Install Galaxy Odyssey

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy Odyssey) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy Odyssey from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy Odyssey Version 2.41.1923

created by AstroTibs on Minecraft 1.7.10

Galaxy Odyssey updated to version

-Added mod: Mod Director - Now JourneyMap, OptiFine, and PR Atmosphere/Luminance resourcepacks will automatically download with every pack update!
-Added mod: Campfire Backport - does exactly what it says
-Added mod: HarvestCraft GenControl - fruit trees and crop gardens are now more biome-specific
-Added mod: NetheritePlus+ - Now you can find Ancient Debris and craft Netherite!
-Added mod: Netherlicious - cool new official and unofficial stuff for the Nether!
-Added mod: Just Another Spawner - Better regulation of mob spawns

-Updated mod: ChocoCraft Plus to v4.3.1 - The game will no longer crash when you kill another player
-Updated mod: UpToDateMod to v2.3.3 - Now includes lanterns!
-Updated mod: SkinPort to v10c
-Updated mod: Lumy Skin Patch to v1.0.10
-Updated mod: Growthcraft CE to v2.7.2
-Updated mod: GalaxySpace to v1.2.14, adding two new worlds
-Updated mod: EnviroMine to 1.3.124_waterphys (this version was custom-made by me and is not available anywhere else)

-Disabled Railcraft's Mossy Cobblestone Wall
-Disabled Witch Spiders and Hungry Zombie Pigmen
-Disabled Optifine's Fast Math to reduce friction with BetterFPS
-Lycanite's items can no longer be found as loot in most chests
-Reverted Gany's Surface Basalt textures and renamed the block to "Gabbro"
-Gabbro in overworld pockets and no longer as spires in the Nether
-Wall blocks have a physics stability class of "very strong"
-Lowered Prismarine/Sea Lantern stability strength
-Block collapse strength should no longer be affected by water (as per EnviroMine update)
AstroTibs posted a changelog update for Galaxy Odyssey 3 years ago


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Latest Update

Galaxy Odyssey was updated to version 2.41.1923