This modpack is hidden and will not show up in the modpack index.
HOST NOTICE: Notice for failed downloads - has a limit of 50GB per day dl limit. They run this by 24 hr cycles, so it does not neccesarily mean it resets at midnight. If it fails, please try again later, I'm very sorry about the inconvenience. I haven't had much trouble with it til recently, so we'll see if this is even anything to worry about. In other related news, if you know of host that is free, trustworthy, and has unlimited bandwidth, please let me know. Please don't spam this modpack though, please go to my profile feed. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help with this.
This modpack is officially in BETA phase. Though I have worked to free all of the bugs, you may see some. Please don't hesitate to tell me, but read the regulations under "help" tab first.
Mod list is the bottom of this page.
This modpack requires at least 3 GB of RAM. Read "help" tab for instructions on how to achieve this.
"Welcome all, to Serenity & Chaos! Perhaps you've come to seek treasures, or test your luck with lucky blocks? Or maybe you've come to explore at your leisure, sail across the ocean on your mighty frigate, or perhaps soar through the skies in your own airship? Maybe you've brought friends to delve dungeons, wage war against eachother, or build an empire? Whatever your pupose, your age, or your experience level, there is always something for you to enjoy here! Grab a friend and immerse yourself in Serenity & Chaos! And stab eachother with your pokey sticks too, Neeheeheehehehehe!" -Armen the Madgod
YouTuber's and Server Admins: Please feel free to use this pack, with two conditions, at your leisure.
The first condition is two fold: 1. Credit me including the modpack name, and if you are YouTubing this pack, include a link to this page.
The second condition is that you cannot make money off of this pack. Monetized videos and any other revenue YouTube gives you for your channel is fair game. The only thing I don't want to see is this pack being released elsewhere for money.
Other than that, have fun, and stream away!
If you are streaming through Twitch: Just include in the modpack name in the broadcast name you make when you start the stream. That's it :)
Help: Please click the "help" tab above.
Mod List:
Lucky Blocks
Animal Bikes
Archimedes Ships Mod
Blood Magic
Dragon Mounts
Equivalent Exchange
Evil Craft
Fans Mod (Not Flans)
Industrial Craft 2
Magic Wands
Mo' Mods
Pressure Plates
Hidden Doors and Switches
Throwing Spears
Enchant View Mod
Chimneys Mod
Dungeon Pack
Alarm Craft
Ancient Warfare
Auto Item Replacer
Auto Sapling
Backpacks Mod
Biblio Craft
Binnie's Mods Pack
Biomes O Plenty
Bountiful Breads
Bow Infinity Fix
Brewing Plus
Butterfly Mania
Cake Is A Lie
Calendar Mod
Camping Mod
Carpenters Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Chisel 2
ChocoCraft (Chocobos)
Computer Craft
Configurable Health Mod
Custom NPCs
Dense Ores Mod
Doors O Plenty
Durability Viewer
Dynamic Lights
Easy Building Mod
Elemental Masters Mod
Ender IO
Ender Storage
Fast Craft
Fire Extinguisher
Flaxbeard's Steam Power
Floating Islands
Flood Lights
Food Expansion
Lots O Food Mod
Fossils and Archaeology Revived
Frames Mod
Gardens of Glass (Sky Block World Gen)
Gardens Stuff Mod
Gravity Gun Mod
Grimoire of Gaia 3
Growth Craft
Hard Core Darkness
Hats mod
Hoverboard Mod
In Game Wikipedia (Limited mod compatability, but hey it's something)
Inventory Pets (Kawaii)
Just A Few Fish Mod
Lamp Posts
MCA (Minecraft Comes Alive)
Metallurgy 4
Zan's Minimap
NEI Addons
Optifine HD U C1
Player API
Pneumatic Craft
Project Red
Random Things Mod
Rare Monsters
Recall Stones
Render Player API
Road Works (Part of a work in progress addition to this pack)
RPG Loot Bodies
Safes Mod
Screenshots Enhanced Mod
Slingshot Mod
Spikes Mod
Steam Craft 2
Super Human Mod
Tabby Chat
Tails Mod
Tall Doors Mod
Tinkers Construct
with Thaumic Tinkerer
Teleportation Mod
Thaumcraft 4
The Electrical Age Mod
Thermal Dynamics
The Siege Mod
The Wings Of Alfheim
Throwable Torch
Transport Terminals
Tree Capitator (Some mod trees are not compatible)
Graves Mod 2
Uncrafting Table
Wall Clock
Weather 2
Wireless Red Stone (WR-CBE)
Zipline Mod (Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
This modpack is officially in BETA phase. Though I have worked to free all of the bugs, you may see some. Please don't hesitate to tell me, but read the regulations under "help" tab first.
