Install Cinder RPG

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Cinder RPG) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Cinder RPG from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Cinder RPG Version Season4PubBeta1C

created by LuciferWPF on Minecraft 1.12.2

This is Cinder, A Fantasy based survival RPG. In which you can join a mythical race- where you can come together as a community and help each other succeed or become a lone wolf exploring the vast world learning lost sorceries and fighting ancient foes. What type of experience is this? Well I'm glad you asked... It's that *"Ben get the fire extinguisher, James' is chanting and summoning demons again" experience. That amazing feeling of slaughtering villages with magic and calling it an acceptable casualty type of experience... So what are you waiting for?





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Translation by Grimbite

-Das ist Cinder, ein Fantasy-basiertes Survival-RPG. Du kannst einer mythischen Rasse beitreten, dich zu einer Gemeinschaft zusammenschließen und einander helfen, erfolgreich zu sein, oder als Einsamer Wolf die weite Welt erkunden, verlorene Zaubersprüche lernen und gegen antike Feinde kämpfen. Was für eine Art von Erfahrung ist das? Nun, ich bin froh, dass du fragst... Es ist diese *Ben hol den Feuerlöscher! James singt und beschwört wieder Dämonen"-Erfahrung. Dieses unglaubliche Gefühl, Dörfer mit Magie abzuschlachten und es als akzeptable Verluste zu bezeichnen... Worauf wartest du also noch?

Translation by RatTheHawtPirate

Este é Cinder, Um RPG de Sobrevivência baseado em Fantasia no qual você pode se juntar a uma raça Mítica, Aonde você pode se unir como uma Comunidade e ajudar um ao outro a ter Sucesso ou você pode ser um Lobo Solitário explorando este mundo vasto, Aprendendo Feitiços perdidos no tempo e Batalhando Inimigos Anciões. “Que tipo de experiência é essa” você diz? Obrigado por perguntar… Essa é a “João pega o extintor de incêndio, o Thomas está Sumonando demônios de novo” das Experiências, Aquele Sentimento Incrível de Destruir um Vilarejo com Magia e chamar tal ato de moralmente aceitável… Então, pelo que está esperando?

Latest Update

Cinder RPG was updated to version Season4PubBeta1C