Install Future Craft GEJMR

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Future Craft GEJMR) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Future Craft GEJMR from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Future Craft GEJMR Version 5.9

created by Majklnew on Minecraft 1.6.4
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Hi me and my cousin play this all the time, I just have one issue though its the server if you could add English as well to the signs it would b awesome, I would of originally used google translate but I can't copy and paste signs so its difficult sorry if this is too much.
Ashley203 7 years ago
Posted by Majklnew 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
je ban za zapínání pvp v resce když tam je hráč právě mě kid zabil
_Drealdlord_ 7 years ago
can you add mac crayfishes furniture mod pls / můžete přidat MAC raků nábytek mod pls
buddy12 8 years ago
Why server crashes so often , once every 20 minutes dies !
aocody 8 years ago
Můžete mi poradit jak se používá morph mod?????
Xx_firevorker_xX 8 years ago
Tak Morph je jednoduchy, ovlada se pomoci klavesy > ú Dale koleckem vyberes jaky chces skin, pak na nej kliknes levym. Kdyz mas vice barev mobu treba ovci tak podrzis SHIFT a vyberes koleckem.
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
ahoj mam prozbu nevidim v tankach kapalinu jde to nak nastavit predem dik za odpoved
loftik1 8 years ago
S timhle nemam zkusenosti, ale neni tezke se podivat na YT.
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Posted by domcaw222 8 years ago
Tem como colocar o Thermal Expansion e o Nether Ores?
Luis_CraftBR 8 years ago
On the server there should be some sort of grief prevention. (Maybe a way to claim land)
Fullmetallizard 8 years ago
Yes to server AntiFire and AntiTNT
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
i agree
Posted by buddy12 8 years ago
Really A+ stuff here. Great mod pack. Just be careful when spawning modpack items using commands. Tried spawning some type of shortbow and corrupted my world. Only lost about 5 hours of work though.
z_g_s_pwns 8 years ago
First learn to work with mods ;)
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
update so that more players can play on the server
LittleDiegoG 8 years ago
Yes :) extension the server 21 slots, and plans another :)
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
is there a server
FFuunnyy11 8 years ago
Yes :)
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I love Futurecraft :*
Deed pool 8 years ago
wow thx :)
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Paradni modpack je to nejnovější verze co hraje Gejmr super !!!
liborekii 8 years ago
Jo je to posledni co vydal :)
Posted by Majklnew 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
a co ja s tim
Posted by domcaw222 8 years ago

Latest Update

Future Craft GEJMR was updated to version 5.9