Install Dungeon Delvers

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Dungeon Delvers) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Dungeon Delvers from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Dungeon Delvers Version 1.3.2b

created by TRMiles on Minecraft 1.7.10

Dungeon Delvers updated to version 2.0

VERY DETAILED CHANGELOG DDv 2.0 - Update by Noku - Changelog by Noku

mods updated
adventure backpacks --- from 0.8b to 0.8c --- Respects KeepInventory Rule
Lag while open (mostly) fixed. This may cause some synchronization problems. If the backpack doesn't update the fluid tanks visually just take it off and put it on again.
Dupe bug squashed.
Added Czech localization.
Will not dissappear while blowing up now.
archimedes ships (needed "moving world")--- from archimedes ships 1.7.1 to new edition archimedes ships plus 1.7.10-1.8

added api mods
thaumcraft nei plugin --- Needs thaumcraft and NEI
NEI addons (tinkers support) --- Needs NEI
NEI integration (api for all forge dictionary and crafting support) --- Needs NEI
Waila Harvestability --- Needs waila
Walwa --- Needs waila
Malisis core
Not enough recources --- Needs NEI
moving world

added the following mods
pams harvest craft
extra utilities
iron chests
storage drawers
thaumcraft --- Needs Baubles
botania --- Needs Baubles
Pam's Clay Spawn (to fix clay spawns)
Pam's weeeflowers (decoration addons)
Carpenters blocks
Death counter (for funsies)
weapon case loot
refined relocation (to add some type of auto sorting)
Headcrumbs (a fun head/trophy mod)
fast leaf decay
malisis doors --- Needs malisis core
Redstone paste (for those who just want redstone)
et futurum (adds 1.8 blocks to 1.7.10)
Better fps

addon mods
storage drawers biomes o plenty --- Needs BOP and storage drawers
baublestuff --- Needs Baubles
tc node tracker --- Needs thaumcraft
forbidon magic --- Needs thaumcraft
thaumic exploration --- Needs thaumcraft
thaumic tinkerer --- Needs thaumcraft
nodal mechanics --- Needs thaumcraft
tainted magic --- Needs thaumcraft
twarden --- Needs thaumcraft
thaumaturgical knowledge --- Needs thaumcraft
thaumcraft inventory scanner --- Needs thaumcraft
gadomancy --- Needs thaumcraft
bibliowoods BOP --- Needs BOP and bibliocraft
TIC tooltips --- Needs Tinkers Construct
Extra TIC --- Needs tinkers construct
Tinkes mechworks --- Needs Tinkers Construct
Travellers gear --- Needs Baubles
Expanded armoury --- Needs Balkons Weapons mod
hats stand --- Needs Hats mod

Mods removed
Mystcraft --- for severe lag reasons as well as memory eating issues
Arsmagica 2 and Animation api

configs edited
ATG --- fixed world generation
Damage indicators --- made range in indication longer and changed skin to better match the packs feel
battle towers --- made battle towers more rare to less dominate the landscape with giant towers
general --- edited options in optifine and basic setting to optimize performance to the average computer
TRMiles posted a changelog update for Dungeon Delvers 8 years ago


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Latest Update

Unfortunately, this project was abandoned, but you can check out the new version of Celestial Conquest!