Technic News


Big Dig is now an official Technic modpack!

Good news everyone! Big Dig is now an official Technic modpack. What does this mean for you? It means that the Technic Launcher will now feature Big Dig automatically by default without having to input a Platform URL.

CanVox has put in a ton of effort putting together Big Dig and it has shown. It has consistently been the top Platform pack since launch and continues to thrive. The only downside is that he had to pay out of pocket for all the bandwidth he was using, and it was a lot of bandwidth. Having Big Dig as an official Technic modpack allows us to provide the files from our main mirror.

Big Dig will soon have its own official modpack page featured under "Our Modpacks" as well. This will include an always up-to-date list of all the mods included in Big Dig as well as links to the server files. We will also soon be adding a new area for Big Dig on our donations page.

We hope you continue to enjoy Big Dig. CanVox will still be maintaining the pack but now as an official Technic staff member. So welcome aboard!