Install magically mechanical pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (magically mechanical pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select magically mechanical pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

magically mechanical pack Version 1.0

created by mikehk on Minecraft 1.7.10
Treecapitator: bspkrs-Lunatrius

applecore: squeek502

applied energistics2: AlgorithmX2-Cisien, thatsIch, fireball1725, akarso

archimedes ships: BalkondeurAlpha

ArmorstatusHUD: bspkrs-Jadedcat

BetterRain: Wirsbo

biomesOplenty: Glitchfiend-TDWP_FTW, TheAdubbz

botania: Vazkii

chickenchunks: chicken_bones

chickencore: chicken_bones

chococraft: clienthax

cofhcore: TeamCoFH-KingLemming, Jadedcat, ZeldoKavira

computercraft: dantwohundred

crossbow mod: micdoodle8

damage indicators: rich1051414

dimensional doors: Stevenrs11

MoCratures: DrZhark

Flesh2lether: 2beCristi

forestry: SirSengir-CovertJaguar, MysteriousAges, mezz

galacticraft: micdoodle8

hungeroverhaul: Progwml6, parker8283, squeek502

ICBM: darkguardsman-dmodoomsirius-Calclavia (pending)

industrialcraft2: IC2 Dev team

infernal mobs: AtomicStryker

inventory tweaks: Kobata

iron chest: progwml6

magicalcrops: Mark719

mantle: mDiyo

mekanism: AidancBrady

meteors: AlexDGr8r

micdoodlecore: micdoodle8

minefactory reloaded: skyboy026-TeamCoFH

natura: mDiyo-progwml6

netherores: skyboy026-TeamCoFH

NEI: chicken_bones

numina: MachineMuse

pam's stuff: MatrexsVigil


railcraft: CovertJaguar

redstone arsenal: TeamCoFH- KingLemming, Jadedcat, ZeldoKavira

spice of life: squeek502

tinker's construct: mDiyo-Jadedcat, bonusboni

thaumcraft: azanor

thermal expansion: Team COFH

twilight forest: Benimatic

underground biomes constructs: Zeno410

WAILA: ProfMobius

wild caves: Alexmania

witchery: Emoniph (pending)

xaeros minimap: xaero96

"amazing" logo made on because I can't art (they say i need to give credit)