Install Galaxy-Craft Outdated 1.7.10

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galaxy-Craft Outdated 1.7.10) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galaxy-Craft Outdated 1.7.10 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galaxy-Craft Outdated 1.7.10 Version 1.3.0-2

created by Brycey92 on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Version 1.3.0-2 - Recommended

Additional Buildcraft Objects by DA3DSOUL
This mod adds additional pipes and items to Buildcraft.
Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL
Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL is an IndustrialCraft 2 addon which adds several very powerful solar panels.
AppleCore by squeek502
An API for modifying the food and hunger mechanics of Minecraft. Also adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD.
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
Applied Energistics is a mod that focuses on creating a compact, easily accessible, considerably expandable and extendable storage system called a ME Network. The "ME" in the title stands for "Matter<->Energy" - the premise being that items added to the system are converted into energy and stored in a digital energy form before needing to be used again, whereupon they are converted back into matter.
Baubles by Azanor
Baubles is a small addon mod and api that is intended to be used by other mods to add additional inventory slots to a character.
Better Records by Stumblinbear
Better Records adds the ability to download your favorite songs from the internet directly into your game, for all your friends to hear! And with no exiting of Minecraft to do so! Just craft a record etcher and input the URL to the song, and it'll download automatically when you play it!
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BiblioCraft is a mod which adds a number of useful blocks, that are aesthetically pleasing and are used to display items and equipment. Most of these blocks allow quick and easy access to the items displayed on them, providing an excellent way for using them, while simultaneously freeing up storage space, when they are not needed any more.
BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Biomes O' Plenty adds the option to create BiblioCraft blocks/items out of the woods added by the Biomes O' Plenty mod.
BiblioWoods Forestry by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Forestry adds the option to create BiblioCraft blocks/items out of the woods added by the Forestry mod.
BiblioWoods Natura by Nuchaz
BiblioWoods Natura adds the option to create BiblioCraft blocks/items out of the woods added by the Natura mod.
Big Chat History by Cecer
This mod increases the amount of chat lines you can scroll up from 100 to 10,000. Great for getting screenshots of chat you might have missed!​
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Big Reactors is a mod that provides high-end multi-block power generation systems. It uses Thermal Expansion's Redstone Flux (RF) power system.
Binnie's Mods by Binnie
Binnie's Mods is an expansion for Forestry which consists of four main mods:
-Extra Bees is the original mod, and adds many new bee species to Forestry. These bees produce a variety of products from both vanilla and modded minecraft. There is also a database to keep track of discovered species.
-Extra Trees was the second mod added to Binnie's Mods, and adds many new tree species. It also however adds many aesthetic blocks. There are new planks, stairs, fences and doors, along with a woodworker to design patterned tiles. In 2.0, there is also hedges, fence variations and stained glass patterns.
-Botany is one of the two new mods in Binnie's Mods 2.0, and adds breedable flowers in a similar way to bees and trees in Forestry. These new flowers can be bred to give many different colours.
-Genetics is the other new mod in Binnie's Mods 2.0, and is a rework of the existing genetic machines in Extra Bees. These new machines work on bees, trees, butterflies and flowers, and involve sequencing and discovering genes to allow genetic manipulation.
Biomes O' Plenty by Adubbz
Biomes O' Plenty is a mod which introduces 80 new biomes and 12 sub-biomes to the game, many of which have new blocks, mobs and biome-specific plants compared to vanilla world. It also adds more variance to tools and armor, new equipment and plants and food, new sources of color, new ranged weapon and some other engaging blocks to build with.
Blue Power by Qmunity
Blue Power is a tech mod that adds a variety of ways to manipulate and transport blocks and redstone signals to the game.
Botania by Vazkii
Botania is a tech mod themed around natural magic. The main concept is to create magical flowers and devices utilizing the power of the earth, in the form of Mana.
Brandon's Core by brandon3055
This is the core mod that will be used by most of brandon3055's mods.
bspkrsCore by bspkrs
BspkrsCore is a mod used by bskprs to enable common code within his mods to be kept in one location, including update check support.
BuildCraft by SpaceToad
BuildCraft is a Minecraft mod that aims at providing advanced building capabilities to the game. Its main features include the ability to move items and liquids across the map, extract resources and automatically craft tools and materials, automatically create structures, produce and manage energy, and write logic systems reacting to various events in the world.
