Install SurvivalRefurbished

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (SurvivalRefurbished) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select SurvivalRefurbished from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

SurvivalRefurbished Version 1.5

created by Chasish on Minecraft 1.8.9


Version 1.5


1. Added WAILA to provide in-game creature and block info. (ProfMobius)
2. Added Bibliocraft for some sick new containers and design features. (Nuchaz)
3. Added InventoryTweaks so you can tweak your inventory all ya want. (Community)
4. Added BetterFPS to the client and server to increase performance with chunk loading and such. (Guichaguri)
5. Added Optifine to give us some more graphics options. (sp614x)
6. Removed Neat Mod because WAILA does a similar job. (Except you now have to be a lot closer...)

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Version 1.4.5


This update is mostly for recipe fixes!
1. Added Gunpowder recipe.
2. Added Blaze Powder recipe.
3. Added new Musket w/ bayonet recipes. (Recipes now use knives from Cannibalism Mod.)
4. Rebalanced thirst (hopefully)...
5. Added Neat Mod, which displays health bars above the heads of everyone and their grandmothers. You get a HealthBar! You get a HealthBar! You all get a HealthBar!
6. Walked the dog around the world...
7. Escaped.
8. Evaded death by thirst.
9. Made it back home.
10. The world is a scary place...
11. Rats... Rats everywhere...

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Version 1.4


1. Changed thirst speeds to hopefully balance this mess out for all of us at the same time.
2. Added GUNS and NEW SUPER COOL FUN WEAPONS from Reforged Mod! Kill that bear! Slay those RATS!
3. Added Hemp recipe because, for some reason, it wasn't spawning in our Multiplayer world... I cri. The recipe is in the fancy screenshot on the website.
4. Removed World data from My bad, guys :P... If you've downloaded the server files before this update, you'll have the same world every time. :)
5. Used too many emojis in one list item.
5. Used the number 5 twice...
6. Forgot to hide the newly removed items in the JEI GUI.
7. I'm back. I fixed number 6.
8. Danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight...
9. Updated the changelog on the Technic page.

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Version 1.3.5


1. Removed Enhanced Visuals Mod due to crashes and lag spikes. :(
2. Removed unnecessary coremods from server and client packages.
3. Lost myself in the fame of running a modpack.
4. Does anyone read these?
5. Send feedback on the website.

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Version 1.3


1. Removed essentialnourishment drinks addon due to conflicts with Pam's Harvestcraft.
2. Added CraftTweaker (MineTweaker 3) to allow for recipe changes and removals. A full list of removed and changed recipes and how to recover them will be on the website eventually. For now, just try to figure out the new scene! It should be much more playable and follow the pattern of difficulty I was shooting for from the start.
3. Messed with some more config files (as usual) to TRY to improve SOME server lag... turns out, this pack is pretty intense... even for processors. :)
4. Hid recipes in JEI for improved experience. Just set to edit mode to reverse changes manually.
5. IMPROVED FUN LEVEL!!!!! Heck yeah!

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Version 1.2


I added some items to a blacklist in JEI. They're sorta game-breaking. I don't think this disables them, but I'll figure out how to do that later.
I think I have successfully banished all of those nasty, unrealistic monsters... time will tell.
Tweaked more config files for better speeds in-game. (Should be juicy.)

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Version 1.1


Added new mods. (Mod list to come! Trying to set up a weebly domain for this pack so I can give credits and whatnot...) Tweaked some configurations to make the mods love each other a little more.

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Latest Update

Special thanks to Ilovesparklez (AJ) for all the help and support with the 1.5 Update! "To me, adventure has always been the connections and bounds you create with people when you're there. And you can have that anywhere." -Bear Grylls