Install Fiction Friction Pixelated M

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Fiction Friction Pixelated M) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Fiction Friction Pixelated M from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Fiction Friction Pixelated M Version rc03-28.0.1

created by P3rf3ct_Zer0 on Minecraft 1.20.1

Distributed under the DWYWWI License (Do What You Want With It) either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

I am not a coder and I have tried many; many times to my dismay. I just get mods that work and if a coder asks that I remove their mod I will. I do this for my wife and child; as well as for fun. I mean nothing of ill will and I hope you don't crucify me.

I do not make any money off the projects.

Credit to all original authors.

Latest Update

Fiction Friction Pixelated M was updated to version rc03-28.0.1