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
This mod adds slopes and a custom variety of vanilla-inspired blocks to Minecraft. The custom nature of these blocks allows players to cover them using most solid blocks in the game. Once covered, they look and act just like the block they're mimicking, but in entirely new shapes! For example, make some obsidian stairs that are resistant to explosions; or, make glowstone take the shape of a pyramid top. With Carpenter's Blocks, building takes on new possibilities!
CC Tweaks by SquidDev
CC Tweaks is a collection of modifications to Computer Craft.
ChickenChunks by Chicken Bones
This mod adds a block called a chunkloader, when placed it will keep chunks around it loaded even if no players are nearby or even online.
Chisel 2 by tterrag, Drullkus, minecreatr
Chisel adds a huge variety of static blocks to the game. This mod will be very useful for people who like the construction aspect of Minecraft.
CodeChickenCore by Chicken Bones
This is just a library of classes that all Chicken Bones' mods use. You need to install this if you are going to install any of Chicken Bones' mods.
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
Contains Core Functionality for all Team CoFH mods. Also does some really cool stuff on its own!
Fixes some Forge oversights and increases stability of some events.
Allows for flexible and powerful control of world generation; used as the primary ore gen mod in many major modpacks.
Collective Framework by austinv11
Collective Framework is your standard core/library mod. It doesn't do much on its own besides helping austinv11's mods work and adding a few minor tweaks.
ComputerCraft and ComputerCraftEdu by dan200
ComputerCraft is a mod that’s all about computer programming. It allows you to build in-game Computers and Turtles, and write programs for them using the Lua programming language. The addition of programming to Minecraft opens up a wide variety of new possibilities for automation and creativity. If you’ve never programmed before, it also serves as excellent way to learn a real world skill in a fun, familiar environment.

ComputerCraftEdu is a new way to learn computational thinking inside Minecraft. The mod adds a tile-based interface to a new type of turtle to help players learn the fundamentals of programming in a fun, accessible environment.
Custom NPCs by Noppes
This mod allows you to add custom npcs to your world and is mostly aimed at creative players who want more interactive worlds.
DamageIndicators by rich1051414
Damage Indicators let’s you see any mob's health when selected/attacked. It also shows the Mob portrait preview with current health when you mouse over mobs!
DaVincing by TwoThe
Draconic Evolution by brandon3055
Powers of the Dragon, the Draconic, learn to harness ancient powers to make powerful tools, weapons, armor and items! Evolve into a master of this power, become Draconic Evolution!
Enchanting Plus by Mssodin28
This mod completely gets rid of the randomness of enchanting and allows you to pick what YOU want on your tools! It is. It will register enchantments that other mods add and will show up for the appropriate tool.
EnderCore by CrazyPants
EnderCore is the core mod for EnderIO.
EnderIO by CrazyPants
EnderIO is a Minecraft mod created by CrazyPants which adds compact fluid, item, power and redstone conduits, power generation, machinery, remote area access (EnderIO), Dimensional Transceivers, new armor and tools, and much, much more!
Engineer's Toolbox by Emasher
Engineer's Toolbox is a tech mod with a focus on customization. It's based around blocks called sockets which can have modules installed on their sides to serve various functions. Different modules can do everything from simple redstone logic, to generating energy.
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Extra Utilities is a mod that adds many various useful blocks and items to the game.
ExtraTic by Glassmaker
ExtraTiC is Mod add-on to bridge Tinkers' Construct and other mods for Minecraft 1.6.4 and 1.7.10.
FastCraft by Player
FastCraft is a small mod which improves the client and server performance significantly without any game play changes.
FlatSigns by Myrathi
You can use a normal sign and place it on the underside of blocks or, if you sneak-click on the floor, it'll be flat like a doormat
Forestry by SirSengir
The goal of this mod is to automate tree farming as much as possible without becoming entirely overpowered. Full automation can currently only be achieved if the mod is used in conjunction with BuildCraft.
Forge Multipart by Chicken Bones
An API for dynamically handling different functional parts in the one block space.
Galacticraft by Micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco567
Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship.
Galacticraft Planets by Micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco567
Galacticraft Planets adds planets to Galacticraft for you to explore.
Galaxy-Craft Addons by Brycey92
An mod for the Galaxy-Craft custom modpack server that adds higher increments of industrial credits as well as armory tokens.
Galaxy-Craft Configuration by Brycey92
The configuration for the Galaxy-Craft modpack.
Galaxy-Craft Options and Keybinds by Brycey92
The options, keybinds, and visual settings for the Galaxy-Craft modpack.
Galaxy-Craft Resource Pack by Brycey92
This is the official resource pack for the Galaxy-Craft modpack and server.
