Install TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded Version 1.12.2-1.2.1

created by Verph_ on Minecraft 1.12.2

TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded updated to version

- Updated the modpack to version on Technic
- You can find all the changelogs on CurseForge


- Added TFCTech
- Added TerraThaumcraft
- Added Immersive Engineering
- Added Thermal Expansion
- Added Thermal Foundation
- Added Thermal Dynamics
- Added Big Reactors
- Added Thaumcraft
- Added Ex Nihilo
- Added AgriCraft
- Removed Plant Mega Pack
- Removed Block Properties
- Removed JustAnotherSpawner
- Removed TFC Udary Mod
- Removed EnviroMine


Added Mods

- Added ExtraTiC
- Added Mouse Tweaks
- Added BuildCraft
- Added ExNihilo
- Added AgriCraft
- Added AutoOreDictionaryConverter
- Added Thaumcraft
- Added TerraThaumcraft
- Added BigReactors
- Added Thermal- Dynamics, Expansion & Foundation
- Added TFC Tech
- Added Immersive Engineering

Updated Mods

- Updated DynamicSurroundings to

Changed Things

- Added Tinkers' Construct tool variations for Red Steel, Blue Steel, Black Steel, Black Bronze & Bismuth Bronze.
- Added the ability to cast TerraFirmaCraft tool heads using the Tinkers' Smeltery and TerraFirmaCraft ceramic molds.
- Slime Crystals can be acquired from putting green and blue slimeballs in an induction furnace with salt.
- You can get green and blue slimeballs from putting a piece of green or blue dye powder in a barrel with liquid blue slime, which is gotten from fermenting/mixing hot water with suet.
- You can find wild Flax, Cotton and Amaranth in the wild now.
- Flax can be used to make rope and burlap.
- Cotton can be crafted into woven cotton.
- Amaranth can be "cooked" into nether wart, which can then be used to brew potions with.
- Various new tools can be made using Pokefennium, Fairy metal, Yellorium, Cyanite, Blutonium, Ludicrite, Constantan, Enderium, Mithril, Signalum, Lumium, Platinum, Invar, Nickel, Silver, Lead, Electrum and Thaumium.
- Microcline has been renamed into Mithril, and now generates in the world.
- Mithril has a strength similar to Wrought Iron.
- You can no longer make the Tinkers' Tool parts using the TerraFirmaCraft anvil, as those recipes were interfering with various other recipes such as coils and rings. Now you need to cast them.
- Cobalt and Ardite can be found generating in the world.
- You can now make the various Tinkers' tool stations, meaning you now have to use stencils to craft stone parts to make molds with.
- Chickens can now drop black feathers.
- Various ores can be smelted using either a Redstone Furnace or Induction Smelter.
- The Induction Smelter uses twice as much energy and some flux, but outputs double the amount of metal compared to the Redstone Furnace.
- Some ores can be pulverized to make different types of materials, such as basalz, blaze, blizz and blitz powders.
- Using a Pulverizer to make Redstone dust, Glowstone dust and/or Calcium powder with, increases the output of material.
- You can use a sawmill to make large amounts of lumber and sawdust.
- Psychedelicraft crops such as cannabis, hops and coca can now be grown on TerraFirmaCraft farmland using the crop sticks.
- You can get most ores and gems from ExNihilo sieves.
- You can use the ExNihilo crucibles to make TFC lava using cobblestone.
- You can use the hammers from ExNihilo to make gravel, sand and dust from TFC cobblestone.
- The Main Menu has been changed a little - perhaps making a particular button more obvious to the player (read the tooltips too).
- Chunks should now load a whole lot faster, since the oregen config has been shortened.
- Thaumcraft may still be needing a whole lot of recipes.
- BigTrees have been scrapped in favour of performance.
- PlantMegaPack is no-longer permitted on CurseForge, meaning it's also out of the pack.
- The ShipsMod was a lag-fest on the server and is no longer in the modpack.
- Dungeons may come back at a later point.

Removed Mods

- Ruins were removed.
- ExoticBirds was removed.
- EtFuturum was removed.
- TFC Udary mod was removed as it was mostly useless and could cause crashes.
- AncientTrees was removed.
- Bibliocraft was removed.
- EnviroMine was removed as it was just a pain to work with.
- JAS (JustAnotherSpawner) was removed, as it's no longer needed.
- Natura was removed due to it being redundant as cotton, amaranth and flax can generate by itself now.
- Pam's Harvestcraft was removed due to it no longer being needed as cotton has been added as an independent crop/item now.
- SoManyEnchantments was removed.
- Most likely more.


