This is the Mega Computer Pack!
All the populair Computer mods in Minecraft in one mega pack. Get it now and have fun coding, hacking and programming!
Discussion, feedback and bug reports here:
ComputerCraft forum Mega Computer Pack Modpack
MinecraftForum The Mega Computer Pack - All awesome computer mods in one pack Computer Pack - Technic Discussion
Discord The Computer Packs Discord Server
About servers:
Create one! for friends, family, anyone who wants to play on it! I have created a pre-made server, just download, run and enjoy! Click on the button to the right, or just click here.
Updates & news:
Update 6-6-2015: You can now download the multiplayer server files!
Update 14-6-2015: Added the mod CCTweaks by SquidDev!
Update 13-8-2015: I reccomend everyone running a server to download the new server files to a fresh folder, and only copy the World Save and configuration files.
Update 18-8-2015: I have created a second Forum Thread, this time on! Hope we will get new people enjoying this pack! And vote at the poll there!
Update 13-9-2015: I re-created the background, now 100% more 3D!
Update 25-10-2015: Added the mod SecurityCraft by GeForce!
Update 29-10-2015: We now have a Discord server! Chat with us without the need of an account or program download!
Update 28-5-2016: Yep, we're still alive! And we have got a second owner to help maintaining the modpack alive! Welcome @Nevexo!
Update 03-6-2016: I have created a secondary modpack, which is smaller, lightweight and updated! The Simple Computer Pack
Update 19-8-2016: This modpack is completely refreshed and updated by Nightmare. Enjoy the new things! WARNING: OLD WORLDS ARE INCOMPATIBLE to continue old worlds, use this modpack!!!
Update 18-12-2016: The modpack is updated to version 4.7. No new mods added, but 8 mods updated. It's recommended to also update the server side mod files. These can be downloaded using the button on the right.