Install Space automation 3

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Space automation 3) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Space automation 3 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Space automation 3 Version 0.2.8 BETA

created by elerto456 on Minecraft 1.16.5

Difference of modpacks parts:

SA1: +More chips, lighter, optimized, fresh updates on some mods -Less stability, rare updates, frequent bugs and crashes SA2: +More stability, fewer crashes and bugs -Fewer chips, fewer updates SA3: +The greatest stability, without frequent bugs and crashes, integration with mods -Lack of some chips, waiting for updates** SA4: ещё под вопросом, нужно ждать (1.16.5-1.20.0).

If you have any questions then.. then don't write to me, please) (It's Joke) -?

Latest Update

Space automation 3 was updated to version 0.2.8 BETA