Install Princess Harvest w/ Dinosaurs

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Princess Harvest w/ Dinosaurs) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Princess Harvest w/ Dinosaurs from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Princess Harvest w/ Dinosaurs Version 1.0.0

created by LemADEC on Minecraft 1.10.2 using Technic Solder

Version 1.0.0 - Recommended

Actually Additions by Ellpeck
Do you want Automation? Wireless Transport? Better Machines? A cup o' Coffee? Chests? Better Hoppers? Leaf Blowers? Faster Growth? Plants? Well, Actually Additions has all that and a lot more!
AppleCore by squeek502
An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft.
Also adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD (see 'Screenshots' below).
ArmorPlus by Moritz30, TheDragonTeam
ArmorPlus is a mod based on exploration, killing, building, getting geared up, fight the bosses and explore the depths of your worlds
AutoRegLib by Vazkii
This is a simple library for Vazkii's mods. It automates annoying parts of modding, like registering items, blocks, or models. It also features a packet system and a bunch of random shared utils.
BabyMobs by Furgl, 2piradians
Baby Mobs adds baby versions of many vanilla monsters, each with its own special abilities. These baby mobs replace their adult mob versions when they spawn, at a certain rate (specified in the config file).
Backpacks16840 by Brad16840
Adds customizable backpacks that can be accessed from almost any GUI.
Bailey's Dailies by ToroCraft
A friendly neighborhood villager named Bailey has decided to set up shop and offer five new quests every day. Hunting zombies? Let Bailey know about it, and she'll reward you with a bunch of experience points. Smelting gold ingots? Bring them to her and she'll offer you diamonds in return.
Baubles by azanor
Baubles is a small addon mod and api that is intended to be used by other mods to add additional inventory slots to a character.
BdLib by bdew
This is a collection of generic code used by my other mods.
Better Agriculture by koxhack ,econerd, jriwanek, MinecraftModDevelopment
Better Agriculture is a companion mod for Forestry and Pam's Harvestcraft, it adds 40 new animals to Minecraft, 10 each of cows, pigs, sheep and chickens, all different breeds and colours. Also included is farming based blocks, armor and decor so now you can build your perfect farm! In a modpack with forestry and pams harvestcraft, you can now get the full farming experience.
Better Builder's Wands by Portablejim
An attempt to make a nicer-to-use builder's wand
betterFPS by Guichaguri
BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that changes how Minecraft calculates sine & cosine, giving a performance boost.
BiomeTweaker by superckl
BiomeTweaker allows nearly every aspect of a biome to be changed. Inspired by MineTweaker, this is done by writing scripts that BiomeTweaker will interpret.
Botania by Vazkii
Botania is a tech mod in essence. The theme is natural magic. By which the very base of the mod, as the title would give you the idea of, is flora. Of course, it's not limited to that. Most of the info on Botania can be found inside the game, in the Lexica Botania, the mod's "documentation book". You can craft it pretty easily with a book and any type of sapling.
Chameleon by jaquadro
Chameleon is a shared code library for Minecraft 1.8 and later. Although it does not currently provide rendering hooks to restore the 1.7 render pipeline, it does provide a more comprehensive RenderBlocks replacement that is also suited for TESR rendering.
ChameleonCreepers by Vel0cityX
Creepers were actually intimidating in Alpha when the grass was, like them, that familiar vivid green, but ever since biomes were introduced, their color remained the same.
They are easy to spot and therefore very easy to avoid. This mod aims to fix that by changing their colors depending on their surroundings.
Chisel 2 by TheCricket26, Drullkus, AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
chisels&bits by AlgorithmX2
This mod adds several chisels, a wrench and ways to copy designs and store bits. These tools enable you to create new custom decorative blocks and designs to decorate your bases and improve the flexibility of your building style.
CodeChickenLib by chicken_bones
Cooking for Blockheads by BlayTheNinth, Zero9010
This mod adds a cooking book to Minecraft that will only show recipes that you can currently make with the things you carry in your inventory. It also adds an optional upgraded version of the book that can craft the foods right away by simply clicking on the recipes.
CraftTweaker by StanH, jaredlll08, SnowShock35
CraftTweaker - Customized Minetweaker3 is a continuation of Minetweaker3 by StanH.
MineTweaker allows you to customize your modpack or server with a simple scripting language. With a few instructions, you can add or remove recipes, change mod recipes, alter names, change furnace recipes, the ore dictionary, tooltips and many other things.
Drawers & Bits by Belgabor
Drawers & Bits is an addon for the Minecraft mods Chisels & Bits by AlgorithmX2 and Storage Drawers by jaquadro. The mod adds special drawers and support for bits.
DrCyano's Lootable Bodies by Cyanobacterium
