Install Operation Plutonium225

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Operation Plutonium225) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Operation Plutonium225 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Operation Plutonium225 Version 4.1

created by plutonium225 on Minecraft 1.7.10
The modpack with all the great mods from magic and science!!

Shpax textures You must extract the file, because it is a compressed zip files

Server files
With the server files, just extract it to your prefered folder to run your server, this may take a very long time to load up, it sorta has 220 mods to load!

Mod List
1. Armour status
2. Better furnaces
3. Mr crayfish furniture mod
4. Damage indicators
5. Advanced genetics
6. Advanced machines
7. Advanced repulsion systems
8. Agriculture
9. Applied energistics
10. Backpack mod
11. Buildcraft tools
12. Better storage
13. Bibliocraft
14. Bibliowoods [ExtrabiomesXL]
15. Bibliowoods [Forestry]
16. Bibliowoods [Natura]
17. Big reactors
18. Blood magic
19. Buildcraft
20. Buildcraft additional objects
21. Carpenders blocks
22. Chicken chuncks
23. Chisel
24. Compact solars
25. Compact windmills
26. Crossbow modd
27. Dartcraft
28. Den pipes
29. Dimentional anchor
30. Dye tress
31. Dynamic tanks
32. Electricraft
33. Emasher
34. Ender IO
35. Ender storage
36. engineers toolbox
37. Enhanced portals
38. Equivalent exchange
39. Expanded redstone
40. Extra biomes XL
41. Extra cells
42. Extra utilities
43. Factorization
44. Gravity gun
45. Flat signs
46. Forestry
47. Galacticraft
48. Galacticraft planets
49. Gas craft
50. Gendustry
51. Geostra
52. Gregs lighting
53. Hats mod
54. Hat stand
55. Hopper ducts
56. IC2 nuclear control
57. ICBM
58. Industrialcraft 2 experimental
59. Infinitubes
60. Inventory tweaks
61. Iron chests
62. Jabba better barrels
63. Logistics pipes
64. Magical crops
65. Magic bees
66. Mariculture
67. Mekanism
68. Metaworlds
69. Mimicry
70. Mine factory reloaded
71. Advanced solar panels
72. Gravi suit
73. Modular force field system
74. Modular powersuits
75. Morph
76. Mystcraft
77. Natura
78. NEI addons
79. NEI plugins
80. Nether ores
81. NEI
82. Not enough keys
83. Obsidiplates
84. Open blocks
85. Ore dimentions
86. Power converters
87. Pneumaticraft
88. Portal gun
89. Powersuit addons
90. Project red
91. Quantum craft
92. Quarry plus
93. Railcraft
94. Random things
95. Reactorcraft
96. Redlogic
97. Redstone arsenal
98. Xeno's Reliquary
99. Remote IO
100. Resonant engine
101. Rotorycraft
102. Steves carts
103. Sync
104. Tinkers construct
105. Thuamcraft 4
106. Thaumcraft mob aspects
107. Thuamic tinkerer
108. Thermal expansion
109. tinkers construct tool tips
110. Tinkers mechworks
111. Traincraft
112. Transducers
113. Tubestuff
114. Twilight forest
115. WAILA
116. Balkon weapons mod
117. Wireless redstone
118. Zans minimap
119. Gregtech
120. Small boats mod
121. Redstone in motion
122. Resonant induction
123. Computercraft