Install DFW Oasis - Reloaded

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (DFW Oasis - Reloaded) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select DFW Oasis - Reloaded from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

DFW Oasis - Reloaded Version 3.05

created by IxLostxMyxSwagx on Minecraft 1.19.2

DFW Oasis - Reloaded updated to version 1.3.91

Mod Changes

Cooking for Blockheads:
-Doubled milk production rate for Cow in a Jar
-Doubled inventory space of kitchen counters

FTB Utilities:
-Blocked chunk claiming in mining dim to discourage players from basing there due to frequent resets
-Disabled suffocation damage for players stuck in walls to prevent suffocation bug when riding large mounts
-Enabled safe zone in spawn area

Grimoire of Gaia:
-Disabled Grimoire mob spawning in Midnight dimension
-Selkie spawns reduced by half
-Baphomet spawns reduced by half
-Succubus spawns reduced by half

Ice and Fire:
-Updated mod to version 1.9.1-1.12.2 (Changelog:
-Allowed dragon/structures spawning in the Nether
-Disabled dragon spawning in the Overworld since its never reset and to promote dragon hunting in frequent-reset dims (Nether & Mining). Dragons/roosts already generated in the Overworld by mistake will remain.
-Chickens now have a 2% chance to lay rotten egg for a chance of getting a tamed Cockatrice
-Set dragon block breaking chance interval to 0
-Increased range of the Dragon Flute from 4 to 6 chunks
-Slightly reduced the base armor and attack values of dragonsteel to bring it more in line with the other mods in Oasis
-Reduced Myrmex colony max size from 80 to 65 to help mitigate lag
-Death Worms will now spawn. Good luck.
-Set tamed dragon griefing to false (breath could still convert blocks to charred stone/dirt)

Just Enough Dimensions:
-Doubled mining world border size to compensate for removal of dragons from the overworld.
-Attempted to change the color scheme of the mining dimension to represent a vaporwave world for shits and giggles.

-Disabled rifter's ability to kidnap tamed mobs
-Reduced rift spawn chance from 1000 to 800. They were spawning a LOT.

-Re-enabled Pech spawning. Previously, Pechs spawning with the hats mod enabled caused server crashes. This has supposedly been fixed. If server crashes continue to occur due to Pech spawning, this will be disabled again.
IxLostxMyxSwagx posted a changelog update for DFW Oasis - Reloaded 4 years ago


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Latest Update

DFW Oasis - Reloaded was updated to version 3.05