A death-chest mod for Minecraft.
Druidry by FeyberryJam ,RamonaSkye
Druidry is a simple nature based mod that adds more early game variety, with a touch of magic. There are new things to explore and see, with extra world gen and some new monsters. You can decorate with the new blocks and items, there's more flowers and trees then before. There are new ways to take care of your animals, they'll even heal a little after being fed. You can get by with a lot less mining and killing then before. We've tried to make the mod immersive and pleasant. You can do many early game tasks more easily but we've also worked to strike a balance so nothing will be just handed to you. That said, a starting guide to Druidry is now just handed to you! If you have Not Enough Items installed and the in-game book with you, you should be able to get pretty far on your own without spoiling anything exciting.
EZStorage 2 by zero__fall, sblectric
EZStorage 2 introduces a storage system that scales and evolves as players progress. Want to put 100,000 Cobblestone in 1 slot? No problem. Blocks in the mod can add a search bar, a crafting grid, additional storage, external access, security, and more. Also includes JEI integration for 1-click crafting from the system's internal inventory!
Fast Leaf Decay by Olafski, lumien231
This small mod makes minecraft leaves decay much faster.
Forestry by SirSengir, CovertJaguar, mezz, MysteriousAges
Forestry deals with farming, renewable energy production as well as the breeding of trees, bees and butterflies in Minecraft.
Forge Mod Loader by Forge Team
Standard Mod Loader for Minecraft modification.
Gems+ by RobZ51
This mod adds emerald, ruby, sapphire, amethyst, topaz, phoenixite, jade, citrine, garnet, spinel, onyx, agate, malachite, tourmaline, chrysocolla, jasper, sugilite ores, items, blocks, tools, armor, dusts, sand and glass.
Gendustry by bdew
Advanced powered apiary with tons of upgrades
Genetic manipulation of bees, trees and butterflies
Forced mutation
Construction of new organisms from genetic templates
Harvest Festival by joshiejack, Girafi, yulife
Harvest Festival is a mod heavily inspired by the Harvest Moon series of games. Adding crops and animals, that need to be cared for in order to make the most out of them. Village and relationship building with the introduction of new NPCs and the builder, who will help you build a town for the people, as well as guide you on your way. Seasons that affect day length and daily weather are also included. Cook dishes with crops that you have harvested or gather minerals in the Mine!
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize, Mr_Hazard
Immersive Engineering is a tech mod with a certain charm, based on the ideas and concepts, and with all assets created by Damien Hazard.
InfernalMobs by AtomicStryker
This mod randomly imbues spawning Living Things in the World with Diablo-style random Enchantments, making them much harder and much more rewarding to kill.
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod allows you to easily manage your inventory, in both single player and multiplayer. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time!
It automatically replaces your tools as they break, and item stacks once emptied
It sorts your inventory and your chests in a single click/keystroke
It provides lots of powerful shortcuts to move items around
It allows you to customize entirely the way your inventory is sorted, thanks to clever configuration files
Warning: The mod can be blocked by certain servers using plugins such as NoCheatPlus.
Iron Chests by progwml6
Iron Chests mod has chests for the various metals in vanilla minecraft with varying sizes!
JourneyMap by techbrew
JourneyMap is a client+server mod for Forge which maps your Minecraft world in real-time as you explore. You can view the map in a web browser or in-game as a Minimap or full-screen.
JurassiCraft 2.0 by Owner: kashmoney360; Author: JTGhawk137, LieutenantGhost, TheDurpiDaedric;
JurassiCraft is a mod made to bring prehistoric creatures to the world of Minecraft. It is inspired by Jurassic Park, but is not limited to all JP canon: as many creatures and features as possible will be added! Creatures are made Jurassic Park style, by obtaining fossils or amber, using the fossils or amber to create DNA, inserting the DNA into eggs, and hatching the eggs.
Just Enough Items (JEI) by mezz
JEI is an item and recipe viewing mod for Minecraft 1.8.9, built from the ground up for stability and performance.
JustEnoughBees by MrDimkas_Studio
Forestry integration for:

Breeding (what two types of bees required to mutate into searched, and chance of mutation)
Production (what bees produce while working in alveary, apiary or bee house)
Breeding (what two types of trees required to mutate into searched, and chance of mutation)
Production (what fruits will be dropped from leaves)
JustEnoughResources by Way2muchnoise
This is the successor of NotEnoughResources.
Kaishi's WeaponPack by NoelRoadman
Levels by TheXFactor117
Levels is an innovative mod, centered around the concept of leveling systems, combined with the addition of many new features to the combat system within Minecraft. With Levels, you will be able to level up all of your swords, bows, and armors.

