Install Rainbow Robot

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Rainbow Robot) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Rainbow Robot from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Rainbow Robot Version 1.19

created by claypigeon on Minecraft 1.7.10
Although it is medium-sized, you will still need to install a 64-bit version of Java to run this modpack. Oracle may give you 32-bit java by default. For now 64-bit java can be found here:

If you have at least 8GB of memory, we suggest specifying the following java command line options to technic:

-Xmx4G -Xmn2G -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

We suggest you install Optifine and JourneyMap. We use both but cannot provide them in the modpack for licensing reasons. For now the pack comes with Xaeros's map. Please report bugs to me ([email protected]) or to the mod creator unless it's Thaumcraft. They require you report bugs through me. If you do report any errors for mods contained within this pack after that, you must ensure that you mention Fastcraft is enabled in the modpack along with any bug reports.

We suggest the following texture pack order:

This is the order we use in the videos. The we provide has the vanilla Fanver textures in it as well as publicly available modded ones and ones we made to cover the gaps. There are still gaps. If any of them annoy you particularly, drop me a line and I'll add those textures to my list to make for the next release.

There are many resources online to help with the individual mods; a google search will generally turn them up. We're still exploring all the details of how they interact. We find that to start with bronze armor and tools are cheap but strong and can be made with just a furnace and a crafting table. Looting chests under infested greatwood trees is a good way to get some rare items early game, likewise the upper levels of roguelike dungeons are relatively easy. Mystcraft is also useful early-on for making long-distance transport systems. We have a hub dimension on our server. A turtle makes a cheap quarry if you only have a few diamonds. Zombie flesh smelts into leather and dries into jerky. Want steel? You'll need a metallurgic infuser, power, iron and coal or charcoal, Or alternately Pig Iron ore from the Nether. For anything more in-depth, watch the videos or figure it out yourselves!

Known issues:

1. Silver does not melt in a smeltery. Fortunately silver is not all that useful for tools.
Old issues that ?*may*? have been fixed by a recent update, brave them at your own risk, let us know if you run into them!

2. Some useless ores spawn in the nether.

3. Mekanism Logistical pipes in chunks that are repeatedly loaded and unloaded cease to fill inventories completely.

4. Inductive Furnace smelts cobble into smooth colored stone instead of vanilla smooth stone.

5. Using mekanism pipes to put seeds into a Seed Analyzer causes world corruption.

Latest Update

Rainbow Robot was updated to version 1.19