Install Leo's Hexploration

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Leo's Hexploration) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Leo's Hexploration from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Leo's Hexploration Version 0.3.1

created by Leolele99 on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Version 0.3.1 - Recommended

Artifice by Shukaro
Artifice adds worldgen, new blocks, and new items.
Atum: Journey Into the Sands by Shadowclaimer, JeanGlassmaker, lclc98
Atum was the 3rd place winner of the first ModJam. It adds a vast array of new mobs, rare artifacts, and new items/blocks for players to find and use. Delve deep into the sands of Atum and search through forgotten pyramids (with randomized mazes!) and ruins for almost 30 rare and unique artifacts that have special effects. Beware the ancient Pharaohs aren't too privy to intruders. Slay them and their undead minions for more rewards.
Back Tools by iChun
This mod adds a new aesthetic feature onto players.
Like its name it shows some tools on the back of the player. These tools are based on the last equipped tool that the player had.
Backpacks16840 by Brad16840
Adds customizable backpacks that can be accessed from almost any GUI.
Backpacks16840 by Brad16840
Adds customizable backpacks that can be accessed from almost any GUI.
Battletowers by AtomicStryker
A mod adding gigantic towers full of monsters and a boss at the end.
Baubles by azanor
Baubles is a small addon mod and api that is intended to be used by other mods to add additional inventory slots to a character.
BetterAchievements by Way2muchnoise
Better Achievements is an improvement of the Achievement screen.
betterFPS by Guichaguri
BetterFps is a Minecraft mod that changes how Minecraft calculates sine & cosine, giving a performance boost.
BetterStorage by copygirl
It adds more storage options, like storage crates, backpacks, reinforced chests, lockers, armor stands, locks, keys and much more.
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BiblioCraft adds a bunch of cosmetic blocks with cool features.
BiblioWoods by Nuchaz
An addon for BiblioCraft that adds it's items in modded wood variants.
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
This is a required dependency mod in order for any of my other mods to work. It contains the core shared classes used by all mods I release. If you don't install it along with any of the other mods here, Minecraft will crash. You have been warned.
ChestTransporter by CubeX2
This mod adds a new item to the game: Chest Transporter. This item allows you pick up a chest with its items and place it somewhere else.
Chisel 2 by TheCricket26, Drullkus, AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
ChocoCraft by clienthax
This mod adds a mob called Chocobo to the game. This includes different coloured mob types with different attributes in their grown-up and juvenile form.
ChocolateQuest by Chocolatin
The Chocolate Quest mod adds new dungeons, monsters, npcs bosses and items into your minecraft worlds.
CodeChickenCore by chicken_bones
Base common code for all chickenbones mods.
CodeChickenLib by chicken_bones
CoFH Core by TeamCoFH
Contains Core Functionality for all Team CoFH mods. Also does some really cool stuff on its own!

Fixes some Forge oversights and increases stability of some events.

Allows for flexible and powerful control of world generation; used as the primary ore gen mod in many major modpacks.

For more detailed information on the mod, please visit the website at TeamCoFH!
Custom Main Menu by lumien231
This mod allows you to modify the main menu using a json file, you can modify the content / position of pretty much everything the vanilla menu contains. In addition you can also add new stuff to your menu like a slideshow, web links or completely new sub menus.
Damage Indicators by rich1041414
Dimensional Doors by CannibalVox
Dimensional Doors is a mod about manipulating dimensions and exploration. You can use its doors to connect and travel between any two locations instantly, even across dimensions, or to create your own pocket dimensions, isolated from the rest of the world. There are also doorways to seemingly endless dungeons, waiting for anyone to happen upon them.
Dynamic Surroundings by OreCruncher
The mod formerly known as Better Rain
Enchanting Plus (new) by Darkhax
A complete overhaul of the vanilla enchantment system.
EnderCore by tterrag1098, CrazyPants
ExtraBiomesXL by Zenth_
ExtrabiomesXL is a collaborative open source mod for Minecraft which adds new biomes and an assortment of natural blocks and items that enhance gameplay and make exploring fun and interesting.
ExtraTiC by JeanGlassmaker
ExtraTiC Adds additional tools and weapons for Tinkers' Construct including more mod support.

