Install MarbleCraft 2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (MarbleCraft 2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select MarbleCraft 2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

MarbleCraft 2 Version 2.3.4

created by _miki on Minecraft 1.12.2


Version 2.3.4


Added three new mods

- Bear With Me adds three types of bears to different biomes
- Malisis Doors and required mod Malisis Core add new doors and door animations
- Waddles adds penguins to open snowy biomes

The following changes have also been made:

- Furniture Mod recipes have been simplified and made cheaper

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Version 2.3.3


- Changed the Spice of Life formula
- Removed Khndrel Keght from Ender Zoo

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Version 2.3.2


- Added Ender Zoo, which adds new aggressive mobs
- Added Familiar Fauna, which adds new passive mobs like deer and turkey
- Added Spice of Life
- Quark inventory sorting added to more GUIs

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Version 2.3.1


- Updated Quark to version 1.6
- Readded Fence Jumper

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Version 2.3.0


Added the following mods:
- Better Builders Wands adds wands that let you build easily with less tedium
- Ceramics adds more brick variants, fluid transport with clay, compatible with Tinker's Construct builds too
- Cooking for Blockheads makes it easier to discover and make HarvestCraft food with the ingredients at hand
- Fast Furnace and Fast Workbench (Server performance upgrades)
- MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod adds immersive interior design to your homes
- Signposts adds waypoints that allow players to teleport between villages for a certain amount of emeralds (This feature will be usable once the interior of the continent is further discovered)

Also made the following changes:
- Removed Animania due to extreme server lag
- Updated Pam's HarvestCraft to the newest version
- Made some CraftTweaker adjustments

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Version 2.2.1


- Removed Fence Jumper as Animania mobs were able to jump fences, and the mod came with no config file to exclude them
- Removed Hardcore Darkness in the base download, as it was too difficult/annoying for casual players. The base download will still come with the config file for easy personal install
- Disabled Dynamic Surroundings auroras due to client framerate issues
- Made some CraftTweaker adjustments

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Version 2.2.0



- Animania replaces the vanilla passive mobs with new mobs that require special care, among other new features
- Comforts allows you to make sleeping bags for easy sleeping on the go
- Impractical Storage adds a new way to store your blocks - by placing them in the world

The following changes have also been made:
- Hoppers and cauldrons now require tin instead of iron
- Cactus dye can be made again
- CraftTweaker recipe fixes

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Version 2.1.0


- Added the Hunger Overhaul mod! Food and hunger are now a bigger part of the survival experience. Among the changes are: Healing from food is improved, crops take longer to grow, food stack size scales with hunger restored, among with other changes. Make sure not to starve!
- Made some CraftTweaker adjustments

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Version 2.0.1


- Disabled the No Doze mod
- Compass is now required to view coordinates
- Made some CraftTweaker adjustments

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Version 2.0.0


FULL MAP RESET! The entire map has been reset to make the following changes:

- Recurrent Complex village generation has been nerfed to allow vanilla village houses (and actual villagers!) to spawn
- Continent world generation, larger biomes, and temperature based on latitude make the world more realistic and immersive
- A NEW map spawn village to encourage co-op play! (the pressure plate is still there if that's how you prefer to play)

The following changes have also been made:

- CraftTweaker integration is now here! You can now craft without having to worry about using the wrong stone type, among with many other extra features. If there are any recipes you want to see added, just let me know.
- Serene Seasons crops have been updated. Now you can actually grow winter crops! There's not a lot, so be creative with your food.
- The starting season is now Spring!

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Version 1.0.1


Removed Better Foliage over framerate issues, and its dependency mod Forgelin
Removed Blur over crashes on some clients
Added the following missing client mod jar files
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Dynamic Surroundings: HUDs
- Hardcore Darkness
- Sound Filters

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Latest Update

MarbleCraft 2 was updated to version 2.3.4