Mod list is the bottom of this page.
This modpack requires at least 3 GB of RAM. Read "help" tab for instructions on how to achieve this.
"Welcome all, to Serenity & Chaos! Perhaps you've come to seek treasures, or test your luck with lucky blocks? Or maybe you've come to explore at your leisure, sail across the ocean on your mighty frigate, or perhaps soar through the skies in your own airship? Maybe you've brought friends to delve dungeons, wage war against eachother, or build an empire? Whatever your pupose, your age, or your experience level, there is always something for you to enjoy here! Grab a friend and immerse yourself in Serenity & Chaos! And stab eachother with your pokey sticks too, Neeheeheehehehehe!" -Armen the Madgod
YouTuber's and Server Admins: Please feel free to use this pack, with two conditions, at your leisure.
The first condition is two fold: 1. Credit me including the modpack name, and if you are YouTubing this pack, include a link to this page.
The second condition is that you cannot make money off of this pack. Monetized videos and any other revenue YouTube gives you for your channel is fair game. The only thing I don't want to see is this pack being released elsewhere for money.
Other than that, have fun, and stream away!
If you are streaming through Twitch: Just include in the modpack name in the broadcast name you make when you start the stream. That's it :)
Help: Please click the "help" tab above.
Mod List:
Lucky Blocks
Animal Bikes
Archimedes Ships Mod
Blood Magic
Dragon Mounts
Equivalent Exchange
Evil Craft
Fans Mod (Not Flans)
Industrial Craft 2
Magic Wands
Mo' Mods
Pressure Plates
Hidden Doors and Switches
Throwing Spears
Enchant View Mod
Chimneys Mod
Dungeon Pack
Alarm Craft
Ancient Warfare
Auto Item Replacer
Auto Sapling
Backpacks Mod
Biblio Craft
Binnie's Mods Pack
Biomes O Plenty
Bountiful Breads
Bow Infinity Fix
Brewing Plus
Butterfly Mania
Cake Is A Lie
Calendar Mod
Camping Mod
Carpenters Blocks
Chicken Chunks
Chisel 2
ChocoCraft (Chocobos)
Computer Craft
Configurable Health Mod
Custom NPCs
Dense Ores Mod
Doors O Plenty
Durability Viewer
Dynamic Lights
Easy Building Mod
Elemental Masters Mod
Ender IO
Ender Storage
Fast Craft
Fire Extinguisher
Flaxbeard's Steam Power
Floating Islands
Flood Lights
Food Expansion
Lots O Food Mod
Fossils and Archaeology Revived
Frames Mod
Gardens of Glass (Sky Block World Gen)
Gardens Stuff Mod
Gravity Gun Mod
Grimoire of Gaia 3
Growth Craft
Hard Core Darkness
Hats mod
Hoverboard Mod
In Game Wikipedia (Limited mod compatability, but hey it's something)
Inventory Pets (Kawaii)
Just A Few Fish Mod
Lamp Posts
MCA (Minecraft Comes Alive)
Metallurgy 4
Zan's Minimap
NEI Addons
Optifine HD U C1
Player API
Pneumatic Craft
Project Red
Random Things Mod
Rare Monsters
Recall Stones
Render Player API
Road Works (Part of a work in progress addition to this pack)
RPG Loot Bodies
Safes Mod
Screenshots Enhanced Mod
Slingshot Mod
Spikes Mod
Steam Craft 2
Super Human Mod
Tabby Chat
Tails Mod
Tall Doors Mod
Tinkers Construct
with Thaumic Tinkerer
Teleportation Mod
Thaumcraft 4
The Electrical Age Mod
Thermal Dynamics
The Siege Mod
The Wings Of Alfheim
Throwable Torch
Transport Terminals
Tree Capitator (Some mod trees are not compatible)
Graves Mod 2
Uncrafting Table
Wall Clock
Weather 2
Wireless Red Stone (WR-CBE)
Zipline Mod (Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee)