Install Big Dig

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Big Dig) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Big Dig from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Big Dig Version 1.3.14

created by sct on Minecraft 1.5.2 using Technic Solder

Version 1.3.14 - Recommended

Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
Applied Energistics is a Minecraft Mod which contains some basic tools, some electric tools, and an advanced storage system called ME that lets you store items compactly, and in the way you want.

Applied Energistics - ME Networks provide:

Simple but robust automation tools, and great support for working with other other automation mods.
Includes a system which lets you create and use an automated crafting system.
Ways to include other storage from other mods or the vanilla game.
Lets you monitor your storage and trigger things via redstone.
Ways to alter your setup on redstone signal.
Save yourself a little time with wireless storage access.
Artifice by Shukaro
Beautiful improvements to worldgen, with new cosmetic blocks.
Atomic Science by Calclavia
Electricity generation is always a heavy burden. That's why we are here to bring in high tech nuclear power to solve all your electricity deficiency problems. With our fission reactors, fusion reactors, antimatter generators and thorium power, you won't be short of electricity ever again! Note that this mod is still in alpha stage so documentation on items are not done properly.
Better Anvils by vdvman1
Eliminates the experience cap when repairing items on the anvil.
Better Storage by copygirl
Adds more storage options, like Storage Crates, Backpacks, Reinforced Chests, Lockers, Armor Stands, as well as locks and keys for its chests.
Big Dig Configs
bspkrs Core by bspkrs
The core dependency mod for all bspkrs mods.
BuildCraft by SpaceToad, Krapht, SirSengir, Covert_Jaguar, AlexIIL
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
Buildcraft Additional Pipes by Flow86
Buildcraft: Logistic Pipes by RS485 and LP Team
Logistics Pipes is an extensive overhaul of the Buildcraft pipe system. It allows for better distribution of items via pipes, more organised stockkeeping and easier automated crafting.
Chococraft by Torojima
CodeChickenCore by chicken_bones
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion, at its core, is a 'tech' mod - it's a mod of what ifs. For example, what if you could turn water into ice or snow with a machine? Or how about a machine that could combine lava and water however you choose? What if there were a wool that didn't burn? Or, what if you could set up advanced yet extremely compact production chains that didn't require redstone engines or complex pipe routing? If any of that interests you, then you may want to check this out.
CoFH OmniTools by KingLemmingCoFH
This is an implementation of something that I know a lot of people have wanted, a wrench that works on many different mods: BuildCraft (and Forestry, RailCraft, Thermal Expansion), IndustrialCraft, and all Universal Electricity mods as well.
ComputerCraft by dan200
Add's Lua based computers to the game
ComputerCraft: Immibis's Peripherals by immibis
A grab bag of great peripherals- RFID, magnetic cards, and sound speakers!
Dimensional Anchors by immibis
This is a block that loads chunks. There is a limit on the number of chunks each non-op player can load in SMP, and each chunk loader can load an adjustable area.
Dimensional Doors by StevenRS11, DimensionalDevelopment, The_Computerizer
This mod adds doors to Minecraft that open up to individual pocket Dimensions. In addition to these doors, it also adds several other features that help the player manipulate reality, forming rifts, linking dimensions, and even sending them to places they really should have never been.
Dungeon Pack by stuuupiiid
Enchanting Plus by mssodin28, GnRSlash,Qizzok, xkyouchoux
This mod completely gets rid of the randomness of enchanting and allows you to pick what YOU want on your tools! It will register enchantments that other mods add and will show up for the appropriate tool.
Ender Ore by Shukaro
Mineable Ender pearls, never hunt Endermen again!
EnderStorage by Ecu/chicken_bones, covers1624
EnderStorage is a mod that offers a means to store your items in The END, causing them to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. All EnderStorage makes use of the magic of colors to link storage with its little piece of The END. Any EnderStorage with the same color code share inventory (even across dimensions). Currently there are two types of storage, EnderChest and EnderPouch.
Equivalent Exchange 3 by Pahimar
This mod allows you to transmute tons of materials into other materials.
Forestry by Sir Sengir, mezz, Covert_Jaguar, MysteriousAges, Nedelosk, ramidzkh
Forestry deals with farming, renewable energy production as well as the breeding of trees, bees and butterflies in Minecraft.
Forestry: Extra Bees by Binnie
So many new bee species! Bees can make rocks, bees can make Ender Pearls, bees can make metals, bees can make anything!
Galacticraft by micdoodle8, teamgalacticraft, ROMVoid95
Galacticraft allows you to explore the solar system in your own spaceship. Travel throughout the solar system, create and customize your very own spaceship, and explore new planets and moons!
Greg's Lighting by Greg Ewing
Greg's Lighting adds massive floodlights to the game which can improve your base's convenience and attractiveness.
ICBM by Calclavia
ICBM is a Minecraft Mod that introduces intercontinental ballistic missiles to Minecraft. But the fun doesn't end there! This mod also features many different explosives, missiles and machines classified in three different tiers. If strategic warfare, carefully coordinated airstrikes, messing with matter and general destruction are up your alley, then this mod is for you!
Immibis Core by immibis
Immibis Microblocks by immibis
Chop up your blocks into microblocks to create beautiful works of art, hide unsightly wiring and pipes, and generally spruce up your base.
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
Tweaks your inventory handling to be more intuitive. Break your iron sword in the heat of battle and don't have time to replace it? No worries, if you have another one handy in your inventory it will automatically be moved into the last slot it was used! Works with all stacked items!
Iron Chests by cpw
IronChests adds several new chests to the game. One for each type of metal. You can even upgrade them!
Jar modification Mods
Rest of Mods not yet seperated out
Lumy Skin Patch by Lumy79
Lumy Skin Patch repairs skins for Minecraft because Mojang no longer supports skins for No-UUID Minecraft versions. Lumy Skin Patch uses the current Mojang API to load the skin texture.
Magical Crops by Mark719
Every get bored of mining all the time for resources? Want a new way of collecting them? Magical Crops gives you the ability to grow your own resources! Grow Diamonds, Coal, Emeralds or even Experience, Now go and create a vast farm for all your needs!
MFFS by Calclavia
Modular Force Field System is a Minecraft mod that brings in modular force fields into Minecraft. Ever tired of nuclear explosions blowing up your house or want to prevent people from entering your secret bases? MFFS is the mod for you!
MineChem by ljdp and Rushmead
Chemistry in minecraft! Break down materials into test tubes full of pure elements and then perform experiments to recombine them into something entirely different!
MineFactory Reloaded by Powercrystals
A way to automatically farm plants and animals, as well some new rail tracks! With this mod you can set up a completely automated farm for any of these things that requires no real work aside from collecting the harvests and reloading the planter, without incredibly complex and unwieldy water/piston solutions. And you can milk cows to death or otherwise run livestock farms if you need those resources. Oh and it has conveyor belts too.
Modular Power Suits by MachineMuse
MachineMuse’s Modular Powersuits is a mod based around the idea of an inventor who tinkers with high-tech electronics and makes a suit of powered armor chock-full of useful gadgets and features. Inspired by heroes like Iron Man, Megaman, and Samus Aran, as well as by the high-tech armor in other mods like EE2 and IC2.
Monster Spawn Highlighter by Lunatrius
A slick UI improvement to display blocks where different kinds of mobs are able to spawn- in the daytime and in the night time.
MPS Addons by Andrew2448/Eximius88
Additional buildable modules for Modular Power Suits, including the auto-feeder, kinetic generator, item magnet, and more!

