Install Lost in the Trees

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Lost in the Trees) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Lost in the Trees from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Lost in the Trees Version 1.2

created by Lady Stormdancer on Minecraft 1.7.10

Lost in the Trees updated to version 1.2

This is a major release with big changes. The pack is much closer to how I'd originally imagined it!

Full release 1.2 & server files now available:

Mods added, updated, significant changes, config toggling, and finally, finally, most of what I had originally visualized for the pack has been integrated and balanced out.

Model Citizens added - the new replacement for Statues mod! Headcrumbs will remain because shenanigans and fun times.
Better Rain - Yes.
Hardcore Darkness - Configged dependent on moon phase. Make use of Dynamic Lights and the many lighting options!
The Spice of Life - Companion to Hunger Overhaul.
-- Another major recalibration of food and growth. I'm satisfied with it now. Enough so that I felt comfortable with the hunger/food difficulty level balance to work this in. Servers will benefit from farmers by trade, and restaurants and inns. City planning... (!! Plugins?Towny? !!)

Antique Atlas has been removed until The Bug is fixed by those who would need to fix it. Then we'll add it again. Mapwriter2 is the current minimap, for lack of.

-- Trail Mix, Growthcraft Community, Rancraft Penguins, Simply Sit, and MyFit has been removed for the same reason.
It seems the issue is deeper than we thought. It's up to the content producers, we can't do a thing.
- At the moment, the only noticeable one will be some modded spawn eggs not working in MP. Modded projectile and throwable weapons in the pack are craftable, but unuseable in MP due to the aforementioned bug. Plenty of weapon options.

Biblio Potion shelves, bookshelves, tool racks now accept more modded items. (chocopedia, dinopedia, dinopad, etc)

Gany's fertilizer configs.

Mob Amputation / Dismemberment blood is now green.
Lady Stormdancer posted a changelog update for Lost in the Trees 8 years ago


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Latest Update

--- The version uploaded here is very outdated. Reboot #3 \/ 1.12.2 version is in development. ---