions! Do not update if you prefer the older versions of the pack!

The pack has gone through a total overhaul! Many of the mods still remain, with a few exceptions. However, many more fun mods were added! The pack is now everything we feel a kitchen-sink fun pack needs to be enjoyable for all!

- Archimedes ships
- Bagginses
- Enchiridion
- Food Plus
- Forbidden Magic
- Mariculture
- MultiWorld
- Nodal Mechanics
- Open Computers
- Pandora's box
- Porta Portals
- Sanguimancy
- Solar Flux
- Taunts!
- Thaumcarpentry
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- TooMuchLoot
- Voxelmap
- Wall Jump
- What's This Pack

- AppleCore
- Ars Magica 2
- Backpacks
- ChocoCraft
- Craft Heraldry
- DecoCraft
- Draconic Evolution
- Growthcraft
- JourneyMap
- NotEnoughKeys
- NotEnoughResources
- Project E
- Roadblocks
- Ships Mod
- The Kappa Experience
- Ztones

Literally everything else! Many config changes, all mods have been updated to their latest/most stable versions.

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Latest Update

The Aristo-Pack was updated to version 3.0.1