Install Aeon Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aeon Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aeon Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aeon Pack Version 3.0.5

created by NEXUS2345 on Minecraft 1.10.2 using Technic Solder
Finally fixed Thaumcraft Black Screen issue with this update. Also updated Thaumic Energistics, this fixes the crash when right clicking the Essentia Terminal.
Latest version of the AeonPack was released. A few config changes and updated mods. Click this box and leave a reply if you're having any issues.
Weekends over. D: Latest update just released, changelog is inside the modpack.
An issue with inventory synchronization has been found by players. We're looking into the cause and will update you as we progress, or if we find a fix.
Ken installed the wrong version of AE2 Stuff for our version of Applied Energistics. This update should fix that. (*stares at Ken and sighs... again*)
NEXUS2345 8 years ago
Issue fixed, sorry about that.
Derped a bit and forgot to include Blood Magic and Fast Leaf Decay. Working on fixing asap.
Added Avaritisa, Mine and Blade and Resource Loader; Updated Blood Magic and majorly customized the packs main menu. Added crafting recipes for Applied Energistics Skystone and Silicon Presses.
Working on a massive update to the pack. Bringing in a few mods to improve the quality of the updates I can push out.
Just a heads up, the pre-installed server doesn't allow griefing in the Overworld, it's allowed in all other dimensions though. Some people seemed to get pissed off when they found out they griefing wasn't allowed.
Fixed a small mistake on my part that was messing with FTB Utilities claim system and home system.
Added a custom build of Big Reactors to fix a crash that sometimes happens when chunk loading messes up. Also added Storage Drawers and updated a few mods.
Fixed a Biomes O Plenty Biome ID conflict with Taint Magic. Also added HUD Widgets.
Fixed an issue with Biomes O Plenty, Tainted Magic and Botania that required me to remove it from Solder and add it back to solder, and apparently required me to bump the build version up to
Updated a lot of mods and tweaked some configs to improve performance.
Made most if not all mods use RF as its energy identifier, added CoFHTweaks server side to try and combat world generation lag.
Fixed Immersive Engineering generating it's ores.
A few configuration file changes.
Updated NEI Integration to version 1.0.13 to fix the crash it causes.
First beta build of the Aeon Pack is now released and ready to be tested.

Latest Update

Aeon Pack was updated to version 3.0.5