Gollum Core Lib by Smeagol
This mod is a framework simplifying development of mods for Minecraft Forge.
Gravitation Suite by SeNtiMeL
Gravitation Suite adds high end upgrades for IndustrialCraft 2 items. These high-end upgrades are very expensive, requiring Iridium and other very expensive materials to craft. They are also very powerful, offering a near-omnipotency over a world.
Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon became a truly challenging boss with a great reward, but the adventure doesn't end there. The End is no longer just an island. Go investigate unique ores, battle new mobs, travel to new biomes, the death awaits you! ... I mean, adventure. Adventure awaits you.
Hunger Overhaul by squeek502
This mod tweaks the hunger mechanics to make hunger more of a challenge, rather than just a mild annoyance.
Iguana's Tinker Tweaks by boni
This is a mod that adds a slower progression through the earlygame of Tinker's Construct, and tool-leveling which awards random bonus modifiers on levelups. However, the biggest part of Iguana Tweaks is that it allows one to adapt many properties of the game/Tinker's Construct.
Immibis Core by Immibis
This is like CodeChicken Core, Buildcraft Core, RedPower Core, and so on - it provides requirements for other mods.
Immibis' Peripherals by Immibis
A ComputerCraft peripheral addon that adds RFID Cards, mag-cards, speakers, LAN cables, a cryptographic accelerator, and an adventure map interface.
IndustrialCraft 2 by IC2 Dev Team
IC2 introduces numerous features across a variety of areas in Minecraft, including resource processing, mining, agriculture and the player's armory itself. It accomplishes this through the use of a proprietary energy system of Energy Units, or EU, and includes an array of generators and blocks to provide and store this energy and a much larger stable of machinery and tools to use this energy in their own ways.
INpureCore by denoflions
INpureCore is denoflions' library for his mods. It does dependency handling and NEI culling.
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
This client mod for Minecraft allows you to easily manage your items. It works out of the box, and will make you gain a massive amount of time, both in single and multiplayer!
IronChests by cpw
This mod adds a variety of new chests to the game in addition to iron chests. All are better than vanilla chests in that they have more capacity and can be placed next to each other.
JABBA by ProfMobius
Jabba (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) is a storage mod aiming at making a better barrel than what is already out there. It introduces one block (the barrel itself), a set of upgrades and a dolly to move things around.
Liteloader by Mumfrey
LiteLoader is a lightweight mod loader for Minecraft designed to provide simple, high-performance and reliable loader functionality for mods which don't need to modify game mechanics.
MalisisCore by Ordinastie
Core mod for Ordinastie's mods.
MalisisDoors by Ordinastie
This mod adds new animations for doors, trap doors and fence gates. It adds new several doors that all have different and original animations. You can also build your doors with a machine that lets you choose the way it looks and the way it moves.
Mantle by mDiyo
This contains shared code for Forge mods and is used by the Slime Knights.
Mekanism by Aidan Brady
Mekanism is an independent tech mod that brings low, mid, and high tier machinery to Minecraft.
Micdoodle Core by Micdoodle8, radfast, fishtaco567
Core mod for Micdoodle8's mods, including Galacticraft.
Minecraft Forge by LexManos
Minecraft Forge is a modding API designed to allow almost maximum compatibility between mods. It contains hooks into the base Minecraft files that allows modders to make their mods more advanced without editing base classes. In addition it includes Forge Mod Loader (FML), which allows loading of mods that do not modify base classes, both from the minecraft.jar and the mods folder. Forge Mod Loader uses the same mod format as Risugami's ModLoader and thus supports loading mods designed for that mod loader.
MineFactory Reloaded by SkyBoy
MFR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, boring, or work-intensive. It also provides some additional support blocks and machines.
MineMenu by dmillerw
With this fancy new radial menu, you put the power of 10 keys…that’s right, 10! Into the comfort of only one. MineMenu supports key bindings, commands, and creative functions to make your life easier.
MineTweaker 3 by Stan Hebben
MineTweaker is a Minecraft Forge mod that allows you to alter Minecraft to your needs. It's an essential tool to increase modpack quality and allows you to alter or remove crafting recipes, furnace recipes, mod machine recipes for supported mods, item renaming and ore dictionary modification.
ModTweaker by jaredlll08
ModTweaker is an addon for MineTweaker 3. Minetweaker lets you adjust recipes, remove them entirely, or add new recipes. While it has decent mod support, there are many mods that use custom crafting handlers that are not supported natively. ModTweaker plans to provide additional support for as many of these mods over time as possible
More Pistons by Smeagol
The More Pistons mod adds various new types of pistons to Minecraft.
