We Have an Official Server! Invite your friends The server IP will be Listed below, Soon enough it will be automatically put in to your launcher! The IP is - The server does have plugins to make your life easier and make the game as fun as Possible
*> Mods~
- Carpenter's Blocks
- IC2
- AE2Stuff
- Applied Energistics 2
- Autocrafter 2000!
- ArchimedesShips
- BackTools
- BDLib
- BiblioCraft
- BigReactors
- BloodMagic
- Botania
- BuildCraft
- Buildcraft Addons
- Chisel
- CodeChickenCore
- CofhCore
- chocolateQuest
- ChoCho Craft
- CustomMobSpawners
- D3Core
- DecoCraft
- DrZhark's Mo Creatures
- Enchanting +
- EnderCore
- EnderTech
- Extra Cells
- ExtraTic
- Extra Utilities
- FastCraft!! <3 (Increases FPS By at least 30%)
- Forestry
- Forge
- IChun Util
- Industrial Craft
- Infernal Mobs
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Chests
- Journey Maps
- Library
- Logistic Pipes
- Magical Crops
- Magic Bees
- Mantle
- MineFactory Reloaded
- Morph
- NEI Addons
- NEI integration
- Not Enough Items
- Open Blocks
- Open Mods Lib
- Optifine HD :D :D :D :D (Increases FPS)
- Pam's Harvest Craft
- Power Converters
- Tinker's Construct
- ThaumCraft
- minecraft comes alive
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Waila
- Wawla
- Witchery
- etc....
Please Enjoy the server! Join, Play Become a Techno-Wizard Today!