Install Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) Version a1.2.0

created by LordDan1989 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) updated to version a1.2.0

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Alpha 1.2.0

[Updated] Minecraft Comes Alive updated to v5.0.6
[Updated] Radix-Core updated to v2.0.2 (MCA Dependency)
[Updated] Mine and Blade: Battlegear updated to v1.0.8
[Updated] Botania updated to r1.6-191
[Updated] DecoCraft updated to v2.0.1
[Updated] Gany's Surface to v1.11.11
[Updated] Hardcore Ender Expansion to v1.8.1
[Updated] SGS Treasure to v3.0.4

[New] Steve's Carts (To help fill some Automation Gaps)
[New] OpenBlocks
[New] Extra Utilities (To add basic pipe functionality to fill some automation gaps)
[New] Simple Tanks (With the kegs from Brewcraft gone, they became a necessity)
[New] Ex Nihlo
[New] EvilCraft (Because some of you are disgraceful ;)
[New] Realistic World Generation (Disabled by default)
[New] Biomes o' Plenty
[New] Millenaire
[New] Medieval Mobs
[New] JAS (Just Another Spawner) and JASCA (Compatibility Addon)
[New] More Materials
[New] Expanded Armory (Balkon's Weapons Addon)
[New] XP Teleporter
[New] Matmos Mod
[New] Liteloader (Required by Matmos)
[New] BetterFPS

[Removed] Brewcraft (Appears Abandoned, sprayer can crash, pipes no longer work with it)
[Removed] RedGear Core (Only used by Brewcraft)
[Removed] Alternate Terrain Generation (Replaced by Realistic World Generation)
[Removed] AbyssalCraft (Bad performance and entity related crashes stopped upon its removal)
[Removed] Hardcore Quest Mode (Temporarily, as I have more important things to setup)
[Removed] Warp Book (In favor of XP Teleporter)
[Removed] The Whetstone Mod (Random crashes caused by the dropHandler)

[Config] All TwilightForest Biome ID's changed to avoid conflict with Biomes o' plenty
[Config] Slightly decreased rate in which you get hungry
[Config] Changed EvilCrafts "biomeDegraded" biome ID from 105 to 236 to avoid conflict with BoP
[Config] Huge effort to make Millenaire Villages and Lone Buildings spawn within BoP and Realistic World Gen Biomes
[Config] Disabled the "RadioVillager" added by OpenBlocks (He sells CD's and looks like a gay Elvis Presley, not kiddin')
[Config] XP Teleporters will cost XP to "Link" the 'porters, not to actually teleport.
[Config] Tweaked the spawn rate of Shipwrecks to accommodate new Ocean biomes added by Biomes o' plenty.
[Config] All farming related activities (cactus growth, cocoa growth, crop growth, sapling growth etc) have been dropped from 4 to 2 (vanilla: 1)
[Config] Crops absolutely NEED sunlight to grow!

[Fix] Discovered Witchery was overwriting two potions, fixed.
[Fix] Changed TYPE of Piranha from MONSTER to WATERCREATURE so it no longer spawns on land[]

* Brigand Skin from Medieval Mobs replaced with a more Medieval looking skin
* All skins in Minecraft Comes Alive replaced with better, more Medieval looking skins
** Based mostly on Peasantry and Nobility, look at the difference between Farmers and Clerics for instance :)
* Replaced the Wizard & MoneyChanger Testificate skins from Thaumcraft with a more Medieval looking one
* Replaced the Evil Testificate Skin from EvilCraft with a more Medieval looking one
* Replaced the TConstruct Villager skin with a more Medieval looking one.
* Replaced Norman Bandit (1 and 2) Skins with something a little more intimidating.

Keep in mind this is a low tech Medieval pack. Whilst some mods offer
useful items, some of them also add items inappropriate for the era.
* Sonar Goggles, Scanner, Energy Pipes and Energy Nodes from Extra Utils
* Quarry, Generators, QED and Ender Flux Engine from Extra Utils
* All three solar engines for Steve's Carts
* Projector, Map Memory Modules, Assistants Base and Cartographer from OpenBlocks
* Pedometer, Sprinkler, Slimealyzer, Sonic Glasses and Crane from OpenBlocks

All done via JAS configs - Took me freakin' weeks!
* Ambient Birds from Biomes O' Plenty now spawn in all biomes that contain trees
* Pixies from Biomes O' Plenty will now spawn in Enchanted Forests from Twilight Forest
* Biomes o' Plenty Wasps will now spawn in Flower Fields and other Flower heavy biomes
* Biomes o' Plenty Rosesters will rarely spawn in Flower Fields and other flower heavy biomes
* Biomes o' Plenty Phantoms can rarely spawn in all Nether Biomes (Hell, Viceral etc)
* Biomes o' Plenty Globs will spawn in all Swampy/Marshy biomes
* Ye Gamol Chattels' Ghost, originally only spawning in Mooshroom Biomes, will now spawn in all Nether Biomes and any other sinister biomes.
* Twilight Forest Passive Creatures (Deer, Birds, Boar, Rabbits, Squirrel) can now spawn naturally in suitable BoP Biomes
* Added Oceancraft mobs to Ocean and River biomes added by Realistic World Gen and Biomes o Plenty (Fish in almost all water bodies too)
* Added the Oceancraft Cannibal to Rainforests and Jungles
* Stopped Bandits & Brigands from spawning in unsuitable biomes (Ocean, Nether, Artic etc)
* Piranha added to 'most' Jungle/Swamp biomes.. Watch your toes if the water is green ;)
* Bandits from Ancient Warfare (Native, Pirate, Bandit, Desert and Viking) added to MONSTER types and will now spawn in groups in the overworld
** They have good AI and stick in their groups, they travel well too. Be careful ;)

* A new resource pack was added for Matmos (atmosphericSFX) which contains all the atmospheric sounds
* A new resource pack was added for Antique Atlas (AntiqueAtlasExtras) which adds colour maps and BoP/Thaumcraft support
* Realistic World Generation is disabled by default, you need to rename the file and remove the .disabled extension if you want to use it.
** Note that Realistic World Generation, whilst great, does not spawn oceans yet and you will miss out on Ocean Mobs (Sharks, Whales etc) and
** any ocean based structure spawns including Shipwrecks. This does not affect gameplay and should be your choice.
LordDan1989 posted a changelog update for Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) 8 years ago


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Latest Update

The first public alpha is now available! (a1.2.0) PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO ALPHA TEST! Please read the mod-pack details before trying!