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
Mouse Tweaks provides several left and right mouse button tweaks for moving items in inventories.
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod by MrCrayfish
This mod adds in what Minecraft has been missing for years, furniture! It includes over 40 pieces of furniture to decorate your bedroom, kitchen, living room and even your garden! It doesn't take the vanilla feel away from Minecraft as it would be coded in the same way as Mojang would do it.
MrTJPCore by MrTJP
Core mod for MrTJP's mods, including Project:RED.
Natura by progwml6
Natura is a mod that aims to spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few small additions, hunger no longer has to be about hunting animals early game.
NEI Addons by Tonius
NEI Plugins is a plugin for the Not Enough Items mod originally made by mistaqur. This plugin is used to provide support for mods, like Forestry, Extra Bees, Applied Energistics, MiscPeripherals, BuildCraft, Equivalent Exchange 3, Modular Powersuits Addons, and Tinkers' Construct.
NEI Plugins Unofficial by Tonius
Applied Energistics 2, Blood Magic, BuildCraft 6.0, EnderIO, Extra Utilities, Forestry, Mariculture, Mekanism, MineFactory Reloaded, OpenBlocks, Railcraft, Random Things, Tinkers' Construct, Thermal Expansion
Note Block Display by xaero_
NotEnoughItems by Chicken Bones
Not Enough Items is a core utility mod and a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It appears in-game whenever the players Inventory or other GUI that contains an inventory is opened, and allows a player to view crafting recipes and usages of the majority of the items in modpacks.
NotEnoughKeys by Mod Warriors
A Simple Forge mod that splits up keybinds into sub menus for less headaches. Also adds keybindings that use modifiers SHIFT, CTRL, & ALT.
Nuclear Control 2 by Xbony2
IC2 Nuclear Control is an addon for IndustrialCraft 2. It gives players the ability to build efficient monitoring and control systems for IndustrialCraft 2 Nuclear Reactors. Items in IC2 Nuclear Control can monitor temperature and conditions of the reactor (as well as other IC2 objects) and respond accordingly, whether by turning off the reactor, or by setting off a Howler Alarm to warn nearby players of their impending doom.
OpenCCSensors by Lyqyd
OpenCCSensors is a new, open-source, up to date replacement for CcSensors (outdated), allowing monitoring and gathering information from the Minecraft environment - including players, entities, proximity, world info, IndustrialCraft 2, BuildCraft 2, liquids, inventories - and more!
OpenComputers by Sangar
This mod adds programmable, modular and persistent computers to the game, which you can write code for in LUA.
OpenModsLib by OpenMods
Required library for all OpenMods mods.
OpenModularTurrets by OpenModularTurrets Team
This mod adds turrets that are both open and modular!
OpenPeripheral by OpenMods
Add-on for ComputerCraft and OpenComputers which can convert many blocks from all different mods into ComputerCraft/OpenComputers peripherals.
Ore Dictionary Converter by EXTER6
Ore Dictionary Converter is a mod that adds blocks and items that convert between different versions of the same ore using the Forge ore dictionary. This allow ores and ingots to be stacked and use less space in the inventory or chests.
Peripherals++ by austinv11
Peripherals++ is an addon for ComputerCraft by austinv11. It is was created to fill the vacuum left behind by RichardG when he abandoned his mod, MiscPeripherals. This mod aims to be a pseudo-port of MiscPeripherals, as well as adding original mechanics too!
Project Exchange by sinkillerj
ProjectE is a complete rewrite of Equivalent Exchange 2 for Minecraft 1.7.10.
Project:RED by MrTJP
ProjectRed brings vastly improved redstone control via compact wiring and integrated logic gates. It written inside the ForgeMultipart API
QmunityLib by Qmunity
This is a core library used by Blue Power.
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Railcraft is a mod which adds many new kinds of minecarts and tracks, as well as improvements to how minecarts work.
Secret Rooms Mod by AbrarSyed
This mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surrounding world. All of these blocks have extremely useful functions that allow you to simply hide your diamonds, or punish all who dare try to get to them. Hidden doors, pressure plates, hidden levers and more! Pay special attention to the revolutionary Ghost block. this block is visible in every way, but you can walk right through it. A fearsome trap for anyone who dares try stealing your diamonds with a floor made of this stuff over a pit of lava.