Unofficially updated for 1.6.4 by Eximius88.
Mystcraft by XCompWiz
Travel to other worlds with the lost art of the D'ni. Craft worlds to your liking, but beware of writing too greedily or too sternly, or you will face perilous instability!
Natura by mDiyo, ProgWML6, Alexbegt
Natura is a mod that aims to spice up the world with interesting worldgen. With a few small additions, hunger no longer has to be about hunting animals early game. The mod is mostly intuitive; everything should be sensible or explained in-game.
Nether Ores by Powercrystals
This is a fairly basic mod. It makes the eight 'ores' - coal, diamond, gold, iron, lapis, redstone, sopper and tin - spawn in the nether so that you have a reason to go there.
Not Enough Items by chicken_bones
NEI is a successor to both Too Many Items and Recipe Book. It arose around the same time as Craft Guide when Alexandria and a few others on the IRC suggested that I merge both Too Many Items and Recipe Book to remove their greatest flaws, ironically too many items, or in the case of recipe book, too many recipies. Too Many Items was great, but the one thing it lacked was an easy way to search and sort your items. When you had a mod like Red Power coming along with 10000 items both TMI and Recipe Book were racking up the pages. Even if you don't want to use NEI for cheating in items, you will likely feel right at home with the Recipe component of the mod.
Not Enough Items: Plugins by Mystaqur
Additional NEI support for Buildcraft, Forestry, Tinker's Construct, Minefactory Reloaded, and others.
Obsidiplates by Myrathi
New pressure plates made from blocks of obsidian (that only work when players step on them) or mossy cobble (that only work when NPCs step on them). You can craft one of these over a block of wool to make silent versions (that don't make clicking sounds). You can craft any of those four variants in the middle of alternating nether quartz and glowstone dust to make shrouded (see-through) versions. Smelting a silent or hidden plate will return a noisy, visible one.
Open Peripheral by OpenMods team
This mod is quite unlike any peripheral you've used before, because:

