Install Elob Craft

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Elob Craft) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Elob Craft from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Elob Craft Version 0.2.0

created by Advaluti on Minecraft 1.7.10

Elob Craft updated to version 0.2.0

- AgriCraft
- Chisel
- ExtraCells2
- Morpheus
- RFTools
- Tinkers' Steelworks (fork)

- Increased BigReactors fuel consumption (1.0 > 4.0)
- Removed most of Iguana's Tweaks
- AE2 power switched to RF
- Meteor spawnrate decreased (0.3 > 0.25)
- Quartz ore spawnrate and amount per cluster increased (15 + 4 > 20 + 5)
- Charged quartz ore spawnrate increased (0.7 > 0.8)
- Removed VoltzEngine ore generation (except uranium ore)
- Removed yellorite ore generation
- Hidden BC Facades in NEI
- BC Builders/Fillers drop cleared blocks
- Increased maximum quarry size (64 > 256)
- Increased quarry power drain (1.0 > 1.5)
- Enabled BC water springs
- Changed world bedrock layer to be flat
- Decreased dark steel anvil breaking chance (0.024 > 0.02)
- Made Galaticraft space stations be always chunk loaded
- Disabled Galacticraft oil generation
- Increased solar panel power generation on space stations (2.0 > 5.0)
- Increased Galacticraft boss difficulty (1.0 > 2.0)
- Increased Galacticraft maximum Astro Miners (4 > 8)
- Disabled non-unique ore generation on Mars/Moon/Asteroids
- Galacticraft power switched to RF
- Disabled Magical Crops magic damage when walked on
- Increased RFTools dimension creating RF/t cost (1000 > 8000)
- Increased RFTools dimension maintaing RF/t cost (10 > 200)
- Increased RFTools dimension creating time in ticks (100 > 500)
- Made Bane of Arthropods useful (apparently)
- Disabled the Stone Builders wand
- Increased Ender Quarry base power drain (1800 > 3000)
- Increased Ender Quarry hardness drain (200 > 500)
- Decreased Baby Zombie spawn chance (0.05 > 0.01)
- Changed spawn to be a fixed point with no fuzz
- Decreased IC2 base sound (1.0 > 0.8)
- Disabled Forestry ore generation
- Disabled IC2 ore generation (except uranium ore)
- Disabled IC2 rubber tree generation
- Decreased Mekanism base sound (1.0 > 0.75)
- Disabled Mekanism Copper and Tin ore generation
- Disabled Morph abilities
- Enabled sleeping in Morph
- Disabled the ability to collect other players bodies (via Morph)
- Changed minimum player sleep requirement (50% > 25%)
- Enabled more NEI information of blocks/items/fluids
- Disabled skeletion spawning on graves
- Increased possible range of grave spawning
- Increased ProjectRed jetpack fuel efficiency (80 > 90)
- Disabled ProjectRed ore generation (except gems and electrotine ore)
- Decreased chance of the taint biome spreading (1 in 200 > 1 in 1000)
- Disabled keeping hunger on death
- Disabled loosing 10% damage on Tinkers' tools on death
- Disabled Tinkers' ore generation (except Aluminium, Cobalt and Ardite)
- Disabled Tinkers' ore bush generation (except Essence)
- Increased difficulty of ProjectE
- Increased Thermal Foundation ore generation rates/sizes (1.0x > 2.0x)
- And more behind the scenes less interesting stuff

- BluePower
- Gravestone Mod
- Modular Forcefield System
- SleepMod
- TreeCapitator
Advaluti posted a changelog update for Elob Craft 5 years ago


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Latest Update

Elob Craft was updated to version 0.2.0