Want a race with a Friend ?
That is a minnigame ... open it on Lan-Mode and let your friend
-How to Play Lan game with a Friend using Hamachi
-How to create a Server?
-> Click on "HELP"
2-Player Racemaps = 10x
4-Player Racemaps = 3x
Custom Serverpack:
- 10 Maps Lobby with Gates
- Customized Plugins for best Performance
- Starter GUI (easy serveradministration)

You can Backup youre World by following these Steps:
-[Ingame] Press F6 to open the Backupmenu
-[Ingame] Save the Point !
-[Ingame] Load the Point !
Not ingame Version:
-[NI]search for : %appdata%
-[NI].technic -> modpacks -> Lucky-rainbow-map->Saves
-[NI]Back up now the Worlds inside this Folder
-LuckyBlock (Red)
->Copyrights goes to: http://journeymap.techbrew.net/
-Blocks 3D
That is a minnigame ... open it on Lan-Mode and let your friend
-How to Play Lan game with a Friend using Hamachi
-How to create a Server?
-> Click on "HELP"
2-Player Racemaps = 10x
4-Player Racemaps = 3x
Custom Serverpack:
- 10 Maps Lobby with Gates
- Customized Plugins for best Performance
- Starter GUI (easy serveradministration)

You can Backup youre World by following these Steps:
-[Ingame] Press F6 to open the Backupmenu
-[Ingame] Save the Point !
-[Ingame] Load the Point !
Not ingame Version:
-[NI]search for : %appdata%
-[NI].technic -> modpacks -> Lucky-rainbow-map->Saves
-[NI]Back up now the Worlds inside this Folder
-LuckyBlock (Red)
->Copyrights goes to: http://journeymap.techbrew.net/
-Blocks 3D