Install King Mammoth

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (King Mammoth) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select King Mammoth from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

King Mammoth Version 0.11.8

created by BrandonLi on Minecraft 1.12.2

King Mammoth updated to version 0.11.8

Patch 0.11.8 Patchlist:

- ADDING LOAD OF QUESTS (Continuing to add more as we go on)
- Added Modular Routers mod to allow easier item transportation around the world.
- Added Snad to complement with some of our quests (and also because it is helpful for farms)
- Removed Loot Overhaul as it caused problems with LootTweaker (A CraftTweaker extension mod)
- Removed LagGoogles, caused a fatal crash during loadup.
- Removed Advanced Solar Panels for the time being, crashed the modpack while testing gameplay.
- Added Integration Foregoing because it provides many great integrations to add for other mods in the modpack.
- Removed Requiem due to player respawn issues.
- Replaced ComputerCraft with ComputerCraft: Tweaked because it provides more features.
- Replaced Super Sound Muffler with Super Sound Muffler Revived because it is more updated.
- Replaced ViesCraft with Vies Machines because it is a mod rewrite of the other mod.
- Removed Optifine. New users must install it manually if they want to play with it.
- Removed Futurepack, caused dangerous corruption while creating a new world.
- Replaced Corail Tombstone with Gravestone. Just a preference.
- Replaced Sound Physics with Dynamic Surroundings because it caused a crash with Jurassicraft.
- Removed Item Physic because it caused a crash with Doggy Talents. Added back Doggy Talents.
- Added CEU so energy can be easier to convert.
- Added Gregicality as it provides many extra seeds that can be used.
- Disabled Gregicality Ex-Nihilo Integration, as we have already have another integration involved.
- Changed the SplashScreen to be a Sky Blue Color.
- Added Mustical Adaptations which adds Insanium Armor and Tools.
- Added SplashAnimation which allows the modpack to play a small amination at the beginning of the Forge splash screen.
- Added InstantUnify as it prevents duplicate ores (such as 8 different types of bronzes), while also editing the config
such that it won't hurt progression.
- Added Advanced Rocketry due to a popular vote.
- Replaced Aether II with Aether Legacy as it is more stable, and contains more content.
- Added Roost which will help players out with the Chikcens mod.
- Removed the Emerald Mod as it is not necessary and other mods have emerald tools.
- Added back Block -> Ingot recipes in gtadditions.config.
- Added Phosophor to help improve performance.
- Removed WAILA Integrations because WAILA doesn't exist in this pack.
- Added ExtendedCrafting to add extended crafting recipes.
- Added Discord Integration (for server) to allow Discord users to talk to online server players.
- Added Thaumcraft Addons to add more content to Thaumcraft.
- Added Packmode because we will be adding packmodes soon!
- Remove Rustic Thaumuturgy Temporarily as it caused player crashes.
- Removed InGame Info XML (on the server) because it caused issues for players connecting.
- Added ItemFilter to help filter items (maybe for quests later on).
- Removed SkyResources because it breaks progression.
- Removed Sky Compressions because it is a Skyresources Addon.
- Edited Ember Root configs so not as many sprites will spawn.
- Removed Draconium Ore Spawns in the Draconic Evolution config file.
- Added back Draconium Ore Spawns, however Draconium Ore spawns way less in the Overworld, Nether, and End,
and substantial amounts would spawn on Galacticraft Planets and Advanced Rocketry Planets.
- Added PackagedExCrafting because it helps automatically craft items in Extended Crafting.
- Added Packaged Avarita because it helps with automating Dire Crafting Table recipes.
- Removed Achievements for InventoryPets because it caused errors in the log.
- Hid Twilight Forest Doors (because they don't have a texture yet), special items, and special blocks.
- Fixed Purified Water/DNA Nucleotides Issue.
- Tweaked ProjectE scripts (removing Mekanism recipes, etc).
- Modified Chickens config to reduce spawn rate by 50% and reduced brood maximum/minimum by 1.
- Added names to items and blocks (not seeds) which didn't contain a proper name.
BrandonLi posted a changelog update for King Mammoth 3 years ago


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Latest Update

File is fixed. Tested it and it works successfully. Fixed it!