Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version

-This is the same update as v, except I've removed the mods added in the previous update: Ancient Trees, Kore Sample, Scott's Tweaks, and Wooden Doors. These were pushing the pack dangerously close to the block limit.

The following bullet points are taken from that update:

-Updated mod: CraftPresence to v1.8.7
-Updated mod: D-Mod to v1.0.3.1
-Updated mod: Just Another Spawner to a fork by makamys - now passive mobs should spawn on chunk generation
-Updated mod: Not Enough Pets to v2.3.1 - better Witchery compatibility
-Updated mod: Village Names to v4.3.5 - Robits should no longer crash on right-click
-Updated resourcepack: Modernity to v3.5.2. Previous versions will be ignored and can be manually removed from your resourcepack folder.
-Bugfix: Ocean water is now salty
-Reduced size of Biome name overlays
-Chisel Limestone has been renamed to Continental Limestone
-Bauxite ore can be smelted into ingots and run through Mekanism machines
-Beetroot can now be crafted into both red dye (one) or seeds (two)
-Biomes o' Plenty limestone no longer showes up in NEI
-Shearing vanilla leaves now drops saplings again
-Harvestcraft foods have been made much more rare as chest loot
-Added Magma blocks to the Nether
-Magma, Magmatic Netherrack, and Magmatic Blackstone can be used to heat Growthcraft's brew kettles
-Bugfix: Iron Doors and many wooden doors and fence gate varieties can be crafted again
-Added "Yinsano's Iced Tea" and "Beige Russian" blender drink recipes
-Et Futurum dyes can now be obtained in villages and from some villager trades
-Natura wood fences are now labeled as "Natura Wood Fence." They can't be given unique names at this time.
-Decocraft props now have "suspended" block stability
-Mekanism's Osmium and Glowstone ingots changed to "Obsidian/Glowstone-Infused Osmium Ingot"
-Bugfix: Fossils & Achaeology biomes now have ambient temperature
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 2 years ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923