Currently it adds support to the following mods:

Applied Energistics
Biomes O' Plenty
Tinkers' Steelworks
Twilight forest.
Better Storage.
Gany's End.
Draconic Evolution.
Falling Meteors by AlexDGr8r
his mod was developed as a little side project of mine. I had seen previous Meteor mods before with some of the features I have here, but they have all been discontinued or missing. After many hours of coding I have completed my goal and come out with an awesome mod. This mod includes many excellent features that make it stand out from the rest of the old Meteor mods.
Forge Mod Loader by Forge Team
Standard Mod Loader for Minecraft modification.
ForgeMultiPart by chicken_bones
ForgeMulitpart, an opensource library for having multiple things in the one block space.
Grimoire of Gaia 3 by Silentine
My intention with this mod was make Minecraft remain a challenge and to give it a more unique experience. Because I lack the skill in programming enhanced AI or equipment, I intended for this mod to add mobs and make the game harder while more powerful and well coded mods provide high-end enhancements to the player
HelpFixer by matthewprenger
Some modded commands incorrectly implement a certain piece of code. This piece of code is used for sorting the list of commands alphabetically in the /help command. This incorrect code actually causes the /help command to break with an error that is vague and confusing.

HelpFixer changes the /help command to go around the offending code and sort the commands by a method that will work. HelpFixer also logs offending commands to the server log, allowing you to figure out who was causing the problem.
Hexploration Config by Leolele99
The configs for this pack.
Hexxit Gear by Kloud
The Hexxit Gear mod from Hexxit but updated :)
iChunUtil by iChun
A dependency mod for all iChun mods.
InfernalMobs by AtomicStryker
This mod randomly imbues spawning Living Things in the World with Diablo-style random Enchantments, making them much harder and much more rewarding to kill.
InfiniBows by Myrathi
InfiniBows is a coremod, by Myrathi, that removes the need for a single arrow in a player's inventory when using a bow enchanted with "Infinity I".
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod allows you to easily manage your inventory, in both single player and multiplayer. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time!
It automatically replaces your tools as they break, and item stacks once emptied
It sorts your inventory and your chests in a single click/keystroke
It provides lots of powerful shortcuts to move items around
It allows you to customize entirely the way your inventory is sorted, thanks to clever configuration files
Warning: The mod can be blocked by certain servers using plugins such as NoCheatPlus.
JourneyMap by techbrew
JourneyMap is a client+server mod for Forge which maps your Minecraft world in real-time as you explore. You can view the map in a web browser or in-game as a Minimap or full-screen.
LegendGear 2 by NMcCoy
LibSandstone by x3n0ph0b3
LibSandstone is a modding framework and library made to make modding simpler and more powerful. It's primarily used in Reliquary, but other projects are just as free to use it.
Mantle API/Lib by progwml6, bonusboni
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights. Descriptive book code and common inventories are found here.
For: Tinkers
McDiscord by CannibalVox
A mod to integrate Discord servers into Minecraft.
MineTweaker 3 by StanH
MineTweaker is a server admin and modpack maker tool that enables players to customize recipes, adjust the ore dictionary, change item names. It also provides support for several mod machines, with ModTweaker adding support for many other mods. A ton of new features are being planned, so check back regularly
More Bows 2 by ShinyMew1256
A remake of the MoreBows! mod adding a bunch of new bows.
Natura by progwml6
Natura is a mod that aims to spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few small additions, hunger no longer has to be about hunting animals early game. The mod is mostly intuitive; everything should be sensible or explained in-game
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by tonius111
NEI Integration is two things-- a playground to try out new types of Not Enough Items recipe handlers, and a place to put NEI handlers if I somehow can't get them into the mods they were made for.
Nether Ores by skyboy026, TeamCOFH
Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.
Not Enough Keys by dmoddoomsirius,Parker8283, Country_Gamer
his is an update to Mr. Okushama's NotEnoughKeys.

Please post issues on the issue tracker. Read the changelog as well.


