Install Eden Dark

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Eden Dark) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Eden Dark from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Eden Dark Version 1.9

created by BGamer18 on Minecraft 1.12.2

##Join the community!


This modpack is still in its very early stages of development. This means there may be performance issues, crashes, bugs, and mod conflictions. Please go to the help section of the Technic modpack page for more details on how to contact me about any technical issues you may have. I would highly recommend dedicating at least 3-4 gigabytes of RAM to your Technic launcher before you start playing.


What is "Eden Dark"? Eden Dark is a mod pack that is shrouded in mystery if you have never experienced it. It is a mod pack that falls under the horror genre of mod packs. I don't want to reveal too many details about it for...reasons. I made this because I do not see that many mod packs strictly based around the horror genre. When I do see mod packs that are under the horror genre most of them are entirely based on movies or video games. Most takes of the horror genre in Minecraft oftentimes take place in custom maps that people make for vanilla Minecraft. Instead of making a small map...I wanted to make a universe. A universe where you are in constant unease and fear. I purposefully replaced the sounds and the music for that reason so that they properly adapt to whatever environment or situation you are in. Now go out and dive into the'll never know what is going to happen.


Join the Discord and type any suggestions you may have into the #suggestions channel or contact me

Tips before starting

Do not use shaders

if you want to get the most ideal experience. My reasoning behind this being this is that I modded the vanilla Minecraft lighting system so it is different and pertains to one of the core gameplay mechanics of the mod pack. When someone uses shaders it overrides the vanilla Minecraft lighting system and basically disables all of the lighting and other visual modifications I put in place. Shaders also may cause certain lighting glitches because it is conflicting with some of the other visual enhancing mods I have installed. Overall it is not recommended.  


You can use a resource pack if you do desire but again it is not ideal for the following reasons. Some of the mods I have installed add alternative particle effects, sounds and music to the game that cannot be modified by a resource pack. This will cause your resource pack that you are using to look inconsistent in terms of textures depending on the resource pack. If you absolutely are head over heels for your resource pack for whatever reason then you could delete the visual mods that are on the pack. But keep in mind that if you plan to play on a server for this mod pack then you might not be able to join if these visual enhancing mods are removed due to mod rejections from a server.

Dynamic lights option does not work with certain features in game so you're better off not turning it on

This modpack is very centered around darkness but dynamic lighting does NOT work to evade certain consequences of being in the dark for too long. This would make multiple gameplay mechanics way too easy to avoid. Also in some situations torches can get taken from your hands so you are better off just placing them. You can also attract mobs if you are out in the open and you are holding a lit up torch.

Key Features

Sanity: can lose your sanity in this mod pack. Just as much as I lost mine while making this. If you start seeing white/blue eyes floating around and ghost zombies walking around...then get some help ASAP.

You can break your bones: You can break your bones due to taking any form of damage. So sticks and stones can quite literally break your bones. If a certain part of you is damaged enough it can inflict multiple negatives effects on you based on the part that is damaged. Vanilla health regen is disabled you now need bandages and other first aid items in order to heal each individual part of your body that is damaged.

Torch Duration: The Vanilla Minecraft Torch recipe is now disabled. You can longer pick up vanilla Minecraft Torches from the world. They now require an extra stick to craft and now they go out after a certain amount of time.

Other dimensions: If you ever want to get away from your own hell hole and go to a new one...NOW YOU CAN! There are various different dimensions in this mod pack for you to explore. Although they most certainly will not be better than the overworld. 

Rituals: In order to satisfy my satanic tendencies I have added in various rituals from different mods for you to do. 

Weather: Ranging from vicious rainstorms to F5 tornados...all of these things can happen in your world in a moment's notice. 

Enhanced AI: Certain mobs now behave differently. Mainly mobs such as zombies, skeletons and other vanilla Minecraft mobs. They can now react accordingly to sounds that the player makes and locate players based on the sounds. Open light sources are now a beacon for mobs as well. The AI also adapts with you and gets harder as you progress through the game. There are some world events that can and will happen where you will be hunted down and killed on site.

Oh...and one last thing...

That's about it for the features that I would like to reveal...

Future Plans and features

I would like to add in more custom mods that are specifically made for this mod pack. I am currently trying to start mod development so you might be able to expect some really cool and original features in the future. Due to there being a severe lack of horror based mods out there for Minecraft I would love to make some of my own either by myself or with a team in order to expand on this project. I have quite a few survival-based mods on this pack but I am lacking in the horror aspect of things. I have been looking into a skill tree system as well I do want to add something like this to the mod pack but it requires a lot of testing in order to make sure something like that is balanced and does not conflict with the current mod setup. I am also trying to arrange to make some kind of multiplayer lobby system as well for this mod pack. I am also trying to find a good way to implement lore into the modpack as well.

Latest Update

Eden Dark was updated to version 1.9