Install Galactic Science Official

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Galactic Science Official) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Galactic Science Official from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Galactic Science Official Version 1.6.10

created by MineYourMind on Minecraft 1.7.10
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I don't know if you'll see it but, I would want you update the modpack, because... somethings him turn the game more hard, like let the energy always on, lava production still very slow even if I'm using pure awesomite block and you could explore more of nuclearcraft crafting table, making some hard craftings and other stuffs, because... on modpack, we keep very limited from everything, including uranium, and of course, add ex compressum and thermal expansion, those mods could be cool if had on the game.
miles_games 1 year ago
I tried to play Galactic Science and it just does not work. After i load a world its just a gary screen. What do i do?
Qbikzz 2 years ago
I installed the modpack and have tried playing in singleplayer but every time I created or entered a world, the game crashed. I managed to not crash before spawning in the world once, but the game quickly froze. I also tried joining the Official Server once, but the game also crashed. Any advice?
Vasirius 3 years ago
On what version is this mod pack running on??
loltrox 4 years ago
Why i canĀ“t travel to earth? Is there some sort of file/code that disables travelling to earth? If there is please let me know. Or is there som sort of mod list that this modpack have?
StudioFled 6 years ago
You should know when aou read the story that earth was completly "destroyed", but when you still want to go to earth then you must change the galacticcraft config.
Posted by ApolloxYT 5 years ago
can you please fix the authentication on server i wanna play with my friend but he can t authenticate
PlazmaIphoneCZ 7 years ago
can you add the more planets mod it has different tiers of rockets going up to tier 8
mooser287 7 years ago
can you add the warp drive mod plz? It is kind of a space mod.
mooser287 7 years ago
Why seerver doesn't Work??
Matix33 7 years ago
add creative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PabloPlayzzz 7 years ago
EPIC mudpack. One thing though... I don't know how to get string for the sieve quest.
ZachPlayzMine 8 years ago
Nice Modpack! I'd like you to add Ex Compressum though, 'cause it would make getting the resources in earlygame much easier
Maunzo 8 years ago
please fix the server from crashing (I know about the server restarts but these are more random) i would frequently lose tons of progress. Still the modpack and servers are great
CalvinClan 8 years ago
Please Add (mod) Applied Energistics
jetblack_99 8 years ago
Galactic Sciences 1.6.3 : Force Missings Block/Items 48... I not game !!!!
Yvan1302 8 years ago
Everytime when i want to start with my rocket from the moon (i am sitting in and just waiting for the start), by the Countdown when there is 9 seconds then it crashes Can someone help me?
GhostPlayHD 8 years ago
The Questbook wont open AT ALL HALP ADMINS-Tiger
RKTiger 8 years ago
The Questbook wont open AT ALL HALP ADMINS-Tiger
RKTiger 8 years ago
can even play then I tried to reinstall the mudpack but it did not work
codyred 8 years ago
server is to laggie make it so it is maltuple worlds with the same spawn and you can invite people to your world
codyred 8 years ago

Latest Update

Galactic Science Official was updated to version 1.6.10