Through all of these additions, Levels strives to create a unique system in which allows your weapons to become fully customizable and insanely powerful. On top of that, we are striving to create something highly adaptable, meaning that Levels is compatible with almost every other mod that adds their own swords, bows, or armor!
LLibrary by iLexiconn
LLibrary contains the most contemporary and advanced modding tools which are essential for any modder looking for an easier experience and a new standard of content.
Mantle API/Lib by progwml6, bonusboni
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights. Descriptive book code and common inventories are found here.
For: Tinkers
McMultiPart by amadornes
MCMultiPart is a community effort to make a multipart API that's both easy to use and very powerful.
ModTweaker by jaredlll08 ,SnowShock35 , Yulife
ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3. Minetweaker lets you adjust recipes, remove them entirely, or add new recipes. While it has decent mod support, there are many mods that use custom crafting handlers that are not supported natively. ModTweaker plans to provide additional support for as many of these mods over time as possible.
MorphOTool by Vazkii
Morph-o-Tool is a simple mod, it adds only a single item, the Morphing Tool.
The Morphing Tool can mimic any wrench, screwdriver, hammer or wand made of twigs and petals you throw at it, making it the perfect "omni-wrench" style item.
MouseTweaks by YaLTeR
Mouse Tweaks replaces the standard RMB dragging mechanic, adds two new LMB dragging mechanics and an ability to quickly move items with the scroll wheel. Everything can be enabled and disabled in the configuration file or in Forge's mod options menu.
NetherPortalFix by BlayTheNinth
Ever played on a multiplayer server, built near other players and when returning from the Nether, surprisingly found yourself in another player's base? It's because of the 8:1 block ratio between the Nether and the Overworld. It's really weird though that you enter a portal in the overworld, and then when going back through where you came. come out of a different portal in the overworld. This mod fixes that issue.
NoMoreRecipeConflict by GoToLink
If you have two different mods that have the same recipe using the same materials, then you got a conflict, and you would have no way to get access to all the items by the intended means.

This mod allows multiple recipes sharing the same crafting layout to be crafted, the player being able to choose using either a cycle button, or a new key binding.

How many recipes are conflicting is also displayed.
Pam's HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil
This mod adds in the following:

58 new crops (including cotton for string)
12 garden bushes to find and harvest for crops that spread naturally
Pick up bushes or let them spread like mushrooms
35 fruit or item bearing trees
16 new fish (catch with normal fishing rod)
Water Garden drops clams, snails, crayfish, etc as well
Beekeeping (including candle blocks, presser machine, hardened leather armor)
700+ new items and foods
Sheeps drop mutton, Squids drop calamari
Cooking tools, including two as separate blocks to craft in
Sink blocks that give infinite water sources a better look
Oven that cooks food twice as fast using cooking oil as fuel
Market block that allows you to buy seeds, saplings, farm animal spawn eggs, and bonemeal for emeralds
Use crop items to plant instead of seeds (like vanilla potatoes/carrots)
Turn buckets of water and milk into fresh versions for easy recipe use
Use tofu for vegetarian/vegan recipes
Thaumcraft 4 compatibility
MineFactoryReloaded compatibility
Mr. Crayfish's Furniture compatibility
Lang file support
Better overall mod support for auto-harvesting/etc
Everything is in the Ore Dictionary for other modders to use my items easily
Config file has options for everything!
Platforms by ShetiPhian, Fruzstrated
This mod adds platforms with a range of customization.
You can make decks, bridges, mine shafts, or even wooden coaster supports.
PreFab by WuestMan, kaojinn
Prefab is a collection of functional and aesthetic buildings that you can take straight from the crafting table and place them into your world. Whether you haven't got the time, patience or will, we've got structures that are guaranteed to please some of you, but not all of you. :)
Princess Harvest Configuration by Princess, LemADEC
Configuration set for the Princess Harvest modpack
Quark by Vazkii
Quark is a fully modular mod with the objective of improving the vanilla gameplay experience. In other words, I would call it "what I would add if I was hired at mojang - the mod". Modules can be turned off and all features can be turned off individually. Some even have more in-depth configs.
RealisticCobwebs by UpcraftLP
Adds the ability to remove cobwebs when right-clicking them with torches or flint and steel.
Reliquary v1.3 by P3pp3rF1y , Yulife
Reliquary is a collection of magical items and blocks that may be challenging to get, but make player's life easier in many different areas
Credit goes to X3n0ph0b3 and TheMike for coming up with ideas and creating/maintaining this mod until 1.7.10
Resourceloader by lumien231
This mod is meant to be used together with my other mods Custom Main Menu and Custom Backgrounds but it can be used with any other mod that can take resource locations for config options.