Thermal Dynamics by Team CoFH
Thermal gets Dynamic! Adds ducts - transportation for Redstone Flux, Fluids, and Items!
Thermal Expansion by Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion is a mod created by TeamCoFH originally as an addon of sorts to the popular mod “BuildCraft”. It added more levels of automation and machines using the power BuildCraft provided, Minecraft Joules. Soon, Thermal Expansion split into its own mod, with its own power system and no dependency on any mod. Currently it provides all that and more, as well as new things to come! From smashing ores to get the most ingots out of them to powering your furnaces, Thermal Expansion has a tool for you!
Thermal Foundation by Team CoFH
This mod is required for Thermal Expansion and gives modpack makers a way to add resources to their worlds without needing to install all of the tech and other goodies that come with TE.
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
A simple client-side add-on for Tinkers' Construct that adds relevant stats to all tool and tool part tooltips. Supports ExtraTiC/Mariculture, only shows the relevant information for each part, and color-codes the statistics based on the min/max of each stat. Also integrates with Iguana Tweaks for TiC/TiC Tweaks (which add their own tooltips), fixing ExtraTiC part tooltips and adding/extending tooltips where applicable.
Tinkers' Construct by boni
Tinkers' Construct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever.
Tinkers' Mechworks by mDiyo
Mechworks is an addon for Tinkers' Construct with some interesting mechanical tidbits.
Treecapitator by bspkrs
This mod allows you to chop down an entire tree (leaves and all) by harvesting one of its logs. Based on Terraria tree-cutting style.
TubeStuff by Immibis
VoxelLib by The VoxelModPack Team
VoxelLib is a library containing common functionality used by a number of other mods in the modpack such as the common configuration interface VoxelOptions, the VoxelPacket subsystem and various other minor APIs which would otherwise need to be duplicated in each mod.
VoxelMap by MamiyaOtaru
VoxelMap is an in-game minimap mod with a few nice features. It displays waypoints (per dimension, and per multiverse world if the server is running voxelPlugin). It also displays mob (and player) icons, with optional helmets and playernames. Waypoints can be edited or removed at any time, with an easy UI for picking their color. In SP (with commands enabled) or in MP with sufficient permissions, the user can teleport to any waypoint.
VoxelMenu by Mumfrey
VoxelMenu overhauls the Minecraft menu system to vastly improve their visual appearance. No more tiled dirt backgrounds, enjoy the panorama on all of your Minecraft menu screens! Screen transitions make navigation feel more fluid, and a re-vamped in-game menu unifies the in-game experience with the main menu's new style.
VoxelMenu Music by Brycey92
This is a compilation of music used by VoxelMenu in the Minecraft main menu. For a list of music, please see the Galaxy-Craft Modpack About page.
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila (What Am I Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly ingame, without the need of opening an UI. It provides a small unobtrusive tooltip on top of the screen with information about the block the player is looking at.
WarpDrive by LemADEC
This mod brings Warp Drive and similar Science fiction technologies to Minecraft included but not limited to resource collection (mining asteroids in space), transportation (move your team or your whole base across dimensions), and combat (fight against other ships and bases with laser cannons or other mods).
WorldEditCUI by Mumfrey
This mod provides a client-side user interface for the WorldEdit plugin allowing you to see your selected region in-game in real time. It allows you to work more quickly and accurately with your WorldEdit selection and is especially useful when working with Polygon, Convex Hull and Cylinder selections.
WorldEditWrapper by Mumfrey
This mod provides simple lightweight method for using WorldEdit in your single-player worlds. At present it is in early development but it should support all of the core features of WorldEdit and also works with WorldEditCUI, allowing you to view your selection in real time!
WR-CBE by Chicken Bones
In its simplest this is a mod that allows you to transmit your redstone state wirelessly. Even if you dont use redstone this mod could still be for you. Found an awesome landscape you'd like to mark, a cool cave to explore, or keep losing your way from base to base? Ever wished that compass pointed somewhere else or there was a way to mark things on a map. Well now there is. With the wireless addons component of this mod you can use wireless signals for navigation. The signals are synchronised in a dimension called the Redstone Ether or REther. This dimension has no physical form and purely stores signals. It can be accessed by combining the Interdimensional properties of Obsidian, Glowstone and EnderPearls from the OverWorld, Nether and Ender with redstone to enter the RedstoneEther. There are 5000 different frequencies storing independent state, name and colour. Due to the dimensional nature of the REther signals sent in the nether will translate into the OverWorld and vice versa.