Changed Things

- Added Beehives that randomly generate in the world, which drop honeycombs when broken.
- Sweet Cider, Orange Juice, Banana Juice, Liquid Caffeine, Cannabis Tea, Coca Tea, Cocaine, Coffee, Corn Wort, Honey Wort, Juniper Wort, Peach Juice, Peyote Juice, Potato Wort, Grape Juice, Rice Wort, Sugarcane Wort, Wheat Wort and Bitter Wheat Wort can now be made with the TerraFirmaCraft barrels.
- To further ferment the liquids, extract them from the barrels with a vat, and then place that somewhere on the ground.
- Cotton, Flax and Amaranth have been made slightly more common.
- Added recipes for the Sawmill, Cyclic Assembler, Autonomous Activator, Terrain Smasher, Nullifier, Strongboxes, and various augments for the Thermal Expansion machines.
- Added recipes for Redstone Flux Capacitor and Tuberous Flux Capacitor (potato).
- Woven cotton can now be woven into wool cloth on the loom if you have two pieces of woven cloth.
- You can now get seeds from sifting dirt.
- More ores have been added to the gravel sifting list - an example being mithril (microcline) that wasn't acquirable from sifting gravel before.
- Petrified Wood now generates in all sedimentary and metamorphic rock types.
- You can now make Cellulose Fibers from Reeds using the Pulverizer from Thermal Expansion.
- Removed conventional recipe for Iron, Gold, Copper, Bronze and Tin gears - they are now slightly harder to make.

Added Mods

- Added WorldBorder mod.
- Added WorldEdit
- Added WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition
- Added Neat
- Added Controlling

Removed Mods

- Removed ForgeEssentials Client.
- Removed Damage Indicators mod


Added Mods

- Added RogueLike Dungeons back into the game.
- Added Ordinary Coins.


- You can now craft paper using the squeezer and redstone furnace.
- Slightly decreased the spawn rate of beehives.
- Bumped the version number to 1.6.2, as the previous upload should've been that version.

Known Issues

- TerraFirmaCraft metals lose their heat values after picking them up. What you can do to combat this issue, is to delete the "autooredictconvert.cfg" file within the \TerraFirmaCraft Reforged\config directory. The issue will be fixed in the next version.


Added Mods

- Added LaunchGUI

Changes & Additions

- Quartz can now be sifted from every type of gravel.
- Ingots and other metals from TFC no longer lose their heat values after picking them up.
- Made most recipes for Thaumcraft compatible with TerraFirmaCraft.
- Fixed certain ingots requiring 432 mb of molten metal to make an ingot.
- Tinkers' tool variations of Thaumium can now be made using the smeltery as well.
- Increased the Tinkers' Thaumium tools damage by 10.
- Should've fixed CustomNPC's causing the error "Fatally missing blocks and items" when attempting to join a server hosted on a Linux machine. Blame CustomNPC's defaulting to make a lowercase configs file.
- Readded recipes for Therighton's Addon blocks and items. Whoops.
- Anvils should now be meltable in the smeltery.
- A new and interesting screen will now appear before you enter the main menu of the game.
- Making fletching should no longer consume the knives, but rather damage them by one durability point.
- Slightly lowered the chances of a Beehive to generate.
- Added a new way to obtain music discs through making a blank vinyl, which you can then forge with different types of dyes on an anvil.
- Added new music tracks to the game:
- Haunt Muskie
- Taswell
- Dreiton
- Aria Math
- Blind Spots
- Biome Fest
- Door
- Excuse
- Christ
- Alpha
- Droopy likes ricochet



- Recipe for the Brewing Stand should be fixed.
- Vanilla and Thermal Expansion ores should no longer be generating.



- Fixed various Ex Nihilo items not being craftable.


Added Mods

- Added ForgeEssentials Client version.


- Added recipe for Hang Gliders.
- Sifting sand will now also yield various drops/materials.
- Thaumcraft Thaumium tools can be converted into TerraThaumcraft tools in the crafting grid, however, they may not have been used.
- Fixed the recipe for rope by mirroring it so it doesn't interfere with the lead recipe.
- Fixed various smelting and casting recipes related to Tinkers' Construct.
- Fixed a small issue with Steel Ingots on the server.