It allows users to add their own resources to minecraft. While this would be possible using resource packs these resource packs would be visible in the resource pack window (Which the resources added by this mod aren't) and you can also just add resources to a simple folder which is easier then repackaging the resource pack every time.
RoguelikeDungeons by Greymerk
Roguelike Dungeons is a mod that generates large underground dungeon structures which have a procedurally generated layout and loot
RoughMobs by Lellson
Rough Mobs is a small mod which makes some vanilla mobs significantly harder.
ShetiPhianCore by ShetiPhian, Fruzstrated
This is the core classes all my mods use. It must be installed or my mods will crash.

SlimeCompendium by Nikkzilla_
Slime Compendium is a mod aimed to add many different types of slimes to the game. I will also be adding a breeding/taming system and many more fun little things.
SquareBuckets by Stucuk
StalkerCreepers by AtomicStryker
When i saw "Creepers now stalk the player" in the patchnotes i was overjoyed, only to find out Jeb doesn't quite know what stalking means.

This mod makes Creepers STALK YOU.
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Put your most frequently used items within convenient reach. Storage Drawers borrows ideas from Jabba and Bibliocraft, resulting in a highly functional, compact, and aesthetic storage solution that is meant to complement rather than replace those mods.
SuperCraftingFrame by EdgarAllen
Super Crafting Frame is a simple mod that helps with repetitive crafting tasks during early game. Place it, set a recipe, and right-click it to craft the item from your inventory or an attached chest, barrel, etc.
TAIGA (Tinkers Alloying Addon) by Zkaface,Chefeification
TAIGA is an addon for tinkers construct. It aims to find new minable ores, new alloys and a bunch of new tinker traits for them.
Tellme by masa
TellMe is a small informational mod for Minecraft.
It is primarily meant for mod pack makers, mod developers or other users who need some technical type information about the game or some settings.
The Spice of Life by squeek502
A mod that encourages dietary variety through diminishing returns.

Makes it so that eating the same thing over and over will give you fewer and fewer hunger restored each time. Everything in this mod is entirely configurable (server-side), including the formula used to calculate the diminishing returns (see Configuration section below). Compatible with Hunger Overhaul.
TheDragonCore by Moritz30, TheDragonTeam
Tinkers Construct by Project Manager: mDiyo, Author: Jadedcat, bonusboni
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.
tinkers' addons by oitsjustjose
It adds (as of now) 4 new modifiers to Tinkers' Construct 2.0:

Auto-Repair (levelable like the old version; caps at Auto-Repair V)
Bonus Modifiers (level I, II and III), they work the same as the old bonus modifiers
ToroHealth Damage Indicators by ToroCraft
With ToroHealth Damage Indicators, damage given, received, or mitigated will be displayed as a number that pops off of the entity.
TrashSlot by BlayTheNinth
Trash Slot to delete items by dropping them into it
WAILA by ProfMobius
Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame, without the need of opening an UI.
WAILA Harvestability by squeek502
A client-side add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at.
Water Strainer by Rubironi
Water Strainer adds the possibility to filter water for common resources.
Wawla by Darkhax,Epoxide

What Are We Looking At (WAWLA) is a Minecraft mod which helps provide in game documentation for vanilla and modded content.
WorldEdit Forge by sk89q
WorldEdit is an easy-to-use in-game Minecraft map editor. Through a combination of commands and "brushes," you can sculpt your world or simply perform numerous terraforming tasks.
WTF Expedition by WhiskyTangoFox
WTFs Expedition is a port/recode of several of my previous mods, combined with some new features. It is a single mod made up of a collection of modules, however the different modules can be enabled or disabled, to fine tune how you use it. While the different parts can be used independently, working together they are designed to encourage and enhance an exploration based survival playstyle