Install Future Craft GEJMR

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Future Craft GEJMR) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Future Craft GEJMR from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Future Craft GEJMR Version 5.9

created by Majklnew on Minecraft 1.6.4
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add tecguns warpdrive advanced computer
bestbatman33 6 years ago
I did the last update !
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
can y add me on with list for yor server my nick is neopakl
neopakl 6 years ago
Do you upload a server with this modpack on this site?
Ameinsenbaer 6 years ago
No !
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Do you upload a server with this modpack on this site?
Ameinsenbaer 6 years ago
add techguns
bestbatman33 6 years ago
No !
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Techguns mod is 1.7.10 No copatible this version !
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
cau mam jeden launcher a nejde mi to naitalovat a mam
derbis 6 years ago
prosim pomoc nejdemi kvôli tomu technic launcher
derbis 6 years ago
Tak nesmis stahovat dva Launchery
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Chýba tam Torch mod ktorý Gejmr má
FaunTV 6 years ago
Ano ten jsem odebral kvuli bugum
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
por favro resolva o errado da modpacj crash quando entro no servidor
PEDROgmvt 7 years ago
What your nick ?
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Mohu se zeptat proč mi nejde stáhnout modpack píše to error extracting file
ControlorCZ 7 years ago
Provadel se update, musis pockat ;)
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
When will the server be online again?
DEKO14 7 years ago
Yes server online
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Ahoj chtěl bych se zeptat kdy už nebude na serveru WhiteList děkuji předem
iskillez 7 years ago
Az se dodelaji upravy
Posted by Majklnew 6 years ago | Modpack Creator
Jsem anglický pomocí Překladače Google nesoudí, ale když jsem připojit k hlavnímu serveru mi to říká, musím přihlásit, ale nevím své heslo, jak mohu zjistit nebo jej změnit
vGxKILLERSx 7 years ago
Just in case you can read English : when i join the main server it tells me i have to login but i don't know my password how do i find out or change it
Posted by vGxKILLERSx 7 years ago
pf adciona no modpack o IC2
Ruandeesimo 7 years ago
Um, @Majklnew, Does this have English supported, I would love it if it did, Please reply back to me asap
PhoenixGamingV 7 years ago
I know what you mean I logon to the server and it says I need a password so I am using google translate to ask about that :(
Posted by vGxKILLERSx 7 years ago
Pred tromi dnami som si stiahol modpack, pripojil som sa na server a vsetko islo v pohode... Teraz ked sa chcem pripojit na server tak ma to vzdy vrati do Technic Launcheru... Neviete co s tym je?
Fylap 7 years ago
Když sputím tak to píše IDconflikt.txt nebo něco takového
kxosef 7 years ago
is english supported?
nicorock21 7 years ago
proc mi nejde nejakej IDConfig
lajk20005 7 years ago
prý vše unbanovaný itemy portalgun zabanována quarry zabanována vysvětli
MaherGames1 7 years ago

Latest Update

Future Craft GEJMR was updated to version 5.9