- Fixed certain metallic vanilla items being smeltable in the smeltery.
- Fixed metal dusts only providing 10 mb in the smeltery.
- Fixed Tinkers' smeltery tool head casts not being castable.
- Drastically nerfed Tinkers' Flint and Wood tools, and made Stone practically useless, having no speed or durability.
- Stone tool parts are still very useful for making casts.
- Thaumcraft Caps should be craftable now.


Updated Mods

- Updated Automated Bellows Addon to 1.1a
- Updated TFC Tweaker to

Added Mods

- Added Tinkers' Construct Tooltips
- Added Chisel

Removed Mods

- Removed Ender Storage


- Added the custom bricks, framed blocks and rammed earth to chisel
- Tungsten ore can be melted in the Tinkers' Smeltery to make tool parts
- Renamed Pokefennium to Tungsten
- Most if not all of the Crop Mutation recipes should be disabled/removed
- Changed durability of some Tinkers' Construct materials
- Cinderpearl, Shimmerleaf and Vishroom should be craftable via the Thaumcraft crucible
- Added recipe for Glistering melon & Golden carrots using TFC materials
- Thaumic Slimes now have more health points


Updated Mods

- Updated TFC Cellars Addon to 1.1

Added Mods

- Added Ender IO
- Added Applied Energistics 2

Removed Mods

- Removed Thermal Expansion
- Removed Thermal Foundation

Other Changes

- Leaving some Psychedelicraft liquids in a TFC barrel will now cause it to turn into vinegar, which can be used to make cheese
- Fixed melting malachite ore in the smeltery outputting iron
- Disable Crafting Station recipe
- Added various brewing recipes to Immersive Engineering
- You can now make plant oil from squeezing various TFC seeds and nuts
- The squeezer can now squeeze fruit and other foods to make juice & other liquids
- The metal press can now be used to make various molds
- The metal press plate recipes have been changed
- You can now make ceramic molds in the blast furnace from Immersive Expansion
- Removed various recipes for seeds from AgriCraft
- Silverwood plank recipes should've been "fixed", meaning you should be able to craft a vis filter
- Added ore dictionary entries to various items
- Updated texture for the hand planer
- Fixed some other recipes related to ores and ingots
- Fixed some gear recipes
- Made silicon press casts & molds
- Most definitely more



- Fixed Quartz Knife not being obtainable
- Changed recipe for blast bricks, so they now use Fire Bricks
- You can now craft Enderman & Zombie spawn eggs in the crucible
- Added Bismuth, Rose Gold, Tin & Zinc armour
- Added Custom Things
- Added Extra Cells
- Added Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Added Thaumic Energistics


- Fixed recipe for the wooden press.
- Added various recipes to the Alloy Smelter.
- Added various other recipes.
- Stopped the fireworks from triggering when getting an achievement.
- Fixed various other things.
- Very non-informative changelog, sorry.



- Changed the texture of vanilla chests to a more "stony" look
- You can't obtain vanilla chests anymore, meaning they'll crumble when mined
- Vanilla arrows, bows and torches now automatically convert into their TFC counterparts
- Coloured steel can now be alloyed from the other dark steel variant
- Changed the recipe for the Redstone Lamp to be cheaper to make
- Added the TFC torch to the torch variation type
- Greatwood and Silverwood can now be crafted into treated wood in barrels
- TFC torches can now also be made using coal which will provide 2 torches per piece of coal and stick.
- TFC torches can also ignite other sticks, meaning you won't have to put a stick into a firepit/forge to make another torch
- Buffed Hell Bats' (Nine Hells foci) impact damage, making them more effective against mobs
- Disabled recipe for excavation-, primal- and Portable Hole focis
- Updated NotEnoughIDs to version
- Now using CraftTweaker instead of MineTweaker
- Various other under-the-hood changes


- Updated the "Public Server" button in the main menu to connect to a new server.
- Amaranth now has "herba" and "praecantatio" aspects.
- Flax now has "herba" and "messis" aspects.
- Cotton now has "herba" and "volatus" aspects.


- Updated the IP the Public Server button on the main menu connects to.
- Fixed the recipes for molten red- and blue steel in the Tinkers' smeltery.


- Fixed the Public Server button to now properly connect players to the server - regardless of GUI scaling.
- Updated some mods.
Verph_ posted a changelog update for TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded 4 years ago


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Latest Update

TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded was updated to version 1.12.2-1.2.1