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Hi me and my cousin play this all the time, I just have one issue though its the server if you could add English as well to the signs it would b awesome, I would of originally used google translate but I can't copy and paste signs so its difficult sorry if this is too much.
je ban za zapínání pvp v resce když tam je hráč právě mě kid zabil
can you add mac crayfishes furniture mod pls / můžete přidat MAC raků nábytek mod pls
Why server crashes so often , once every 20 minutes dies !
Můžete mi poradit jak se používá morph mod?????
Tak Morph je jednoduchy, ovlada se pomoci klavesy > ú
Dale koleckem vyberes jaky chces skin, pak na nej kliknes levym.
Kdyz mas vice barev mobu treba ovci tak podrzis SHIFT a vyberes koleckem.
ahoj mam prozbu nevidim v tankach kapalinu jde to nak nastavit predem dik za odpoved
S timhle nemam zkusenosti, ale neni tezke se podivat na YT.
Tem como colocar o Thermal Expansion e o Nether Ores?
On the server there should be some sort of grief prevention. (Maybe a way to claim land)
Yes to server AntiFire and AntiTNT
i agree
Really A+ stuff here. Great mod pack. Just be careful when spawning modpack items using commands. Tried spawning some type of shortbow and corrupted my world. Only lost about 5 hours of work though.
First learn to work with mods ;)
update so that more players can play on the server
Yes :) extension the server 21 slots, and plans another :)
is there a server
Yes :)
I love Futurecraft :*
wow thx :)
Paradni modpack je to nejnovější verze co hraje Gejmr super !!!
Jo je to posledni co vydal :)
a co ja s tim