Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version

-Updated mod: Village Names to v4.3.0 - Brand-new, original Jungle and Swamp village buildings!
-Updated mod: Et Futurum Requiem to v2.1.3 - Now supports modern vanilla Copper blocks and Deepslate!
-Updated mod: EnviroMine to v1.3.128.GO - The Cave Dimension is now lined with Deepslate instead of regular stone!
-Updated mod: Netherlicious to v3.0.1 - now with Piglins!
-Updated mod: ChocoCraft Plus to v4.5.6
-Updated Mod: Not Enough Pets to v2.3.0
-Updated mod: BugTorch to v1.0.4b3.jar
-Updated mod: Campfire Backport to v1.9-NM
-Updated mod: Twilight Forest to v2.3.8.7
-Updated mod: Not Enough Items to v2.1.2-GTNH
-Updated mod: FoamFix to v1.0.0-beta3
-Updated mod: Careful Cast Corrector to v2.0
-Updated mod: BugTorch to v1.0.4b3 - Farmland will no longer get trampled, and now you can irrigate farmland with water blocks directly below
-Updated resourcepack: Modernity v3.5.0. Previous versions will be ignored and can be manually removed from your resourcepack folder.
-Modified recipes to try to ensure that Et Futurum Requiem's copper ingot and block are prioritized
-Disabled Et Futurum Misc sounds to prevent doubling of Ender Chest sounds
-Disabled UpToDate Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Suspicious Stew, Sweet Berry, and Wither Rose in favor of Et Futurum's
-Basalt, Gabbro, and Volcanic Stone have been
-Lava-filled Cauldron now emits heat and lowers air quality
-Magnified cold effect of snow and ice blocks
-Disabled ability to craft tool/weapon head parts out of RedAurum, since tools with RedAurum heads can't be repaired. Non-head parts like bindings and handles can still be crafted
-Removed NetheritePlus Blackstone and WTF Icy Redstone Stalactite variants from NEI
-Refactored most NEI hiding to be handled by INpureCore rather than CraftTweaker
-Added splash texts to GO_resources
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 2 years ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923