1) You don't need it installed client-side if you're playing in multiplayer
2) It doesn't use any item IDs or block IDs, so installing is just a case of dropping it into the mods folder
3) You'll rarely need to update it. Methods are all pulled from a remotely hosted configuration file in the github repository, so it'll regularly update without you needing to do anything

What does it do?

It turns various blocks within the game into peripherals, and exposes methods for you to call from the computer.
OpenCCSensors by Cloudy and Mikee
OpenCCSensors is an open source add-on mod for ComputerCraft which gives your computers the ability to retrieve information about the area around them.
Pam's Wee! Flowers by Pam, with help from Rhodox
Powercrystals Core by Powercrystals
The Core mod for all Powercrystals related mods
Project Bench by _bau5
This is a very simple mod that only adds one thing to the game, the Project Bench. It's a simple block that is one part crafting bench, one part chest. It gives you the ability to place a recipe in the crafting area and make it multiple times with the supplies from the chest portion of it. There are 18 total spaces that will supply items to craft for the recipe if it is needed.
Rei's Minimap by ReiFNSK
An amazing minimap display at the top right corner of the screen. Check out the thread above for a full list of all the features available with this mod.
Rotten Flesh to Leather by Epic Blargh and thesbros
Cook zombie flesh into leather in an ordinary furnace!
SecretRoomsMod by AbrarSyed, wyn_price
Disguise blocks, hide entrances, and turn your base into a mystery!
Soul Shards by Shadw Drgn
Trap mob souls in a crystal, and then use it to power a mob spawner!
Starting Inventory by DaftPVF and bspkrs
Configure your game to begin with the starting resources you want: armor, food, torches, and more. Even change the bonus chest!
Thermal Expansion by KingLemmingCoFH
Thermal Expansion, at its core, is a 'tech' mod - it's a mod of what ifs. For example, what if you could turn water into ice or snow with a machine? Or how about a machine that could combine lava and water however you choose? What if there were a wool that didn't burn? Or, what if you could set up advanced yet extremely compact production chains that didn't require redstone engines or complex pipe routing? If any of that interests you, then you may want to check this out.
Tinkers Construct by mDiyo, boni, KnightMiner
TConstruct is a mod about putting tools together in a wide variety of ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever.
Trade Booth by aeroc
The Trade Booth Mod adds two interactive blocks that facilitate 24 hour offline/away player trading, especially useful for servers! Create shops, restaurants, newbie hubs, whatever!
Treecapitator by bspkrs, DaftPVF, ZenCoder
Chop down a tree with a single mighty blow!
UE Mekanism by Aidancbrady
Mekanism brings 5 new sets of tools and armor, a new types of tools and weapons, more explosives, magic items, weather and time control, powerful machines, a new kind of bow and arrow, lightning rods, and a few other features into Minecraft. Even better, it's open source.
UE Mekanism Generators by Aidancbrady
Component of Mekanism
UE Mekanism Tools by Aidancbrady
Component of Mekanism
Useful Food by Silentspy
Craft yourself a meal with new mutton and squid tentacle drops, and crafted recipes such as smoothies, cheese, sandwiches, and more. Many foods have buff effects or cure poison!

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.