Install DivineJourney

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (DivineJourney) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select DivineJourney from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

DivineJourney Version 1.5.7-hotfix

created by Atricos on Minecraft 1.7.10

DivineJourney updated to version 1.5.7

Versions 1.5.6 + 1.5.7:
- Fixed only getting 2 Ichor instead of 8 when automating the Ichor recipe. I did this by adding a new item called "Ichor Bulb", which is the result of the Infusion recipe. Then you can craft that into 8 Ichor.
- Fixed the Nether Quartz / Pure Nether Quartz dupe issue when using Storage Drawers.
- The recipe for Wildwood Armor has been disabled as it could've been used as an exploit for regeneration for the purposes of Blood Magic.
- DivineRPG Eden, Wildwood, Apalachia, Skythern & Mortum blocks now take additional items to craft. I don't want to player to rush through all 5 dimensions at once.
- 9 Piles of Neutron can now be converted into a Neutronium Nugget.
- The Infinity Booster no longer requires a Nether Quartz Singularity, just a Diamond Lattice.
- Now you can correctly craft all the Thaumcraft Shard Seeds (not just Air Shard Seeds), now all of them require one simple additional item in the recipe, so the Infusion Altar doesn't get confused which one to craft.
- The Neutron Collector now requires no Infinity Catalyst (a Witchery Sun Collector instead), 2 less Fire Crystal Blocks but 1 more Air Crystal Block. Additionally, in easy mode, it requires nine times less Water & Fire Crystals. It's MUCH cheaper now.
- The Neutronium Compressor requires half as many Water & Fire Crystal blocks. Additionally, in easy mode, it requires nine times less Water & Fire Crystals.
- The Frozen Core (required for the Water Crystal) now only requires 1 Icy Core instead of 8.
- The Thermal Expansion Creative Energy Cell now only requires the Black Hole Rings instead of the Worldshaper's Looking Glasses, because those could crash the game in Singleplayer.
- ExtraTiC liquids can now be cast into ingots and blocks, and those ingots and blocks can be melted into liquids. This affects RedAurum, Dark Steel, Conductive Iron, Electrical Steel, Energetic Alloy, Redstone Alloy, Silicon, Soularium, Manasteel, Terrasteel, Elementium & VOID METAL.
- The Shovel of the Earthmoves now requires an additional Dirt Block, so the recipe doesn't conflict with the Shovel of the Purifier's recipe.
- There are new Tooltips on all MagicalCrops Seeds to explain how the Tiered crafting works.
- The Blood Altar has a Tooltip in Easy Mode to inform you to craft a Vibrant Capacitor Bank to unlock its quest.
- Nether Shards and Ender Shards have a Tooltip now to explain how to obtain them.
- Removed the Thaumcraft Shard Ore Dictionary to fix various bugs it caused.
- Disabled the Pythogenic Insolator recipe. It simplified obtaining a lot of farmable items, including Chaoticrum Seeds. (I couldn't find a way of removing recipes that automatically get added by this block, so this is the only solution I see.)
- Enchanted Fabric now only requires a Mana Pearl instead of 1 Spellbinding Cloth durability. It was impossible to autocraft the Fabric otherwise, because the Arcane Assembler didn't accept damaged items.
- Fixed Creative Flux Capacitors not functioning, and not completing their quest. Old Creative Flux Capacitors can be converted into new, working ones by crafting.
- Fixed Creative Capacitor Banks not functioning. Old Creative Capacitor Banks can be converted into new, working ones by crafting.
- In Easy Mode, Creative Flux Capacitors now require regular Manyullin Blocks instead of Fancy ones (to make it consistant with Hard Mode).
- Disabled the recipes of BiblioCraft Fancy Workbenches due to a duplication bug.
- The Twilight Forest Uncrafting Table was disabled before, but now a Tooltip also confirms this.
- Added Tooltips on how to obtain the following items: Attuned Stone (Charged), Spectral Dust, Whispy Cotton, Disturbed Cotton, Seer Stone, Toe of Frog, Owlet's Wing, Melliflous Hunger, Brew of Flowing Spirit, Brew of Sleeping, Demon Heart, Torment, Demonic Contract, Soul of Torment Demon, Wormwood, Grassper.
- Added a Warning Tooltip on Robes of the Stratosphere (Ichor Chestplate): "Standing near Botania Mana bursts while wearing this item could cause the bursts to shoot up in the air, never hit a block and never despawn. These never-despawning Mana Burst entities could potentially completely lag out a server. Wear with caution!"
- Corrected some Tooltip spelling mistakes.

Server update from other 1.5.X versions to 1.5.7:
- Replace the config & modpack folders with the new ones from this download:

If you modified your pack with custom mods and configs, you can still make this update from the 1.5.5 Version:
- Download the latest server files from here:
- Replace the old modpack folder with the new one from the download.
- Replace the config\custommainmenu folder with the new one from the download.
- Replace the config\CustomThings folder with the new one from the download.
Atricos posted a changelog update for DivineJourney 6 years ago


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Latest Update

DivineJourney was updated to version 1.5.7-hotfix