Install Kens Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Kens Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Kens Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Kens Pack Version 0.5.1

created by KensukeNL on Minecraft 1.7.10
<p style="page-break-before: always;">Permissions
– “You can use BetterStorage in your modpack, public or private. It would be nice if you could link to the mod's website(currently redirects here) or this thread, so people know where it came from, but this is not required. I'd appreciate it if you avoid using or similar services.“

– “As long as you provide proper credit to me for my work(s) and have a link back to, you can use my mod(s) in your mod pack. :)”

Biomes O' Plenty
– “<span style="font-weight: normal;">You may use this mod in a modpack as long as you do not make money off of it (, exclusive access from donations, etc.), you give credit (Linking back to this thread), you do not make any changes to the mod aside from config files, and you follow all of the other terms listed in the license below.”</span>

Carpenter's Blocks
– “You're automatically granted permission to include this mod in a modpack.”

ChickenChunks, EnderStorage & NotEnoughItems
– “You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine. “

Chisel 2
– “Chisel is free to use in any modpacks, without permission. Would be nice if you told me though, to keep track of it, but its not required”

– “If you want to use it for a modpack, include a link to this thread”

Enhanced Portals 3
– “You may use this mod in a private or public modpack without our prior permission.”

Enchanting Plus
– “You are allowed to use the mod in a mod pack if and only if you adhere to the following -snip- credit to mssodin28, GnRSlash, Qizzok and xkyouchoux. Enchanting Plus on github:

Extra Utilities
– “You have my permission to use include this mod in any modpack, public or private, provided that credit is given, the source code is not modified and the overall mod pack is distributed free of charge. “

– “Feel free to use this mod in your mod pack. I would appreciate a line here, but no permission is required.”

GraveStone Mod
– “Since "GraveStone mod" is an open source mod released under the LGPL v3, that means you have the right to include this mod in your modpack.”

Iron Chests 2
– “Modpackers: yes, I allow both this and compact solars into modpacks, and being open source I really can't stop you. But I would appreciate a courtesy ping saying that you're including me somewhere. Thanks!”

Iguana Tinker Tweaks
– “Feel free to use this Mod in any Modpack. That's what it's for. :)”

Inventory Tweaks
– “Inventory Tweaks, being under the MIT License, is frequently used in modpacks. Feel free to redistribute it! My only request is to provide a link to either this thread or the mod's website.”

Jabba, Waila & Opis
– “Jabba (and all my mods) is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. It has been for a while. This license means that you can do whatever you want with it (more or less). Also, FTB got a blanket license to include Jabba and all my mods in their packs. Stop asking me if you can include it, YES YOU CAN. That's what the permissive license is for. Just do the usual link back to this thread or my blog and everything is cool. “

– “Can I use this mod in modpack X? Yes. Please do not ask me. “

Minecraft Comes Alive
– “You can use MCA in a modpack, however you must provide credit to us and link to this forum page or our website.”

– Note to modpack makers: Millénaire can be freely added to modpacks provided you credit me and provide a pro-eminent link to

Minefactory Reloaded, Nether Ores, Redstone Arsenal & Thermal Expansion
– “This is the Internet. Even if you don’t like us (we still like you, really) for some reason, we can’t (and wouldn’t) stop you and maintain any semblance of a moral high ground, so have fun. Permission granted. This was made to be played, after all.”

Mob dismemberment, Amputation, Morph, Sync and Hats mod
– “You are allowed to include the mods in any mod pack, as long as you provide the necessary credit. My name and a link to this blog or the mod topic (if this blog is unavailable) is fine.”

More Swords Mod
– “Modpacks:If you would like to distribute this mod in a mod pack you may do so as long as the pack meets the three requirements. If the following criteria are met you can publish your pack with out getting a direct pm for me. I have the right to change this in the future however that is not likely to happen. If you need proof of permission for this mod you may screenshot this spoiler.”

Pam's Harvestcraft
– “I hear by give permission to any non-profit mod pack to use any of my mods listed for Minecraft Version 1.4.6 or higher in their mod packs without needing written permission from myself as of January 28th, 2013.”

Roguelike Dungeons
– “Go for it, consider this open permission.”

Secret Rooms Mod
– “You may redistribute this mod in modpacks.”

Simply Jetpacks
<span style="font-weight: normal;"> – “Yes, you may use this mod in your modpack. Please do not PM me about it.”</span>

<span style="font-weight: normal;">Tinkers construct
– “This mod is covered under the Creative Commons 3.0 license. Modpacks are encouraged, feel free to do anything you like with it. I only ask that you enjoy it!”

– “You want Thaumcraft in your mod pack? All you need to meet are five simple conditions: -snip-
If these five conditions are met, then you have my permission to use it in a mod pack.”

Twilight Forest
– “You have permission to include the Twilight Forest mod in any mod pack, as long as the following conditions are met: -snip-”

Latest Update

Kens Pack was updated to version 0.5.1