Install Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) Version a1.2.0

created by LordDan1989 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) updated to version a1.1.0

Change log
Alpha 1.1.0

[New] Custom Main Menu mod added (Main Menu is now customised to the pack)
[New] Added Simple Refinement Mod to allow Gold and Iron refinement (50% extra durability)
[New] Added Hardcore Quest Mode though the quests are a WIP
[New] Added Shipwrecks! mod to spice up the beaches and oceans.
[New] Added Oceancraft to spice up the beaches and oceans a little more
[New] Added the Chunk Gen mod that allows you to pre-generate a world (/chunkgen x y w h dim)
[New] Added Cyano's Wonderful Wands and Robes
[New] Added Pam's Harvest Craft
[New] Added Spice of Life to make food variety more important
[New] Added Hunger Overhaul to make farming more important
[New] Added AppleCore - Spice of Life and Hunger Overhaul dependency.
[New] Added Thirst Mod to accompany the hunger overhaul - makes for an interesting survival game
[New] Added Wawla addon for Waila
[New] Added Not Enough Keys
[New] Added SGS Treasure Mod
[New] Added Hay Craft
[New] Added Enchvil mod
[New] Added Iron Chest Mod
[New] Added Iron Chest Minecarts Addon
[New] Added Craft Haraldry
[New] Added Directional Redstone
[New] Added Rock Grinder mod
[New] Added MC+ Mods and API (Wheel, Loom and Cart)
[New] Added Hardcore Ender Expansion
[New] Added Warp Book
[New] Added Balkon's Weapon Mod
[New] Added No More Recipe Conflicts to deal with Shield/Lattice recipe conflict (and all the rest)
[New] Added Wild Caves 3 to spice up the caves
[Updated] Forge to v10.13.3.1403-1.7.10
[Updated] Gany's End to v1.9.0
[Updated] Minecraft Comes Alive updated to v5.0.4
[Updated] Botania updated to r1.6-188
[Updated] Abyssal Craft to v1.8.6
[Updated] Koadmaster's Pirates! updated to v0.7.5
[Removed] Sanguinmancy for throwing STDERR to do with Soul Corruption quite often
[Removed] Guide-API as no longer needed (Sanguimancy dependency)
[Removed] More Pistons for throwing "A critical error occurred instantiating the gui factory for mod MorePistons"
[Removed] Chest Transporter as the Iron Dolly from the JABBA mod does the same thing
[Removed] Medieval Fantasy as it began to play foul with other mods. It's now also outdated (1.7.2)
[Removed] Waila Harvestability in favour of Wawla
[Config] Set version checking for Grim3212core mods to false as the log was showing it to always fail anyway.
[Config] Set MCA Villagers Eye Blinking to false as it seems an unecessary visual effect.
[Config] Set Crafting Clay mob drops to true for Decocraft
[Config] Set the giant Redwood trees from natura to not spawn by default
[Config] Halfed the spawn-rate of Oceancrafts Seaweeds and reduced the spawn rate of shells slightly
[Config] Disabled Pam's Harvestcraft foods from being added to loot tables by Hunger Overhaul (due to a bug, see known issues)
[Config] Made all Juices and Smoothie's from Pam's Harvestcraft replenish Thirst for the thirst mod.
[Balance] Tweaked Pam's Market prices for Harvest Craft
[Balance] Slightly decreased the distance between each shipwreck and slightly increased ship generation
[Balance] Changed loot bags drop rate from 1 to 5 (Lower is more common)
[Balance] Set MCA Rose Gold Ore spawn rate to 5 from 1
[Balance] Removed crafting recipe for MRE due to insane amount of hunger it gives. (Still spawns in dungeon chests)
[Recipe] Changed Lattic's from Garden Stuff to sticks instead of plank due to recipe conflicts.
[Recipe] Changed the Plank Pole recipe from RPG Advance mod to use a Log instead of plank in the center due to recipe conflicts.
[Recipe] Registered AbyssalCraft TIN with Tinkers' so that Abyssal Tin can be used to make Tinker's Tin Blocks
[Recipe] Changed the sticks in the Rock Grinder recipe to work with all ore dictionary sticks.
[Recipe] Changed TConstruct Block of Tin recipe to be made of any tin from the ore dictionary.


Furnaces do not appear to render when placed inside the MC+ cart but all other (compatible) objects do.
- TODO: Remove all mods and test again; thoroughly test compatibility before reporting anything to author. (STILL TO DO)

Food from Pam's Harvestcraft that has been placed into chests as loot by Hunger Overhaul vanish when right clicking in
hand to use them. I have disabled the food from being added by HO for the time being.

Rarely, it is possible for the hang to hang on "building terrain" when making a new world. This is due to ATG and the vast amount of
world generation. Close your game and re-open the world and you should be okay.
LordDan1989 posted a changelog update for Lord Craft - Your Tale (Alpha) 8 years ago


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Latest Update

The first public alpha is now available! (a1.2.0) PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO ALPHA TEST! Please read the mod-pack details before trying!