Adds sorting to the controls screen
Non-vanilla mods registered will be able to have keybinding modifiers. This means any keybindings made by a mod will be able to have any combination of SHIFT CTRL and ALT keys assigned with their normal binding, in order to expand the keyboard. For Devs, the API can be found at
NotEnoughItems by chicken_bones
Recipe Viewer, Inventory Manager, Item Spawner, Cheats and more
NotEnoughResources by hilburn, Way2muchnoise
Adds NEI integration for world resources like ores and mob drops
ObsidiPlates by Myrathi
ObsidiPlates is a mod, by Myrathi, providing pressure plates that can only be activated by either players or NPCs, depending on what they're made of.
OmnisCore by Jezza
Contains two types of Network API.
OpenEye by openmods
Our primary aim is to collect and share vital information to allow us to provide a set of tools to the community to make the experience easier, drama-free and more secure for both users and modders.
ProjectZulu by soultek101
Project Zulu : A Better Overworld is a mod that provides a more engaging, challenging and ultimately a far better Minecraft Overworld experience thru the addition of unique Mobs, Plants/Trees, Items, Blocks, Structures/Dungeons and Game Mechanics.
qCraft by MinecraftTeachr
qCraft is a mod that brings the principles of quantum physics to the world of Minecraft.
Reliquary by TheMike_MC
Reliquary adds an assortment of magical items to Minecraft.
Ruins (Structure Spawning System) by d00dv4d3r, kolt666, AtomicStryker
Ruins is a mod that spawns Structures in your Minecraft worlds upon generation, similar to Villages or Strongholds. Every Structure is defines by a template and configured to spawn under specific conditions, and all of that can be changed by you!
Secret Rooms Mod by AbrarSyed
RPGModAdv adds 3 types of items. Poles and wallsigns are used to create waypoints. Signs are then places on poles. When a sign is placed, you can choose a waypoint and the sign will automatically point toward the waypoint, showing the distance and the name of the waypoint (or a custom name is you wish so). Right clicking on a sign will display a "flypath" to the destination waypoint.

It also adds some breadcrumbs (glowcrumbs) that will drop on the ground automatically (when in the hotbar). Breadcrumbs are only visible by the player dropping them, decay in ~1h and are visible in low light level.

If a stack of breadcrumb is used on a sign, they will become linked. You can now walk to your destination following the path you want. Once you reach your destination, the path is set and right clicking on the sign will show the custom path instead of the "flypath". Custom path can be reinitialised by shift+right cliking the sign.

2 keybindings are included to clear the display of the path (Numpad 9) and hide/show the breadcrumbs (Numpad 8).
SoulShardsRespawn (ssr) by Moze_Intel
A remake of the original Soul Shards mod. Adds a way to make spawners.
Sound Filters by Tmtravlr
A little client-side mod that makes sound more interesting. Right now it adds reverb to caves and mutes sounds when you're underwater and when the sound source is behind a wall.
The Betweenlands by MrCompost, BobMowzie, iLexiconn, imdutch21, pau101, Scarecrowman, TheCyberBrick, TripleHeadedSheep, Vadis365, voog2, WightofShadows
This large and expansive mod focuses on a whole new fully fleshed-out dimension for Minecraft with a plethora of exciting new content that offers a totally independent survival experience.

The Betweenlands dimension is a dark, swampy realm crawling with strange, monstrous creatures. It is the dimension that the majority of the mod revolves around.
The Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Imagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees as far as they eye can see. Breathtaking vistas and amazing discoveries await you around every corner. But beware! Not all denizens of the forest respond to your intrusion lightly.
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to all tool and tool part tooltips.
Tinkers Construct by Project Manager: mDiyo, Author: Jadedcat, bonusboni
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.
Torch Levers by HitchH1k3r
The Torch Levers Mod adds several security themed blocks to the game. Whether you want to keep a room hidden by illusions and secret levers, or place deadly traps in your fortress -- the Torch Levers Mod has something for you.
Treecapitator by bspkrs
This mod allows you to chop down an entire tree (leaves and all) by harvesting one of its logs. Based on Terraria tree-cutting style.
WAILA by ProfMobius
Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame, without the need of opening an UI.
WAILA Harvestability by squeek502
A client-side add-on for Waila that adds information about the harvestability of what you are looking at.
WAILA Plugins by tterrag1098
This mod adds WAILA plugins for many popular mods. The benefit of this is you are able to see information about their blocks in the WAILA HUD.
YALSM - Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod by AiryBreath
Adds a crafting recipe that allows you to craft 5x Rotten Flesh into 1x Patchwork Flesh, and a smelting recipe that allows you to smelt Patchwork Flesh into Leather. Experience gained from smelting is 0.35, equivalent to cooking raw beef into steak.

Latest Update

Server has been shutdown. Check our latest addition The Imperium of Magic, available on Technic.