Install Insanity_Pack(WTH edition)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Insanity_Pack(WTH edition)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Insanity_Pack(WTH edition) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Insanity_Pack(WTH edition) Version Release 0.3

created by silent_4ss4sin5 on Minecraft 1.7.10


Can I use this in my private/public mod pack?

Yes, don't ask for permission.

Divine RPG

Eternaldoom ‏@eternaldoom_mc Feb 4

You may use DRPG.


As long as you provide proper credit to me for my work(s) and have a link back to, you can use my mod(s) in your mod pack.


You are allowed to. But you don't actually need to ask for permission, just put a link referencing to and not other website.

Draconic evolution

Draconic evolution is allowed to be used in any modpack as long as you don't charge any sort of cash to use it.

Extra Utilities

Fair use policy. fair use policy states that This mod(s) or modpack may be used as long as you dont charge for others to use it.


Under Galacticraft's license, permission is automatically granted for modpacks, as long as you're not charging money for your modpack. There's one important condition: you have to keep the Galacticraft version in your pack reasonably up to date.


Same permissions as Bibliocraft

Hardcore ender expansions

Your are allowed to under this copyright term to use this in a modpack as log as you dont charge nay sort of money to use this mod.


Open to all to use

Logistics Pipes

Open to all

CoFHLib LGPL v3 Yes (but you won't need it if you have CoFH Core!)

CoFH Core CoFH DBaJ (code), CC BY-SA 4.0 (assets) Aye

Thermal Foundation CoFH DBaJ (code), CC BY-SA 4.0 (assets) Definitely

Thermal Expansion All Rights Reserved (closed) By all means

Thermal Dynamics All Rights Reserved (closed) Indubitably

Redstone Arsenal CoFH DBaJ (code), CC BY-SA 4.0 (assets) Without a doubt

MineFactory Reloaded All Rights Reserved Sure thing

Nether Ores All Rights Reserved Go for it

Open blocks

Yes, you can use these in your mod pack ;-)


OreSpawn and everything in it is copyrighted to TheyCallMeDanger (Richard H. Clark) and Megan Lorraine Clark, 2012-2015.

In plain English: For the most part, you have permission to use, abuse, review, modpack, redistribute, and generally run amok and have fun with the OreSpawn mod. The one caveat is that we ask you to give credit to TheyCallMeDanger and post a link back to Pretty simple. If you happen to be making oodles of cash from using this mod in some way, then we ask that you at least think about buying a few T-shirts! Maybe give them away as prizes? Thousands of hours of work has gone into this mod, and the people involved in creating it wouldn't mind a little pocket change now and then. Thanks!

Runic dungeons

Can be used by anyone. However you cannot charge any sort of funds.

Latest Update

Insanity_Pack(WTH edition) was updated to version Release 0.3